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Men Surgically Re-designed

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Active Ink Slinger
I agree with Rocco my cock does not define me.
Jesus H Christ I cant believe im actually reading the crap that is coming out of this thread!!!!!

Bravo to Rocco, Stang and Chef!
I have never that that the size of a penis was the key factor in manliness. If you are insecure and have the money for a redesign, I would be the last to ever suggest somebody deny themselves improvement.

My fear that if you are insecure and are redesigned that you may have the same insecurity after the fact.

I have never had my boobs altered and at this point in life, never intend to. Having said that I know several woman that have had it done and while they look better nude, and the hottest new bikini looks better and clothes look better in general. They are happy about the body change.

But when you talk to them about how they are and why they view themselves the way they do, the same demons are still in their closet.

Would men be any different?

I have mentioned this before one of the best lovers I ever had was less than 5" and could stay hard for hours. He is married now and tha bitch will not share.
The_driver deleted his account, you meanies. He was hilarious!
oh damn

and that wasn't what this was about. I was serious about my question, but it took a life (no pun intended) of its own.

I meant is a gender question to how would females feel if their partner was enhanced, like when women change for the men.


sorry ......
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
The_driver deleted his account, you meanies. He was hilarious!

I think Driver was really TaintedRainbow....
Quote by BigRod
Quote by nicola
The_driver deleted his account, you meanies. He was hilarious!

I think Driver was really TaintedRainbow....

OMG!! That is hilarious!!!!
Quote by VanGogh
Quote by BigRod
Quote by nicola
The_driver deleted his account, you meanies. He was hilarious!

I think Driver was really TaintedRainbow....

OMG!! That is hilarious!!!!

That would be funny as hell if was her
I can't keep up with who's who anymore.

Can't everyone just be themselves and stop confusing this simple soul?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
I can't keep up with who's who anymore.

Can't everyone just be themselves and stop confusing this simple soul?

OK... OK... I'm really Bollywood porn star... Gotwon Biggerdenyew...
Artistic Tart
Quote by BigRod
Quote by nicola
I can't keep up with who's who anymore.

Can't everyone just be themselves and stop confusing this simple soul?

OK... OK... I'm really Bollywood porn star... Gotwon Biggerdenyew...

I love your work Gotwon- your full frontals are my favorite!
Active Ink Slinger
Can this humble man get in on this thread?

At first, I was like... "No way would I ever let someone with a sharp knife go to cuttin' on my Johnson..." Then, I read some of the responses. I mean, as a man, it makes me no never-mind if a woman has artificially inflated her boobage or not. I figure, if it makes HER feel good, then what's the harm? I've known girls with fake ones, and known girls with natural ones, both large and small, and in all reality, it's what's three inches BEHIND the boobs that makes all the difference. Big fake ones, big natural ones, little natural ones...


It's the girl with the pretty HEART that wins the contest, in the long run.

Okay, I said all that, so I can say this: While I, personally, have never had any desire to have my Wee Willy surgically enhanced, I can also say that I've never had any reason to. I used to know a guy that was famous throughout the company for wining and dining his subordinates. None of his relationships ever lasted more than a few dates, and we all wondered why. Finally, one of his "conquests" let the cat out of the bag. He was a great guy to date, right up until the moment of the unveiling. When she found out (she said) that he was only packing about two and a half inches of man-meat (fully erect), that was the end of it. Most of the girls would go ahead and give him the night, out of kindness I suppose. But then, they would just be like, "What's he ever gonna do for ME?"

