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My fellow females... Being told 'no'...

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Artistic Tart
"See this??" Great detective work, MP.

I take the heat every day, but you sure enjoy reminding me of your cliche's so go ahead. It's a rich mix of immaturity, condescension, judgemental attitude, and barely-concealed rage that you're serving here.

If you could take a little heat yourself, you wouldn't be in a whiny hypocritical frenzy here. The good thing is you reposted it, so I can simply suggest you scroll up again should you lose sight of the lesson at hand. I'll wait for you to whine again if you choose to.
Active Ink Slinger
*cheering loudly in anticipation of seeing said PM's posted!!
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by LushPrincess
Yeah I see it Free, but you also said she had the whore “whore” thing coming, may be you had the “whiner” thing coming also? I’m just saying….

Lol, good one! Way to keep the flames fanned ... just sayin ...

"See this??" Great detective work, MP.

I take the heat every day, but you sure enjoy reminding me of your cliche's so go ahead. It's a rich mix of immaturity, condescension, judgemental attitude, and barely-concealed rage that you're serving here.

If you could take a little heat yourself, you wouldn't be in a whiny hypocritical frenzy here. The good thing is you reposted it, so I can simply suggest you scroll up again should you lose sight of the lesson at hand. I'll wait for you to whine again if you choose to.

You haven't seen rage, apparently no one here has as this seems like rage to most. Words are black and white and you take what you want to see out of them. Maybe this is a look inside of LadyX? I received a clear image of flame for something you stuck your nose into, not just words. Like I said, its open forums and if you flame, expect it back. Scroll up and you'll see this over and over as well.
Quote by thepainter
*cheering loudly in anticipation of seeing said PM's posted!!

No, I only share Damon's because he broke that bubble by sharing mine. I keep others exactly how they were meant ... private.
Artistic Tart
Freefallin, is anybody thinner-skinned than you are?

Have you run out of things to say here? Would you like to remind me about 'taking the flaming if I give it, heat/kitchen, etc. a few more times, when clearly if I couldn't I'd have left by now? Feel free to say it a few more times if it makes you feel better.

You know, if you're gonna dish it, I'm gonna- eh, no, that's your line. Proceed with your grievances against proper internet manners, minus your name-calling of course.
Quote by HannahBirdy
So, I was just wondering... In our modern, free thinking society - you decided to ask the man of your dreams out - but for whatever reason (he's crazy, he's faithful to his partner, or he just doesn't like you...) he declines your gracious offer to become your [s]adoring sex slave[/s] current squeeze.

How would you rather he deliver the blow? Gently and politely? Telling you no-way-no-how-because-ew?

I've personally had several types of rejection and prefer the brutal edge myself... It hurts, but it helps me to realize what a wankshaft the guy is and get over him muhc faster.. You know if I've had my eyes on him a while that is. The nicer ones where you get let down gently lead to hope which are more painful in the long run I think...

For example... I've had

- The I'm very complimented, but I'm married - I found this one ok, it wasn't a crippling blow, but it was enough to easily move on from... Plenty more eyecandy after that to search for
- The I'll keep leading you on, somewhat, and then talk shit about you behind your back because I'm uninterested - This on e was fairly brutal and while not an actual rejection - it opened my eyes to what a git he was, and I gave up and moved onto better men ;)
- The I'm waiting on someone myself, but I'll let you down gently, but I think you're alright... - This is just frustrating... It left me wondering for ages... e.e

I've probably had others, but these stuck out. Sorry for the depressing sorta theme... Just came into my head... So yeah - Rejection, how would you like it to be served?

Anybody remember what the topic was about? Ahem! Are there anymore answers for this or is it time to close yet another thread because of the immaturity here?
Artistic Tart
Agreed! Did I answer this before?

LOL@ Whitney, I've been given the slip before, yes. Guys make it pretty clear when they don't want to be with you- mostly by their absence. For all the passive-aggressive flack girls take, guys can be just as bad about not saying what they think.

Just tell it to me straight, I say. Time is precious. Sometime's time is money- either way, don't waste mine.
Constant Gardener
Quote by thepainter
*cheering loudly in anticipation of seeing said PM's posted!!

I grew up with a pair of younger brothers who liked pushing my hot buttons
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Free.. steer us to a calmer tide.. let the waves bring this one to shore and let's all share a pint of ale.. we'll all sing and dance to fiddle music and sit shoulder to shoulder around the fire.. this is our home.. we wipe our feet before we come in.. I'm just sayin'.....
Its seems to me that you guys have forgotten the POINT of this thread, personally I don't care if who insults who, or whatever else you're arguing about, this is not the place for it.

