I like natural scents - I think that "Mother Nature" has added in a bunch of pheremones and other little aromas on purpose... but there is a difference between being clean and smelly rank putrid -- You can go days withour a shower or bath and smell just fine - just observe "common sense" hygiene: if you've spilled something organic on yourself that will ferment, rinse it off. When you take a dump, make sure you get all the poop off the hair. If you have been sweating a lot, my biology friends say some people's sweat can start fermenting yeast and stuff and and grow bacteria it shouldn't - just rinse off in water. Even cavepeople did stuff like that.
I watch movies - like "Game of Thrones" or one of the Viking sagas - and wonder if people in those conditions really reeked..... I can't imagine going up to a Viking or a knight from Winterfell and starting a blowjob, just to find out he's been fucking girls (and guys?) left and right for weeks and hasn't washed .... not exactly something I want to put in my mouth...
But I've been camping, me and my friends no showers for days, just a simple rinse - and "things" smell fine - sometimes even sexy and manly.....