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Nice guy, or bad boy?

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Im sure its been a topic before, but wasnt able to find it. Anyway, what do the ladies here prefer in real life and then on lush?
Do you prefer a nice guy that respects you, or a bad boy thats all in it for himself?
I think having a nice balance between the two is always good! I want a man who respects me, but also isn't afraid to have a few "bad boy" tendencies. They can be pretty sexy!
It can depend on my mood. Generally, in real life a nice guy; a bad boy is a nice fantasy though.
My brother always says he wants a good girl who is a bad girl in the bedroom. I think that is true for most women too ;) Or maybe a nice guy who looks like he just got out of jail lol
what, i can't have both?

i thought this was all you could eat.
I love a rugged looking guy that can pull out all the stops as a gentleman and relentless badboy. Mmmm...
I like nice boys. Who wants a bad guy who will cheat on you with your best friend and then claim he didnt, even after I cought him going down on her but claiming he was doing cpr to her vagina because she was choking on her tampon. Bad boys are liars I will never fall for that one again.
Quote by Naughty_Talia
My brother always says he wants a good girl who is a bad girl in the bedroom. I think that is true for most women too ;) Or maybe a nice guy who looks like he just got out of jail lol

This is what I like. I love guys who are nice and treat me with respect, but are not pushovers who will kiss my ass (I mean figuratively, I want them to literally kiss it, LOL!!) and always give me my way. I love confidence but not arrogance. But I love the bad boy look. Always had a thing for Rock Musicians and Bikers!
I feel actual demeanor vs look is an important factor when facing the good/bad dilemma.

In terms of attitude, I think most girls would prefer good guys : caring about her needs, being trustworthy, general social reciprocity, etc.

For the looks, I think bad has the upper hand : can stand his ground, have confidence, can protect the lady, etc.

I'm a man, but my guess would be that most girls prefer good demeanor / bad-ass looks kind of guy, to varying degrees of preference.