Now to answer the question of this thread for Hannah, who by the way doesn't deserve what you people have done to her thread, you should all be ashamed, if you want to act like children do it in your own threads.

Anyways, I don't do rejection. I don't know if I'm more terrified of being rejected or of admitting that I have these feeling for my crush of the moment.
Freefallin - check your PM please.

I suggest you go outside and take in some fresh air, unplug the computer for a while.
You know what sucks even more than just being told no?
Being stood up.
When a guy tells you that he's on his way to your house and then he doesn't talk to you for 3 hours and you never hear from him and he stop answering the phone and his text messages.

I hate men.
Constant Gardener
Quote by MockingBird69
You know what sucks even more than just being told no?
Being stood up.
When a guy tells you that he's on his way to your house and then he doesn't talk to you for 3 hours and you never hear from him and he stop answering the phone and his text messages.

I hate men.

Wanna know what's worse than that?

Going off to meet a woman for the 1st time at a public cafe...then, after she calls while you're in route..she claims she's having car problems and asks if you can come pick her up at her apartment. So, you want to meet her, but in the back of your mind, you're thinking...Oh shit. But you agree to anyway.

You arrive and call her on the phone so she can come to the parking lot and meet you...(mind you, you've only seen two dozen G to R rated photos of her - no telling how old the photos are) and she asks you to 'come on up and let yourself in, make yourself at home."

So you've come this far, and you're horny as hell, but something is nagging at you; but, you're horny as you walk up three flights of steps. Nice apartment complex, but you could've sworn she typed that she lived in a house. You let yourself in...and her 900 square foot apartment looks like four IED's went off inside it. Shit is fucking literally everywhere. There isn't 3 square feet of bare carpet anywhere in adjacent six inch squares to stand on or walk through...

She calls out to you from somewhere beyond the quagmire: "I just got out of the shower, make yourself at home...and, could you make me a vodka on the rocks and bring it to me?"

You look at what, 5 years earlier might have been a kitchenette...and cockroaches the size of well...cucumbers, are scurrying out of dirty dishes, cups, glassware...she probably doesn't have a clean glass in the entire apartment...but you find one in the sink with no water or stains in it...and you open the icebox to get some ice..and there is a full 10 pound bag of ice...newly purchased. There is also a 2/5'ths bottle of rotgut McCormick vodka, 3/4's pour 3/4's of the glass full and ask: "Do you want water or what in this?"

"Oh straight up is fine, come on in...I'm almost dressed."

Wading through the filth and trash on the floor is like walking through an open garbage dump...literally trash is seething around your ankles and you wish you'd worn jeans and boots...but you're in shorts and sandals and wondering what you're contracting...

And there she is...Your princess.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, a huge beach towel wrapped around her. Her brunette mop is still soaking wet. She was supposed to meet you at Tanners, 3 miles away from here...30 minutes ago. But she's on AOL and chat, and AdultFriendFinder chat still...chatting up three possible suitors (in case you don't work out)...

", look at you...all dressed up and ready to go...gimme a second, I'll be ready in a flash...just make yourself at home, mmmkay? You're a doll, I'll be right out."

You watch as she drains half the vodka on ice...and sets the glass on a rickety fucking table, where she has a desktop flat screen set up...and an opened up Dell laptop. She's got two pc's running, three chat programs and you see the AFF chat window and recognize immediately, what the fuck is going on.

So, you go back out into her living room (the replica of ToraBora, after the US airforce daisy cutted the hell out of the mountain range), and you stand there with your hands on your hips...and you are not horny anymore...

Something moves to your left, opened billing paperwork and three week old newspapers rustle and a little scrawny, unfed looking kitty cat meows at you...

You open the front door, say, "Goodbye you poor fucking cat," slither out the front door, turn the knob and quietly shut the door again...then you beat feat down three flights of stairs...SPRINT to your car, fire that fucker up and slide out of the complex and head back for home - 25 miles away.

Your phone rings some 20 minutes later as you're wheeling into the nearest sportsbar in your neighborhood.

It's her. She's finally figured out you're not in her apartment anymore...and she says, "So, where you at...outside smoking, you can smoke in here, silly, can you come get me another drink?"

"Um, I'm not at your place anymore...about tonight...let's don't and say we never did?"

"What, you're standing me up? What an ungrateful fucking didn't even have the decency to tell me you were.....

You hang up the phone and pull the battery out of it...

A week later you have to change your phone number that you've had for six years, because a crazy fucking nutbag is still wanting to read you her riot act.

