Does anyone know how to create an app? Because It would be AMAZING to release a Lush Stories iPhone app!
I don't think there's an app, although I do believe they were looking into it...
I also have an iphone and I would LOVE a proper Lush app...
There is a mobile site already...
To my knowledge Apple won't allow anything 'adult' in the way of apps...although I may be mistaken on that one. Don't hold me to it!
Apple doesn't allow explicit content on the app store, as fas as I know (that's what someone here said, anyway. I wouldn't know because I'm an Android lover) so an iPhone app wouldn't be possible. Also, it cost a heck of a lot more to create an iPhone app than it does to create an equivalent Android one.
This would definitely be a very good addition!! Great idea!!
Yes some of you were right, apple would not allow it on the appstore, as it goes against there T&C