In class room during lecture when i was 18 , class was very boared and i can see a girls inner thigh who sitting in front banch.
I masturbated on a plane once. Was easy, coat or jumper over my lap, skirt up slighty and just slowly played until quiet climax.
once i get handjob from my gf while i was riding my motorbile ,i cum while my bike on fun and thrill...
either the church bath room, like a few others, or a nordstroms dressing room
I masturbated a bit at my job's bathroom once. That's about the naughtiest place I can think of at the moment.
my sisters bedroom watching her porn stash of Jenna Jamison's "where the Boys Aren't" lesbo flicks.
In my car, driving to work while thinking of harrymunk.
While parasailing on Paradise Island. I reached my hand into my shorts for a bit but did not cum and was only for about 30 sec or so, but was so exciting to do!
porn shop in my classroom
In the womens restroom of my work. Not to naughty except the owner of the company came in while I was beating the meat stick and used the stall next to me. That was a rush. I came harder than ever that time. Hit the wall behind me. Had to really fight the moan and groan off.
I had a mutual masturbation session with my girlfriend in a public library. It was hot as hell because the library was deadly quiet and we could have been caught
i have masturb at many hot places like in car, library, hotel, school, public garden, kitchen, running train, airplane, busn more places................
my office; my sisterlaws bed; while driving;
when I was a teen my girlfriend was the biggest teas. so when I would leave I would do it in the car driving home.
In a phone booth, also outside this girls house in the front lawn while I watched her thru a plate glass window.
in the drivers seat while stuck in traffic, smiling the whole time at those stuck in traffic with me, I dont think anyone saw ;)
lol now that i think about it a couple smiled back. I wonder what they were doing?
In a plane between two complete strangers while they slept.
Crowded afternoon bus this past Saturday.