ok ladies.... whats your take on an older guy dating a younger woman.... ok so the guy is old enough to be her dad say? I got lambasted in a chat room when it was brought up... when I was 44 I was dating a girl who was 21. I didn't force her to be with me. Your take please?
Well, I personally couldn't date someone as old as my dad...or even close to him. Creepy when these older guys hit on you when clubbing. That being said, what floats someones else's boat is none of my business and I really don't have a care about it. If both involved are happy then whose business is it? Just isn't my cup of tea.
After my divorce I sort of re-entered the dating scene and had to set myself up with a new place etc. I found that a lot of younger gals showed plenty of interest in "dating" me, an older guy. I was 44 at the time, however I perhaps didn't look like an older guy. No grey hair or balding and I was in pretty good shape.
Anyway I was hooking up with 20 year olds all the time. Comments were that they didn't like dating younger guys because of experiance, maturity, etc. it never was an issue for me either. They were all old enough to think for themselves.
As Kristin says, to each his own, whatever makes you happy.
Dating an older man has advantages, same goes for young guys. Older men can be sexually more experienced, relaxed, attentive. They're usually not into 'drama', are more financially organised. (I'm NOT saying how much money they have is an issue). Personally I find older guys attractive but not for only those reasons.
A 44yo man with a 21yo Girl? If they like each other, who cares? I certainly wouldn't frown upon it. If a 60yo man wants to be with a 21yo and vice versa, isn't it their own business? Age is a number, not a state of mind as they say..
I always had a thing for dating older guys when I was younger, see the first 2 stories I posted on here!
I am still attracted to the 40 something guy, so I don't know now if it was just the fact they were older than me, or that I just like 40 something men!...so watch out for when I'm in my 70's! lol x
Good comments all....
Yes, I see the allure for older guys dating younger women, sexually. But for me, past a certain age spread, normally that is about all the allure is, sexual. The common frames of interest and experiences tend to really drop off.
And I can see the allure for younger gals with older guys too. But that tends to also depend on how good the older guy looks, and if he looks his age or not, is in shape, etc. I say this because I tend to get told I look at least 10 years younger than I am, and I know guys my age that look 10 or more years OLDER than they are. So there isn't really a set standard from what I have seen. If it is a fit and attractive older guy, most of the time no one even thinks twice about it. But if he is out of shape or LOOKS old, then you tend to see the "he is as old as my/your dad" type comments.
The same things tend to hold true in reverse too.... if the girl is 20 or so, but LOOKS like she is 15, you will get some comments. But if she is "mature" looking, but young, and he is fit and good looking; I think most don't give it much thought.
So it all depends. There is no real one answer covers all "couples" who have a large age gap.
I find the whole "older men are more attentive/caring lovers, more respectful, and mature about relationships and sex" to be total BS. Old guys looking for younger girls can be just as douchey and selfish in bed as a young guy. I haven't seen age gaps bring anything more to the table than a girl could get with a guy closer to her own age, other than cash and financial security. I'm not against these pairings, but I would take it on a case by case basis. The generalization that older guys have more to offer as far as sex and emotions go because of their experience, however, is a total fallacy.
It would seem that "People are People" and we exist on a spectrum, at any particular time we can move up and down that spectrum depending upon where we are at any one point, be it age, gender, preferences, sexual orientation or our preference for marmite. Let us rejoice at the wonders of the human experience....go humans.TyXfB5OYN9UIEUEW
As a 19 yr old Im into older guys. My first "older" guy was 22. I was under 18... He didnt force me into anything. As a matter if fact he was reluctant but I seduced him anyway.
Ive been with several married, older guys. The oldest was 42. There is alot of flirting and alot cross the line. Im no expert but alot have marital problems. There is the thrill of that . I satisfy the babysitter fantasies they have.