Guy like that, I can see why he might go in for a surgically enhanced package. If I were in his shoes, I might do the same. So it really IS just like the tits thread. There are always going to be people on both sides of the issue, ready to praise or condemn you, so you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. In my opinion, just do whatever you gotta do to make yourself happy, and fuck all them haterz...
Active Ink Slinger
There's an old story.. goes like this.. a guy goes to college.. and like most college boys he thinks it will be chick city for all four years.. and as he dates.. he keeps hearing about Johnson.. all the girls keep talking about how good he is.. so he asks the obvious of his dates.. 'what's his secret is he really hung? and they all said no.. in fact he only has a short stumpy package.. so one day this college kid runs into Johnson.. the women are all over him.. he's short.. receding hairline.. overweight... with a scraggly beard.. of course this flusters the kid to the point he just has to go over and find out his secret.. he pulls Johnson off to the side and says "I don't get it.. how can you be so successful with the ladies? you aren't attractive.. and from what I hear you aren't overly endowed.. I have to know.. why do you get more women than the rest of us?... what is your secret?"... Johnson just smiles.. pulls the kid close.. and whispers.. "imagination"...
Quote by BigRod
There's an old story.. goes like this.. a guy goes to college.. and like most college boys he thinks it will be chick city for all four years.. and as he dates.. he keeps hearing about Johnson.. all the girls keep talking about how good he is.. so he asks the obvious of his dates.. 'what's his secret is he really hung? and they all said no.. in fact he only has a short stumpy package.. so one day this college kid runs into Johnson.. the women are all over him.. he's short.. receding hairline.. overweight... with a scraggly beard.. of course this flusters the kid to the point he just has to go over and find out his secret.. he pulls Johnson off to the side and says "I don't get it.. how can you be so successful with the ladies? you aren't attractive.. and from what I hear you aren't overly endowed.. I have to know.. why do you get more women than the rest of us?... what is your secret?"... Johnson just smiles.. pulls the kid close.. and whispers.. "imagination"...

Alpha Blonde
Sometimes I feel like there a fable put out there that somehow men are judged on a different scale than women when it comes being able to attract the opposite sex. I don't know if this stems from watching old 70s porn where ugly, scraggly faced men with potbellies got to keep their t-shirts and socks on and fuck hot nubile young girls and everyone cheered them on. It gave hope to men everywhere. Somehow women, in all their caring and nurturing souls, are able to overlook the fact that a guy is short, has a small penis, is overweight, or bald.... and it's not because he has a status career or is rich... just just because he's that charismatic type that's blessed with a great personality. Or in the case of 70s porn, he happened to be the closest thing with a cock standing near the hot, horny woman in question. I'm sure the notion of this works for people, and I think it's good to keep the fantasy alive, because it does happen *some of the time*. And it's not to say that these guys are unable to find love. There is someone out there for everyone supposedly. But the idea that this guy will be a chick-magnate or be able to score with beautiful or younger women is a remote shot in hell IMO.

Having said that, scoring with a beautiful woman should not even be on his list of criteria. Because men are able to overlook all the flaws and imperfections that women might possess when they are looking to score, right?... just like the women who apparently find him irresistible.

It seems people get up in arms at the idea that a woman would dare to judge a man based on any superficial reasons, yet we get judged for it all the time.

There are no lingering fables for women that the fat, stumpy woman with saggy boobs and working minimum wage is suddenly going to find it starts "raining men" just because she has a brilliant personality.

The fables that we grow up with are Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and the assorted fairytales featuring hot young women with naive or non-existent personalities... Sure, life works out great for them, but check out what happens to the "Ugly Stepsisters". The reason? It's right in their descriptive: ugly.

I just find it amusing that threads on height or penis size elicit such dramatic reaction about how superficial these things are and that they shouldn't matter. There is something right in that statement: they shouldn't matter. But the reality is... they do. Just like it matters what a woman looks like.

There are two parts to attraction. Attraction to the physical, and attraction to the soul... one should not negate the other as a measure of how non-superficial a person wants to believe themselves to be.
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll

The fables that we grow up with are Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and the assorted fairytales featuring hot young women with naive or non-existent personalities... Sure, life works out great for them, but check out what happens to the "Ugly Stepsisters". The reason? It's right in their descriptive: ugly.

I just find it amusing that threads on height or penis size elicit such dramatic reaction about how superficial these things are and that they shouldn't matter. There is something right in that statement: they shouldn't matter. But the reality is... they do. Just like it matters what a woman looks like.

