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Other than sex, what activities do you do in the nude...

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I love to swim in our pool naked.
? A True Story ?
Well I eat in the nude, game in the nude and watch tv in the nude lol
Sleep, sunbath. Wait everything unless I'm in public!
That's my problem. I'm out in public too much. Why didn't I notice sooner.
If I'm in my house I'm naked. If I'm in my back yard, I'm naked. If I'm in a hotel room, I naked. If I step out into the hotel hallway, I've been naked. If I'm at the beach, I might be naked. Sometimes I drive naked. I've gone out though the mailbox naked. Is that enough?
Sleep, play guitar, swim and cook
There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

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Sleep, sunbathe when I get the chance.
Lets see riding horses nude definitely. Wow I do a lot in the nude. Sunbath, sit by campfires, always nude traveling in the motorhome sometimes just driving, been on tractors nude, always nude at hotels, I flash nude a lot, How's that???
Try to be nude when I can
Sleep, housework, shower, plus I'm always naked under my clothes !! ?
Sleep, swim, treadmill, sometimes house work, and sunbathing. It's been awhile but I use to ride around as a passenger in the car naked.

Shower and fold laundry, through usually slide pair of panties on while folding so technically not nude but mostly.
We live in the country so it's pretty easy to be naked whenever I want. In the summertime I've sometimes gone a couple of days without putting on anything at all.
I like to sleep in the nude but if it's really cold I wear just a t-shirt. Walk around the house in the nude whenever I can. I'm mostly nude while I'm reading the stories on here, or chatting in the chat rooms. I would like to sunbathe in the nude but I don't think the neighbors would like it!
Watching TV
Having dinner
In the mornings I usually have first cup of coffee in the nude
In the evenings I'm nude laying on the couch reading
I enjoy getting home from work, putting the heating on, and getting rid of the clothing. I do however wear an apron when cooking, hot fat hurts.
There's a nude bike ride in Portland every year
I like being naked in the shower
I love being nude. I love sitting on my couch and read or watch TV nude.
swimming and laundry come tomind first, sun bathing and sometimes breakfast...
nature walks in the fresh air.
I love vacuuming and cleaning in the nude!! Part of me always hopes somebody is walking by and catches a glimpse through the windows!
Hang out at home. As a male theres some risk of getting criminal charges if I'm naked wrong place wrong time in public.
pretty much everything...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.