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My wife and my figure drawing class question?

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Rookie Scribe
I’m an old guy in a solid marriage for 48 years. My wife has always supported me in my artistic endeavors, working at my side doing shows and supporting other aspects of the business. I made my living mostly doing sculptures but continue to draw to keep my skills sharp. I started taking a figure drawing class last week at the university. My wife knew that I would be drawing nude female models but when she saw my sketches from the first class she got very depressed, saying her self image was low being overweight and here I am staring at those thin young naked models for 3 hours. I told her, no problem, I would drop the class. Later she told me not to drop the class. She said that I don’t choose what kind of books she can read and she shouldn’t let her bad self image stop me from taking the figure drawing class.

Aside from me helping her improve her self-image (which she admits that I do), I wanted a ladies perspective on the question; Should I drop the class? It is not a class I need for credits, just something I wanted to take to keep my drawing skills sharp.. Mostly I draw landscapes and I wanted to improve my skills drawing the human form. I don’t want my wife to feel uncomfortable. What are you thoughts? I thinking that she would feel bad if I dropped it but I’m not convinced that she would feel good if I continued the class. Any advice from a woman’s perspective would be greatly appreciated. Thanks from an oldguy9
I think she's already told you what she wants. Seems you want to make her comfortable and happy. Since you know her better than anyone, you should know how she'd feel if you stayed. Perhaps if she came and sat in on a class, that is if you want to stay. Met the models, talked to the teacher and other students? Or if it's no big deal to you, quit and tell her you blew it off. No big deal Hon. And take another kind of class drawing the human form. Without nude women in them.
Active Ink Slinger
I think you need to do what your heart tells you. You know your wife and only you and your wife can decide what is best. I would give the suggestions that Chefkathleen made a try. When someone is not an artist they dont realize that everything becomes lines. I dont know about you but I know as an amature artist I was concentrating on getting the drawing just right instead of thinking "that dude is... or that girl is.... Drawing becomes about dimensions, lighting, shading, and depth. You might also tell her....yea she is young and all that but I want a girl who is my gift, not for everyone to see. Everyone can see a naked body but not everyone can see the body I love. I know in my class I had to practice drawing. Ask her to be a subject. Make it fun. Draw her if or when she takes a bath or maybe while she getting dress. You can fill in the details as they come about and suprise her. I know I would love it. Show her that our bodies are not suppose to be perfect. Sometimes as we age/or have kids we gain weight. so what. That person that you fell in love with is still inside and she needs to know that. I know having my car accident and not being able to run 5 miles a day tends to let you pack on the pounds. Tell her and show her that its not the body that is sexy but how you carry yourself. If you feel sexy then you will look sexy. Society and especially the media says we are suppose to be super thin, but we live in the real world. I would rather be overweight and happy than to be slim and miserable.
Rookie Scribe
Thanks chefkathleen and Notenough for your thoughtful replys. I needed a womans' perspective. I will invite her to class with me. It is near one of our favorate restaurants that we can go to before class and near one of her close friends if she doesn't want to spend 3 hours in the class room.