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Ladies,do you like a man who cooks for you?

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Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by TommoUK

After a long day do you like coming home to table set and food and wine waiting for you?
Is it something you'd like in a guy.

I have never dated (or married) a man who cooked for me.

That would be a novel concept! If he was a good cook, I'd gladly be the sous-chef.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PersonalAssistant

I have never dated (or married) a man who cooked for me.

That would be a novel concept! If he was a good cook, I'd gladly be the sous-chef.

Never? That is sad, every guy should be able to rustle up a nice steak and salad at least. My go to menu:
Moules Mariniere
Beef Strogonof with wild rice
Raspberry Pavlova
All made from scratch.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by PersonalAssistant

I have never dated (or married) a man who cooked for me.

Wow. I have never dated a guy that hasn't cooked for me. I thought it was standard fare for guys these days. Maybe I've just been lucky? Even the jerks and d-bags have cooked for me. lol Although with your culinary skills, no wonder they are wanting you to take the lead every time! smile

Actually I find most guys suggest the 'come to my place and I'll cook dinner for you' on the third date - basically to seal the sex deal. It doesn't always work but I've had some fantastic meals. Guys that can cook and put on a nice dinner are definitely a good thing.

I'm happy to reciprocate with putting together fancy/romantic dinners (although I will admit up front that I'm not the most domestic kind of girl in the kitchen), but in every case the guy has always cooked for me before I cook for him. I've never really thought about it before and it's not a rule, just seems to be how it's worked out.
Please, please have a chat to my wife. I cook every night and I am a reasonably good cook. I am still awaiting my first blowjob from her and we have been married 30 yrs - sigh.i6VneaEVxQdXQbkb
Active Ink Slinger
Hubby is the cook in the family, which is fine with me. I chose automotive shop over cooking class in high school.
Active Ink Slinger
I love cooking, it is a big hobby for me so I generally am the one who does the cooking. I have dated a few guys that cook though but it isn't necessary. I don't rate skills in the kitchen as something major since I love to do it.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely! A man who's good with ingredients in the kitchen is generally useful in other areas, too smile
Cooking and baking is one of my favorite hobbies as well as my profession, so I generally do most of the cooking, but even so I enjoy having a man cook for me. Even beyond whatever culinary skills he possesses, the caring and consideration, especially after a hard day is what is really appreciated. And if he is also a great cook, so much the better.
i have a lot of men friends who r gay ... for some reason gay guys make great cooks.. and throw great dinner parties... so yes .. i do biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
I love when Master cooks for us
and he cooks well!!!!
doing my best to be good..
Active Ink Slinger
Im a cook by trade. Love creating and cooking from scratch. Just the other day I was on a date with a lady who didn't know how to cook so we went and got some groceries and made dinner together.
Active Ink Slinger
I love it. Hubby has been the cook in this relationship since before we were married. I took boys shop classes in high school instead of girls classes like cooking and home eco. So hubby does the cooking and I do the metal welding.
Prolific Writer
My spouse only does the cooking in the summer. He is a fantastic cook on his grill. I absolutely love the food he makes.

But aside from regular cooking, I prefer to do it. He just doesn't have the time to prepare a fancy meal.

Active Ink Slinger
I'd love a man to cook for me....huge turn on;)
Unicorn Wrangler
It's the #1 reason I married my husband. Okay, maybe not the #1 reason, but I do brag about his amazing skills in the kitchen. He is 10 times the cook I am.
I've never dated a guy who cooked for me! Hubby can boil water. Does that count?
Active Ink Slinger
Since I don't like to cook, I tend to bake, it is nice that my husband is a budding chef. He loves to cook and someday he will have his restaurant.
...I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell did I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.
-Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton)
Advanced Wordsmith
I learned how to cook as an early adult, my friend calls me a young Gordon Ramsey. Before then, I never knew how much women liked a guy who can cook. Kinda glad I decided to pursue culinary arts as a major.
I like anyone that cooks for me. If they do the washing up as well...WHOOPEE.

I think it is a good thing to say or offer. It can be sexy.
I have been in a long term relationship with a man who could cook well and now I find that it does not really matter. It is nice if they can, and are good at it. We took turns. (As well, whoever cooked-the other one cleaned). I am a pretty darn good cook myself. I know what compliments, how to prepare, and my herbs. I do not have to measure. What I like to cook, I cook well. I do not want to compete or offend so I think cooking together is now a really fun option when it is that sexual kind of relationship.
❤️️🌹Elusive Enigma 🌹❤️️
I absolutely love it when a man will cook a meal for me.
I love cooking, baking, and grilling, and have been doing it since I was five years old.
It's wonderful when a man can cook me a meal, from scratch, without opening a prepackaged box or buying anything takeout.
If you don't know how to cook then you should learn to make a few simple but good dishes that can impress the ladies.
There's nothing sexier than a man that knows his way around a kitchen and can clean up afterward.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. I also think it is very romantic for both of us to work together to prepare a meal. Taste testing off of each others fingers, rubbing against each other to get utensils.
I haven't had a man cook for me for a long time..but it is very nice..

( my last relationship was 13 years and he did not cook....kinda in more ways than one..)

I had the same lover for six of those years. And some random ones.
Yes, definitely. heart
Active Ink Slinger
I love nothing more than to be poured a nice glass of wine and to sit and watch a man move around a kitchen a prepare a wonderful meal. Very very sexy.


Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
For sure!
The Linebacker
Sometimes my wife and I cook the meal together, sometimes she does it, but I actually cook more than she does. She seems to like it. I don't mind setting up the table, romantic with candlelight and a single rose. But not all the time. That would wear it out. Plus handling the expensive china and crystal makes me nervous, it feels so fragile.
I love to cook and bake so I don't really mind either way.