i'm more than a little intrested!
but i know many people who would think it a nightmare!
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
A little bit. I wouldn't generalise anything about women Bill, that could get you in serious trouble!
No, I'd be way off topic if I revealed that, fystee. I could email you what it's about, though.
Heh heh, go one by one, down the line, huh, b?
No , I dont think ALL women are a little bit gay.
But yes, If an opportunity shows itself, I think I would give it a go.
I'm not even a little bit gay. I love the company of other women, but purely for friendship.
Interesting how the term "gay" is used. I don't think all women are a bit gay, but I sure as hell think a very great many are a little bit "bi", then again, I think all of us, not just women are a little bit "bi".
(gets flame-proof suit ready for inevitable barrage)
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
What an absolute load of man fantasy CRAP! Give me cock!
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I think women are generally less homophobic about their sexuality than men are, so they have far fewer inhibitions about trying sex with other women than men have in trying sex with other men. But sexuality for any individual most likely falls somewhere along a scale between complete heterosexuality and complete homosexuality.
There is no such character as a little bit gay person or a fig newton a little bit figgy.
If we're all honest, I think everyone can admit that they can find some things attractive about members of the same sex. I've certainly seen women that are so beautiful that I wouldn't mind cuddling or kissing them and I've been known to make out with other girls when drunk and play with their boobs. haha. But I don't really consider myself bi. I have no interested in ever touching another woman's vagina, but I'm not against having a MFF threesome if that makes sense.
i asked my wife & she agreed this is an Fact ..
i've never felt the urge to kiss a woman or touch her sexually. but i can look at a woman and think, 'my god, she's fucking hot.' I do that all the time actually.
According to the Kinsey report - one of the first in-depth studies of sexual habits - sexuality can be periodic and have moments where we are all inclined to one way or another on a variable scale.
Stereotyping can be tempting, but there are drawbacks.
I think the use of the word Gay might be the wrong word. I think the statement is most women are bi-sexual or bi-curious. I do believe that. Women are more open to sexual encounters from either sex given the right circumstances. I am bi-sexual and enjoy the company of both men and women individually and together.