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is age really nothing but a number?

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What age difference do you think is too big?
A difference of about 40 years would be pushing it.
I am currently struggling with this question, myself.. i guess its all a matter of what you are comfortable with.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Age is just a number. As long as both parties involved are getting what they want out of the relationship and are happy about it, the age difference should not matter. It's all about what feels right to you.
Around 20 years is the cut off for me. A little more for casual sex, a little less for serious relationships.
I think that, as a general rule, age really is just a number (given both parties are of legal age). If both people are happy and getting what they need/want from the other person and the relationship, why judge them for that?

Personally, I don't like to date guys younger than me. It's just a rule for me. As for older guys...I couldn't see myself going for someone more than 20 years older than me. And even that's pushing it!
No age limit. Just as long as I can fuck 'em all
I think age is a state of mind, it's how old you feel not how old you actually are.

With regards to relationships there is, I'm trying to think how best to describe it, almost like a generation gap if there is a large number of years between a couple. Meaning that one may not be able to appreciate/understand the other with regards to certain issues.

I don't think there is a cut off age for me I do think it's harder/less common to form a relationship with anyone where there is a big age difference. I'd never rule it out though.
Biological age is an indication on how much life experience someone has and how much the person matured with it.

But thats it. Its way more important what someone does with his life experiences. I have met 18 years old being more mature than 30 years old.

In the end it all comes down to the individuality of everyone.
I think after you pass 35 ..age doesnt make any differance at all .i have been out with a guy that were 26 years older then I ..
und that might be pushing it a bit ...but i had a great time ...every time i went out with him ....I wasc 36 und he was 62 .....he is a real gentleman.but really knows how to please
It really depends on the person. If your both happy the who cares? I have always enjoyed older men; but I wouldn't want to miss out on a an amazing experience with someone just because they are younger than me. We should always keep our hearts and our minds open.

That being said, realistically there can be some issues that also come with being with someone older or younger. Such as having certain things in common, shared experiences, histories and events. If your discussing the "The White Album" with your friends at a party and he/she asks you what that is; it could be a tad awkward. That is a pretty obvious expample I know, but I needed an easy reference to make a point.

So I guess it comes down to you, and your partner, and what makes you both happy.
To be honest finding a younger man attractive and acting on it are two very different things for me...I mean i see a movie like Magic Mike or a hot guy walking down the street, and my brain (and Body) goes "nice view" however if that same guy walking down the street winked and came up to me to chat, i would feel rather silly. flattered but i couldn't look at him in a sexual active way, maybe fantasy. any younger then 15 years difference, he could have been my son.

As for an older man, i can find them incredibly sexy and would definity think of them in a sexually active way if they meet my criteria (we girls do have certain standards, Can't stand a man who has lost his front teeth. shudders at the thought to be honest. expensive to fix but it shows you are one to look after yourself and that is important, amongst other criteria).

so i suppose i am do suffer from an occasional bout of ageism in this regard.
So long as everything is nice and legal, it's all good. It's hard enough to find someone without placing artificial barriers in the way.
I think a 15-20 age difference is pretty big already, in my opinion.
Even though I believe age IS just a number, I've never been the kind of person and never tried to date someone who's 3 years older and up.
You know, if you message me, you can see what an interesting person I can be.

Just saying.
to me it is just a number as long as you get along together and enjoy some of the same things in life.
Yeah age is just a number to me. But when they have to start using Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, that's too old for me.
Quote by Callisto
Yeah age is just a number to me. But when they have to start using Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, that's too old for me.

Why did you pop two of those bad boys to me the last time we were together then? You know I don't need those suckers, aye carumba!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

I don't think age is a big deal. If two people have that spark, that connection the don't let it hold you back. Don't let others make you feel like it's wrong either. Life is short, and sure there is a ton of fish in the sea, but we don't have that spark with them all. The world is HUGE, if you can find someone you're happy with then go with it.
As long as both parties are of legal age!
†Jinxy Approved†

I'm guilty of having had many 'rules' before I re-entered singledom but having done my fair share of dating men of all different ages over the last three years, any 'rules' I had regarding younger men especially have gone out the window (apart from anything illegal of course). The only barriers are the ones you place on yourself and how you feel about whatever age you're attracting or attracted to otherwise, my new rule is just have fun and enjoy it while I still got it.
I have a similar post here.... I dont really think age matters.... as long as you enjoy each others' company and want to be together, then go for it! It's your life... live it the way you want to!
Quote by Bluez
I have a similar post here.... I dont really think age matters.... as long as you enjoy each others' company and want to be together, then go for it! It's your life... live it the way you want to!

Shit.... sorry ladies... I forgot what forum I was in! my bad!
14-20 is my first choice

Max his age should be less than 25 if I like him or I find him cute
Age doesn't matter, as long as you have similar interests other than sex
My rule is nobody old enough to be my dad, nobody young enough to be my son. Anything in between is good.
This question is very relative and you will find your attitude changing as the years go by. smile
Time doesn't exist... quantum physics. very interesting topic indeed.
Quote by Buz
A difference of about 40 years would be pushing it.

Quote by SueBrasil
14-20 is my first choice

Max his age should be less than 25 if I like him or I find him cute

14-17 would not be very wise in USA... I don't know about Brazil?
age range over my life has been from 15 years younger than me to 12 years older than me.