I'd rather be stood up and count my blessings. How about you?

ps...I don't hate women.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
And another thing Freefallin....! Wait....where'd everybody go? Looks ike I missed the whole thing.
sorry wellmademale.
I though maybe it was acceptable to vent here, but apparently I was wrong.
Sue me for having a shitty night, having no where else to vent my anger and sadness too, figuring this would be an okay place and only to be shut the fuck up by a man that has no clue about me.

thanks for making me feel even worse.
Constant Gardener
Quote by MockingBird69
sorry wellmademale.
I though maybe it was acceptable to vent here, but apparently I was wrong.
Sue me for having a shitty night, having no where else to vent my anger and sadness too, figuring this would be an okay place and only to be shut the fuck up by a man that has no clue about me.

thanks for making me feel even worse.

Nah, I'm sorry. You were not wrong to assume that...Vent away.

I do it too, from time to time (I just did)

Oh and hey...Nobody can make me feel 'worse'...I'm in charge of how I feel. Hope you get to feeling better, Mockingbird

PS...I didn't type that to tell you to pack sand. Sorry you took it that way.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
Jesus, WMM that was a scary ass story. I had to turn the lights on and compose myself after that.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Magical_felix
Jesus, WMM that was a scary ass story. I had to turn the lights on and compose myself after that.

I'd seen that particular woman on Personals and AdultFriendFinder, for nearly two years prior to finally answering one of her infrequent dating service email invitations to communicate.

Yes, if you use one service, you most likely use or peruse them all. And we all are recognized by everyone else using said services. I was using almost all those services, sporadically from the time I first discovered AFF in 1999, up through late 2007.

She wasn't super model material, though she may have once come close, in her early 20's...and at my age, she wasn't distasteful to me, but I was wary of her for the way she worded her ads. I always reckoned in the back of my mind - That woman likes to party! Hence, I kept my distance. Til that one June evening, nearly five years ago now, when my own desperation overrode my better instincts.

I left quite a bit out, as who wants a moderator posting an unmoderated story in the forum?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
Jesus, WMM that was a scary ass story. I had to turn the lights on and compose myself after that.

I'd seen that particular woman on Personals and AdultFriendFinder, for nearly two years prior to finally answering one of her infrequent dating service email invitations to communicate.

Yes, if you use one service, you most likely use or peruse them all. And we all are recognized by everyone else using said services. I was using almost all those services, sporadically from the time I first discovered AFF in 1999, up through late 2007.

She wasn't super model material, though she may have once come close, in her early 20's...and at my age, she wasn't distasteful to me, but I was wary of her for the way she worded her ads. I always reckoned in the back of my mind - That woman likes to party! Hence, I kept my distance. Til that one June evening, nearly five years ago now, when my own desperation overrode my better instincts.

I left quite a bit out, as who wants a moderator posting an unmoderated story in the forum?

Go ahead, post away!!!

Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!!
Quote by MrNudiePants
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
Jesus, WMM that was a scary ass story. I had to turn the lights on and compose myself after that.

I'd seen that particular woman on Personals and AdultFriendFinder, for nearly two years prior to finally answering one of her infrequent dating service email invitations to communicate.

Yes, if you use one service, you most likely use or peruse them all. And we all are recognized by everyone else using said services. I was using almost all those services, sporadically from the time I first discovered AFF in 1999, up through late 2007.

She wasn't super model material, though she may have once come close, in her early 20's...and at my age, she wasn't distasteful to me, but I was wary of her for the way she worded her ads. I always reckoned in the back of my mind - That woman likes to party! Hence, I kept my distance. Til that one June evening, nearly five years ago now, when my own desperation overrode my better instincts.

I left quite a bit out, as who wants a moderator posting an unmoderated story in the forum?

Go ahead, post away!!!

Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!!

There's plenty of Jerry in the forums MNP. Look in any "ask the guys/gals" or in the Pub. It's all there.
Sorry, Mockingbird69. This is not a place to vent.

Personal disputes

Please do not use these forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars etc. You are expected to treat each other with respect in the forums and take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion off the forums. If you should find that your discussion is becoming too heated or someone is becoming far too passionate about their argument, please take the discussion to private message or email.

Respect other users

Sometimes people can write something that you may find offensive. Before launching into a public condemnation though, please consider that the person may not have intended to cause offence. It is very easy to misinterpret a post on forums. There is absolutely no need to resort to insults. Respect others' views even if you disagree with them.

So no, this will not be "Jerry", and this will not be "anything goes".