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Men fighting over woman question

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Active Ink Slinger
Ladies, would you find it exciting to have men ( perhaps your guy) fighting for you? for example would you find it exciting if a guy wanted to fight your guy for you? or have 2 guys fight for you?
Has this ever happened to any ladies out there ? how did you react? was it exciting? flaterring? childish?
Alpha Blonde
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Not gonna lie... I have a few sexual fantasies that start like this.

Not some dumb, messy drunken brawl, but a fight with some skills... yeah, it's a turn-on.

Something about the raw physical dominance and being fought over and/or protected has a kind of appeal - even going back historically. There's just something about that surge of testosterone and intensity.

If I was with a guy that felt the need to constantly look for dumbass fights in bars though, it would be a turn-off.
I am completely with Dancing Doll on this one.
The whole testosterone, power, protection, belonging to someone..brings out woman old fashion woman in me.
It can be sexy, really sexy from time to time as a roll play biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Hahaha, no WAY that I would find that exiting.
It would be a big turn off that these guys are obviously not capable enough to speak things out.....
I would jump between them to stop them, for sure.

And truly, if it's neccessary to kick a guys ass because he is offensive and not listening at all, I rather do it myself ;)

I had it one time that a BF fighted to protect me from very offensive guys, I did like it a little that time, but I was 14 or 15 then.....
Cheeky Chick
I'd rather him fight for my honor then over me. Like if I was dating someone and some asshat groped me or something he would stand up for me. Though I suppose if someone was trying to steal me away from him he'd want to keep me enough to do so. But I'd never allow that to happen. I have eyes for only one. So, no probably not. But it's never happen so I might be wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Agree with Poppet... Fight for my honor, but not for me... My man should know I only want him. Any guy making a pass doesnt stand a chance.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Her Royal Spriteness
no. if that's how a guy works out his competitiveness, by throwing punches, then i'm out of there. not really waiting around until he decides to hit me over something as equally stupid.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
It depends on the situation. If it was someone trying to butt into the relationship I already have I would go in the middle and break the poor guys heart like I always do to unwanted suitors.

If it was a jerk who was harassing me then it would be okay, just so long as my OH doesn't get into trouble.

Edit - actually, it'd be me fighting them off unless Sir gets pissed enough, I can handle myself to a point.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Active Ink Slinger
I wouldn't want to be in any sort of relationship with an individual, male or female, who thought the use of physical violence was ever acceptable. It's not.
Considering aggression is a sign of lack of testosterone then fighting men should really go see a doctor. Add the fact that even though you feel strong after a fight you're simply running on adrenaline afterwards, so any sex afterwards probably wouldn't be all that since he'd fall asleep quickly afterwards. Add to the fact that he might end up with a rather unsexy look and I doubt a trip to the er and giving a police statement is sexy
What am I missing here? If one of the guys is with the woman already and another wants to fight for her? Shit if I'm with her, she'd better straighten the asshole out and let him know who she is with and what a total dick he is. If he continues...then yeah...I'll beat his ass just for being a numbskull and not respecting the woman's wishes. Now...two guys want to duke it out like some dual for a random woman who may not want a thing a to do with either except see a fight? Lame...really lame. So the only reason for a fight is kicking the assholes ass who is out of line.PUkyPABrFUOHNoKr
I don't find fighting exciting. I hate the thought of people getting hurt. I find it much more attractive if a guy can make someone look like a prat with his words rather than socking him in the face.

A couple of times guys I've dated have got into fights and it was just embarrassing, making a scene wherever we were.

I have great admiration for self control.
Active Ink Slinger
Are you Quinn Morgendorffer?

No I have never had any guy fight over me. biggrin
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Constant Gardener
Quote by ArtMan
I did that once in high school. I thought she would think it was noble. The other guy much larger than me won both the fight and the girl. I started taking Karate.

A friend of mine told me that he (back in the cocaine & testosterone enriched crowds he ran in - during the 1980s) would linger back on the sidelines...and watch the woofing between man-boys over women...and when the woofing escalated to fist fighting, he'd swoop in on the women. More times than not he'd get enough conversation that if he didn't pick the woman up during the fighting...he'd exchange phone numbers and line up a date for later.

I dunno if he was talking shit, since I didn't run with the guy til the mid 1990s (and he was married by then anyway), but it sounded plausible.

Myself, I never fought over a woman, nor did I ever encounter a situation where I felt I had to stand up for one's 'honor'. Pretty effing juvenile behavior if you ask me.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by WellMadeMale

Myself, I never fought over a woman, nor did I ever encounter a situation where I felt I had to stand up for one's 'honor'. Pretty effing juvenile behavior if you ask me.

