Are there any ladies out there who just cant, no matter what you have tried, orgasm from intercourse alone??
I cant without clitoral stimulation but some positions mean i cant get the reach i need so i often go without. I never thought of myself as strange until i met my partner who was more than upset and disappointed to find he couldnt make me orgasm from sex alone, i think he felt deflated and that it was his fault and it has taken months and months to reassure him that its not a him thing, its me. It doesnt mean the sex is bad, far from it but its just something that doesnt happen for me.
I once read that most women have this issue but ive actually never known anyone and my partner insists he has never been with anyone before who had this problem so id love to know about others.
I never orgasm doggy style; that does nothing for me; infact I could write a shopping list while I'm on my elbows ha ha. I have tried to enjoy it, but there is no satisfaction I get from being pounded like a female dog from behind.
I can only orgasm when I'm on top, even better if the bloke has some stubble from a previous shave around the groin area and more so If I've shaved that area too. The the sensation is heavenly and I need my nipples tweeking while having sex, there seems a definate connection between the stimulation on both the nipples and my clit that gives me a deeper orgasm than if I just masturbated myself. I think empotions have a lot to do with orgasming with a partner. I know as a woman, my mental buttons need to be pushed so dirty talk deffo get's my senses hightented.
I guess you have to figure out what your body likes and experiment.ju4IXSTJYsep9Tmm
Most women can't orgasm without clitoral stimulation. My cumming position is with me on top, basically gliding back and forth so that my clit rubs against his hard-on.
Your partner has probably been with girls who were faking it.
I've never orgasmed during sex at all, or through fingers, oral, nothing. Only ever by masturbation when im alone. For me, its an intimacy thing, i cant seem to relax and just let go and be seen in that vunerable state. Lately though ive been getting so much better and recently have been close so i think its a matter of practice. Im sure once i break down that barrier i wont be able to stop! Also i havent had much exerience of doggy so i wouldnt know but being on top is definately the best postion for me as i can stimulate my clit and lips at the same time. And the nipple tweaking thing helps!!
Ive read that ALOT of wome cant orgasm through intercourse alone and need clitoral stimulation in some way so you're definately not alone.
I think your partner said he's never been with someone who didnt orgasm is because, and men dont take this the wrong way, alot of men actually dont know when a woman has and hasnt orgasmed. Theres been plenty of times when a guy thinks he's satisfied me and i was just getting started. Either that or the girls were faking or too nice to say that they didnt cum
I had all the above problems with orgasm (if you want to call it that) when younger. Orgasm is a learned art I think and I know from experience that, where once there was none, a day comes when, just a touch can cause the enviable without fail. Call it something learned or call it something earned. Either way it's sweet. : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I am very orgasmic and with a larger clitoris than most other woman, which may be a major factor. But certainly if I am on top I will have much more control and can get there to the first orgasm more quickly.
I you have a caring partner why would you fake an orgasm. I am sure he wants you to have a wonderful experience as much as you do.
Tell him what you need and what feels good. Travel to that place of total ecstasy together
Orgasms during actual sex are a bonus for me. If I do, it's likely because he's been going down on me first or I'm fingering myself whilst in missionary.
My first wife did not orgasm easily , making love in the missionary position ; but when she rode me on top she was multi-orgasmic ; on one occasion I counted 28 in quick succession . I am not convinced that a woman's ability to orgasm is totally physical ; I think it is largely in the mind . many girls in former years were conditioned by their mothers that sex was dirty , that sex was an absolute NO NO , as in Nancy Friday's " My Mother/My Self ".
My second wife has the tiniest vulva and clitoris , but orgasms nearly every time . She tells me that her mother never spoke about sex , so she knew almost nothing of what to expect when she got married the first time .
I believe orgasm is more in the mind than the body .
I can orgasm from intercourse alone but it takes longer and i find the sex has to be quit hard and fast to stimulate me enough.
I'm lucky enough to have a man who loves to watch me (or him) play with my clit while he fucks me, in any position. so the combi is a sure fired winned everytime!!
sweeeet xxx
I can only achieve orgasm during intercourse when I'm on top, no other position will get me there.
Clitoral stimulation through oral sex and finger play are the only other successful methods for me.
call me lucky i guess, i'm a squirting machine most times, with my gf or even solo and rubbing my nipples dose it everyyyyyyy time! (care to watch) hehe
I am the same way with anal. I need to touch myself to get off.
I cum easily from vaginal intercourse though. All positions work for me. Straddling gives me the best control. I can usually stop them from coming before I do.
I have less control with a hard fuck from behind but that doesn't matter because i cum hard, fast, and often when i am fucked hard from behind.
Maybe the opposite is true for you. Have you tried anal?
I have a much harder time having an orgasm from intercourse alone...but once I have a few clitoral orgasms first, then it's like it triggers something inside and makes it easier for me.
Hear you loud and clear. It only happened once for me and have written it off as a glorious anomaly. Every other time I have to reach in but so what, if it gets the job done.
any way she wants to do it is fine with me--I'll figure out a way to get there