play it cool. If you come over as desperate you will regret it. I like the idea of a reserved guy, so many guys over confident puts me off. Get out to local pub /club join events give it time and you will find someone promise. Next thing you know you will lose your cherry lol lol
There is so much more out there Jelly xxxx
Thanks Jelly. Sometimes I wonder if I am being too picky too. One ex told me that I have too high standards.
no not been picky at all, you like what you like we are all different. You will have a happier relationship if you find your ideal mate, both mentally and sexually, both of which are important. As someone who is going through a painful divorce both are important i promise you. Has to be a match with both points. High standards are good, then if the mood takes you and you fancy a bit of fun 'together' is good, then you can afford to let that standard slip a little if it means you can have fun and that extra bit of 'fun', which we girls like just as much as the boys do, although they tend to forget that lol lol
Good luck, Jelly xxx
Join the club. I think everyone trips over themselves when they find someone they are attracted to. I know I do. The one you drawn to probably does as well.
It not the tripping that matters, it's how gracefully you recover.