No. If I still liked him enough to have sex with him, he probably wouldn't be my ex.
I was out with a male acquaintance (yes I was having sex with him but he wasn't a b/f) when I bumped into my ex b/f about three months after we'd split. He wasted no time in getting in touch and almost begged us to meet up - like a fool I gave in to his pleas.
I ended up having sex with him three times in a single evening - and never heard from him again ...even changing his phone number and leaving our town, so I heard from his best mate.
My latest ex no but the guy before we couldn't seem to keep the relationship part but the sex was even better. Though since then I found out he'd been dating a girl while me and him were meeting up.
Yes, but it was before he was my Ex, LOL
Not with an official ex, but I've had a couple of guys I strung along for when I needed them. LOL
Yes, a few times. Just one of those things, needed it at the time lol
Not my ex husband. we really didn't have sex when we were married. I have with my first boyfriend after I was divorced. we're still fuck-buddies/friends with benefits. Don't mind spending a night with him now and again.
I was going to say no, but Hubby reminded me of a mercy fuck I did with an ex, after we got together.
It was fun for me since I learned so much since being with him but he was in awe and couldn't handle me!
Hubby and I laughed that I ruined him and he hasn't been able to keep a relationship going sexually ever since.
But honestly, there were other issues with that guy...
Perfunctory smartarse reply: Everybody has had sex with their ex, but chances were that they weren't ex yet. Edit: whoops, just looked and someone beat me to it. Oh well, I stand by my guns.
No ... the police haven't found his body yet and my alibi is rock solid ;-)
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
I dont like to re-live the past
If I have been intimate sexually with another.. while in a relationship.. And that relationship ends for whatever reason. I will NOT go back for sex!! Don't believe in going back... Its all about the Here and now and the future!!!
Sadly, yes. I must say that I greatly regret it. At the time he was the best I'd ever had. Definitely found something better since!
I have. 'Love' makes you do dumb things sometime!
Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. Normally I would say that they're an ex for a reason and sex with them would be stupid, but I've done it in recent months. It was a funny/interesting situation we found ourselves in.
For 99.99% of the guys I have been with I would say that when it was over it was done and there was no way we would get together again. There is one guy though that I have an on and off realtionship with. All he has to do is ask and I will do it. Probably will always be like this.
Yes. We had met at his apartment to go over some details about the divorce, had a glass of wine, started talking about old times, and ended up in bed together. It was good but not enough for me to want to get back with him.
absolutely not, my ex was an asshole, if he was the last man on earth I still wouldn't go back to him.
I have had sex with an ex... Actually on two occasions... They were decent lovers and it wasn't to get them back, it was for me... They may have had different ideas, but for me it was about the cock.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Yes. Then we got back together....for a few more months.