do you ladies like bi men who wear lingerie my wife of 5 yrs loves me wearing her lingerie but does that make her bi also???
Men wearing female clothing does absolutely nothing for me. So No.
Omg he'd stretch it. it'd never be the same again. nah fam.
It doesn't bother me. My underwear is to big for Mr Jaune.
Doesn't do much for me,he can't fit in my things anyway
i love it , maybe because one of my fantasy is to meet a wonderfull shemale
Not at all, major turn off
Hell no! My lingerie is for ME to wear! The thought of my bf in one of my corsets or wearing my stockings or some other thingy of mine, makes my stomach turn. No! Men be men, women be women when it comes to clothing. GA girl rant. lol
I was occasionally asked for my stained pants when being dropped off after we had sex. They said to put on their pillow, some even modeled them for me.
Providing they were prepared to replace or return them laundered I agreed. That created many amusing situations and a some very sexy pairs of underwear.