Oh, come on! Don't tell me this classic is not on your iPod playlist...

Constant Gardener
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Oh, come on! Don't tell me this classic is not on your iPod playlist...

Nah, I was always a Gary Richrath / Kevin Cronin aficionado. From the very beginning of the 80s.

She doesn't like Tough Guys and she don't like you!

Attention whoars never really did it for me.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I would hope to never find myself in that situation, but...if my hubby had to...I would find it exciting to see him knock someone on their ass. He always maintains self-control, which is one of the reasons I love him so.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by elitfromnorth
Considering aggression is a sign of lack of testosterone then fighting men should really go see a doctor. Add the fact that even though you feel strong after a fight you're simply running on adrenaline afterwards, so any sex afterwards probably wouldn't be all that since he'd fall asleep quickly afterwards. Add to the fact that he might end up with a rather unsexy look and I doubt a trip to the er and giving a police statement is sexy

Too much or too little testosterone throws the balance off and negative symptoms can occur. There's a reason why it's called "Roid Rage" and it isn't because the guy is testosterone-deficient. Low testosterone can affect things too and cause aggression. Anything that fucks up that natural balance is not a good thing.

When I mentioned 'testosterone' in my post as being attractive, I meant it in a physical/competitive way... similar to how guys playing sports are often seen as 'sexy' when they're fired up with intensity. Some women are drawn to that kind of physicality.

A drunken brawler or a guy looking to fight any guy that looks at his woman isn't very attractive, in my opinion. The last thing anyone wants is to be with a guy that's a constant problem, being bounced from bars or purposely looking to be as ass.

A dominant guy that can step in and defend when he needs to or if he's challenged is a turn on.

And... the *sexual fantasy* of two hot, sweaty, athletic guys in a three-round intense fight with me as the prize - tied to a chair in tight white crotchless boy shorts waiting for the winner to drag me off to the locker room and fuck me senseless... yeah, that turns me on too. Will it happen in real life? Probably not. But the idea of it is damn sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

And... the *sexual fantasy* of two hot, sweaty, athletic guys in a three-round intense fight with me as the prize - tied to a chair in tight white crotchless boy shorts waiting for the winner to drag me off to the locker room and fuck me senseless... yeah, that turns me on too. Will it happen in real life? Probably not. But the idea of it is damn sexy.

Dang! when you put it that does sound pretty damned good! And i am the one who thought up the question in the first place! you pretty much just improved the fantasy in my mind 10 fold!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

DD one of my earlist memories is of my teenage aunt playing this song over and over on her "mix-tape".

It was her and her first love's song. I was going to tease her about it on Facebook for her 40th birthday but thought nah don't want to embarrass her lol.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Active Ink Slinger
Speaking of Honor. You reminded me of the video clip "Last Friday Night" - Katy Perry.

Where Katy plays her alter ego nerdy Kathy Beth Terry who goes to next door's party to complain about the noise only to end up enjoying the party. There she finds herself being fought over by admirer and fellow Geek Everett McDonald (played by Glee's Kevin McHale) and a school jock.

This includes a scene where it is a medieval period where Everett slays the jock and Kathy is the distressed Damsel.

Thought I share it.

"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Active Ink Slinger
I wouldn't enjoy going out with a guy who is willing to fight just because another guy looks at me. I have known girlfriends who have dated guys like that. I would however want any guy I am with to stand up for my honor. I have been in situations where drinking was involved and some other guy got handsy or tried to kiss me. Sure I would slap a guy and put him in his place for unwelcome advances but I would also expect any man I am with to take charge and protect me. I have been out with a guy who used to be a bouncer in a bar. he knew how to disfuse situation but also knew how to end them fast if needed.
I don't know for you ladies, but 21.century is hard work, at least for me, not that I am whining about it, it is a fact. From the moment I wake up, till I go to sleep, I need to preform my A game. I need to be cute, smiling, need to know what to say when to do it to whom, powerful but not to much so my male colleague will still appreciate me..and so on.. So yes, it would be damn great if one Saturday evening in the bar I wouldn't need to deal with assholes who won't understand my first polite No. It would be really amazing to be able to let it go and let my date deal with it. It is a fantasy, to be taken care of, to become submissive, it is a goddamn great fantasy that guy would deal with my bar issues

And just to be clear, I do not hang out with people with lack of self control..If I have to bring it, everyone around me need to do that too. So, silly drunk fights are out of the question, that didn't even crossed my mind..