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Ladies: Do you find cyber sex to be very arousing? If yes, What on a scale from 1 - 10

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I am just curious what most women think about it. If yes What on a scale of 1-10?
What most or 'other' women think about it. What 'other' women? you're a male. Some people when they are new to Lush, think they can start a thread similar to this one, to 'build a list of women who like to cyber'. That wouldn't be what you are doing would it? Just askin.
Cyber sex is not anywhere near the top of my list of things to do. So NO! I am not trying to compile any list. I know some who simply love it. I have tried it but do not and would not go out of my way to have cyber sex. If it happens it happens. Sorry for posting a legitatimate question. I didn't mean to offened you. You criticism is duly noted.
Active Ink Slinger
Okay, awkward moment to say the least but it was a legitimate question and assumption by Trinket. Crap like that happens A LOT on here but glad to hear it wasn't the case with you. Carry on....
Thank You Bell! I suppose you are correct about her assumption. I can see that
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Whoa, the claws are definitely out.

As to the OP, your question is actually the best cyber sex related question I've come across on Lush, and I've come across tons. And yes, I find it arousing. But it's because of the mental connection I have with my partner. Honestly, on a scale of 1-10, I give it a 20. And I think this is the case with any good cyber session. It can be good if the connection is there. Other than that, it's nothing but a big text blob of "touch this while I pretend to lick/finger/poke it with my dick". No fun in that at all.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Thank You Slippery
Active Ink Slinger
Hey hun,

Simple answer, it all depends... I am generally not into it, but I have few friends who just bring that out it me and its 10+... I think it depends on my mood and who I am talking to...

"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
I personally have to be in the mood. If I am then I LOVE it! Like probably a 8 but I would much rather have the real thing than just cyber. And if I'm not in the mood probably about a 3 and if guys force themselves on me then about a 1.
Active Ink Slinger
I am not that big on it, maybe because I dont think I am very good at it. I can probably count the times I have done it on both hands. But I have had a few times where it was amazing!! So on a scale of 1 to 10, I will say 3 or 4 overall!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm with Naughty Nurse. It's like sex in real life it all depends on the partner
Unicorn Wrangler
I have cybered many times in a span of about 10 years or so, give or take. I have amazing 10+ experiences and horrid, shitty -10 experiences. The key to a good cyber session is communication. By this I mean, I and my partner need to pay attention to what the other person is saying or typing. I had one where the other person wasn't paying attention and I literally wrote myself out hoping they'd stop me. On the other side of the equation, the person was so careful with their word choice that I literally had an orgasm from reading their words. I like it when the person makes it clear what they like, and asks me what I like, or is willing to experiment a bit. I have found that good authors make good cyber partners as they get creative with what they write.

Now, I do need to be in a "cybering" mood to really get into it. If I had a shitty ass day, or I'm sick, I won't really be in the mood to play. Nothing I hate more than when the "other person" just assumes that I'm on like, ergo, I'm in the mood to cyber. I like to be asked first.

To me, cyber gives me some great ideas for stories, aids when I have writers block, and allows me to explore without breaking my wedding vows to my husband.
LOL....I can totally atest that Jake is not on here to woo women into cybering. He doesn't do it much but when he does....It is awsome! I have been married to him for 16 years and believe me when I say he makes sure that I am COMPLETELY satisfied before he even thinks about himself. So girls if you want to be satisfied....give him a jingle! Not to mention I just love reading what he does to other women!!! I also agree with slippery 100%...there has to be a connection to make it a good cyber and when there
Active Ink Slinger
With the right person it can be a 10. But it's usually a 6-7 from my perspective.
You seem sweet, mind if I lick you to make sure?
Sheri you are HOT beyond belief! I want you!
Okay, can I please have $100 for every girl on this thread that receives a friend request?
LOL! trinket, you are way to cynical!! I hope every one pays you your $100 that recieves a request. BUT, you need to pay each one $200 that does not recieve a request. Fair enough?
You are too confident Jake LOL. I'm sorry my attempt at a joke has failed... for the above post anyway.. I shall go and add an emoticon, maybe that will make it funny.
trinket, I understand where you are coming from. There are a lot of pinheads on sites like this. I am here to have fun. I assume you are to. BUT, I can never friend request you because you will think I am what you accuse me of and Im not ;)

Lets just have fun here. I am sure that is exactly what you want.
Actually Jake, I didn't accuse you of anything.. my post was a question and You took it personally. I put the post there to highlight the fact that most women here would see through it, if that was in fact what the post was for. I didn't accuse you personally.

I don't accept or decline friend requests based on whether I want to cyber with them
Good question Jake.....