There are two parts to attraction. Attraction to the physical, and attraction to the soul... one should not negate the other as a measure of how non-superficial a person wants to believe themselves to be.

How shallow of you.

Me and my circle of friends? We look at much more meaningful things when it comes to partners. You know, like, their bank account balance, and what kind of car they drive. The things that MATTER in life.uUliai3yXE7JqJ3g

Just kidding - well not about the bank balance thing, but anyways- you're exactly right, GDD, well said.zwdtrFxs97RrwkVD
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Dancing_Doll

The fables that we grow up with are Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and the assorted fairytales featuring hot young women with naive or non-existent personalities... Sure, life works out great for them, but check out what happens to the "Ugly Stepsisters". The reason? It's right in their descriptive: ugly.

I just find it amusing that threads on height or penis size elicit such dramatic reaction about how superficial these things are and that they shouldn't matter. There is something right in that statement: they shouldn't matter. But the reality is... they do. Just like it matters what a woman looks like.

There are two parts to attraction. Attraction to the physical, and attraction to the soul... one should not negate the other as a measure of how non-superficial a person wants to believe themselves to be.

How shallow of you.

Me and my circle of friends? We look at much more meaningful things when it comes to partners. You know, like, their bank account balance, and what kind of car they drive. The things that MATTER in life.pplsYytSxMcPFxlO

Just kidding - well not about the bank balance thing, but anyways- you're exactly right, GDD, well said.mnLM9Dj1CM67LKMI

Don't forget that those fairy-tale women all ended up with their own Handsome Prince, while the Ugly Stepsisters became shrewish crones...

Fairy tales, books, movies - they all feature good-looking people for a reason. It's because if "Ugly Betty" was REALLY ugly, nobody would watch. Men are attracted to big boobs, wide hips, muscular legs and asses. Even teeth and long, shiny hair. All signs of good health and appropriateness for child-bearing. Women are also attracted to physical characteristics - strong arms, wide shoulders, flat stomachs and round, muscular butts. Signs that he might be a good provider. (An attractive bank balance fits this category as well... lol)

We as a race are shown what we're supposed to find attractive by all those that market to us. Sex sells - sexier sells more. It's to my good fortune that women are able to overlook the stereotypical "perfect male" and settle for an unlovely old troll such as myself...
Alpha Blonde
Quote by MrNudiePants

Fairy tales, books, movies - they all feature good-looking people for a reason. It's because if "Ugly Betty" was REALLY ugly, nobody would watch. Men are attracted to big boobs, wide hips, muscular legs and asses. Even teeth and long, shiny hair. All signs of good health and appropriateness for child-bearing. Women are also attracted to physical characteristics - strong arms, wide shoulders, flat stomachs and round, muscular butts. Signs that he might be a good provider. (An attractive bank balance fits this category as well... lol)

We as a race are shown what we're supposed to find attractive by all those that market to us. Sex sells - sexier sells more. It's to my good fortune that women are able to overlook the stereotypical "perfect male" and settle for an unlovely old troll such as myself...

I absolutely agree with you MrNudiePants! The biological imperative definitely factors into the kind of characteristics we tend to look for in a mate, as well as what we see reflected in the media... Well, except of course the anorexic model trend in fashion which really goes against the biological imperative and is more reflective of "status" symbolism.
Advanced Wordsmith
There are two parts to attraction. Attraction to the physical, and attraction to the soul... one should not negate the other as a measure of how non-superficial a person wants to believe themselves to be.

I agree. But it is much easier to change your physical appearance (especially these days) than it is to change who you are, or as you put it, your soul. Because of this, a "standard" of physical attraction can be set and influenced by the standards of society at that time. Naturally, those who disagree with this standard, or with society dictating this standard, will label those who conform to the standard as superficial. Apparently it isn't possible for individual belief to coincide with society's.