Cyber sex is a chemistry and most guys on Lush didn't pass chemistry! You are one of the rare ones and I am glad to have become one of your friends....before this post FYI!

You are a true gentleman and I sooo enjoy discuss sex with you and hope we can move on to more very soon.
trinket, OK
Active Ink Slinger
yes enjoy.. 1 to 10 that depends on the words of the faceless lover
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by trinket
Okay, can I please have $100 for every girl on this thread that receives a friend request?

It's ok to be wrong sometimes. Granted, assholes post ridiculous questions in the "Ask the Gals" section around the clock, and it's annoying as every possible fuck. The point I think Jake's trying to make is that you pegged him as one of those annoying perverts before giving him a shot, and your cynical attempt at humor is just you trying to save face. Feel free to openly correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not afraid to admit it). But you can't deny that he asked a valid question.

P.S. I didn't receive a friend request from him, but I did receive a PM thanking me for responding to his question. Not all the guys here are assholes seeking a cheap thrill.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Yes, definitely, but only with the right guy who knows his stuff. And with that said a definite 10.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

It's ok to be wrong sometimes. Granted, assholes post ridiculous questions in the "Ask the Gals" section around the clock, and it's annoying as every possible fuck. The point I think Jake's trying to make is that you pegged him as one of those annoying perverts before giving him a shot, and your cynical attempt at humor is just you trying to save face. Feel free to openly correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not afraid to admit it). But you can't deny that he asked a valid question.

P.S. I didn't receive a friend request from him, but I did receive a PM thanking me for responding to his question. Not all the guys here are assholes seeking a cheap thrill.

Slippery, I've already said I didn't 'peg' him as one of those annoying perverts we get on this forum. I really didn't. My post was a statement to the poster, letting him know that IF that was what his intention was, that most women here would see through it. I didn't come out and accuse him personally. I apologise if my post indicated that I was. I didn't 'know' if he was one of the assholes seeking a cheap thrill.

What I did find interesting halfway through the thread, and what changed my opinion was this. The comment about the $100 was made after I read what Jake's wife wrote.

Quote by SheriPie
LOL....I can totally atest that Jake is not on here to woo women into cybering. He doesn't do it much but when he does....It is awsome! I have been married to him for 16 years and believe me when I say he makes sure that I am COMPLETELY satisfied before he even thinks about himself. So girls if you want to be satisfied....give him a jingle! Not to mention I just love reading what he does to other women!!! I also agree with slippery 100%...there has to be a connection to make it a good cyber and when there

That was posted after my initial post on this thread... Is it just me that read Jake's wife telling girls if they want to be satisfied to give him a jingle? Not to mention she likes to read what he does to other women? What other meaning could that have other than to get girls to give Jake a 'jingle' for cyber? Seriously, I'm asking what else it could mean.

You are wrong when you accuse me of 'trying to save face'.
There was no reason for me to. I also don't recall saying that all the guys here are assholes seeking a cheap thrill.

I'm not trying to be a smartarse or trying to insult anyone, just telling it as I see it. It doesn't make me right, but I do have a right to voice my opinion.
Active Ink Slinger
So a guy comes on here and asks, purely for academic purposes, women's rating of cyber sex, denying any wish to attract more cyber partners. Two women , including his real world wife come on and start to say how great he is at it.

Excuse me while I adopt "the skunk eye"
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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I have no issues with "games", but what I find annoying is when people try to act (or claim) they are not playing them. We see this time and again, here, and other places. Hey, many of us actually pay attention to what people post, and what they may post in other places here. We are not completely stupid, so acting like we ARE is rather insulting. Just have fun and be honest about it all.

LUSH ON! smile

On that note, I have experienced arousal from a negative to a 10+ while cybering. It hinges on my state of mind to begin with, the connection made, the flow, and other factors. I enjoy it with my woman and enjoy both real time as well as email exchanges throughout the day (hey life does not allow real time all the time).

(ADDED: Jake may or may not be playing games. He may or may not be a really nice guy. But many times those "nice guys" are still playing that game too, and that is PART of it. And the game is NOT BAD by default. But it would be foolish IMO not to admit that it DOES look the way it does and to point that out is NOT "wrong". With THAT said, I could care less really. Just like I could care less when a guy asks if small cocks turn you on, or if you liked to be spanked. LOL I do read the responses though, just like everyone else. Sometimes the responses are more entertaining than the questions.)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket
Okay, can I please have $100 for every girl on this thread that receives a friend request?

Haaa, good one and I agree.

No offense Jake, she didn't say by whom, maybe not you but the $100 stands.

Fun thread.
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