Just a thought. About 50 or 60 years ago, in some parts of the Arab world, the standards of physical attraction for an ideal wife was short and fat. If an old, arab man were to try and find a wife now and he wanted a short and fat wife, would that make him superficial?

I don't think so. I think it is only superficial when you pretend it does or doesn't affect you. If physical attraction is important to you, but you dismiss it because of fear of being labeled, THAT is being superficial. And vice versa, if you pretend it has more value to you than it really does to fit in with society, then that is being superficial. But the act of being attracted to physical appearance is not superficial, it's natural. If it makes you happy, where is the harm? Not everybody has the same values and that's what makes us awesome.

Anyway, I know this was for the gals, but apparently nobody obeys the rules.

What does that say about him, to you?

That he recognizes his flaws and takes measures to address them. I wouldn't do it, but then again, even though it leans a little to the smaller side, I'm of average size.

Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants?

Although similar, I don't think it is the same as getting breast implants.

Breasts don't directly affect intercourse. The penis does. A woman with tiny breasts and a working vagina will still satisfy most men. On the other hand, a man with a tiny penis, like under 4 inches, it sort of fucks things up for him.

Either way I don't condemn either, if it makes you happy then good for you.

Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?

It's a reflection of individual value and they(among other things) all play a role in that. In the end, who are we to judge?

Ps. If I don't make sense or rambled about something way off topic, I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of it.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Artistic Tart
Quote by Revolution

Ps. If I don't make sense or rambled about something way off topic, I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of it.

Nope, you made perfect sense, baby. I feel like I just went to school- in a good way.8CGIeWGQJGiKeymO

Great post!
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Revolution

Ps. If I don't make sense or rambled about something way off topic, I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of it.

Nope, you made perfect sense, baby. I feel like I just went to school- in a good way.HLPCyMWHNHsX2zMH

Great post!

I agree. Nice job explaining yourself.
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.
Constant Gardener
Quote by EveryWomansDream
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by EveryWomansDream
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.

The Driver version 2.0
Wild at Heart
Quote by DamonX
Quote by EveryWomansDream
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.

The Driver version 2.0

I miss the driver. If lush were a castle, the driver was it's most entertaining jester.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by DamonX
Quote by EveryWomansDream
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.

The Driver version 2.0

I miss the driver. If lush were a castle, the driver was it's most entertaining jester.

I miss The Driver too... Maybe one day he will come back...
Quote by EveryWomansDream
This THREAD is just nonsense and advertising and a complete waste of you really think any bloke is going to sign up to lush on the soul purpose of improving his manhood???
If he was worried about this he wouldnt be here?? thats just logic, and the fact a woman created this thread is even more absured, NO bloke in his right mind is going to discuss this here and with a woman!! Sometimes logic doesnt work with common sense.

Proper men Alpha males, does not worry about cosmetics and designer cocks this is a womans area, not a mans, and any man that buys into this crap, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! not a new cock.

thanks for the reply EWD .... the point of this thread was to ask my sisters what they would think of being with a man who decided to surgically redesign himself - per The_Driver's comment on the corresponding thread in Ask The Guys.

thanks for clarifying that a woman asking a question bounced off a ridiculous answer to another thread is absurd. (correct spelling of the word absured above). part of your response seems to agree and disagree with the other comments.

that's the beauty of this type of forum .... ridiculous, silly, serious ... all inputs hopefully assists to educate and enlighten others to tolerance and good spelling.

Go with Peace, man

Oh I assumed.....sorry (better be careful) I might get kicked of this thread, people dont like others who dnt talk they assume they are trolls so ban them for 24hrs, and then come to a thread to voice there opinion and read my opinion because there chat room is so oh important.
Quote by EveryWomansDream
Oh I assumed.....sorry (better be careful) I might get kicked of this thread, people dont like others who dnt talk they assume they are trolls so ban them for 24hrs, and then come to a thread to voice there opinion and read my opinion because there chat room is so oh important.

you are always WELCOME darlin'

speak your mind ... as I did with the initial start of this thread

