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In Which Date Do You Put Out?

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The first date arrives, and you like his handsomeness, charm, wit, intelligence, and maybe his cash.

At which date do you decide to get it on?

Do you have a set rule about it?


Only gals may answer and post in here, please.
Her Ladyship Verifier
Depends. I'm waiting out for a guy that really cares for me... so I have no set number of date.

~ "She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott. "
Artistic Tart
If I like his looks, his smarts, his manners, and his wallet- what am I waiting on again? I know not everyone sees it like I do- but it's sex, not a proposal.
For some guys, the first date if i like him and can see it going places.
Active Ink Slinger
Waiting on ring on finger, and wedding night, mmmm looks like a long wait here. giggles
If he looks good and has all the other qualities you want; why not the first date. Why invest in another date if that sex part just is not going to have the chemistry between the two of you.

But there are expections to this rule
Alpha Blonde
It really depends...

If I've just met him, I typically wait until the 2nd or 3rd date. I do like the anticipation of knowing what's ahead, and the build-up...
I also have better sex when I'm feeling that vibe and stimulated on all levels (the mind as well)... it usually takes a second meeting before that happens unless you're on a marathon first date and the chemistry is just too intense to deny. I've done it on the first as well, but that's more the exception to the rule for me.
For me, it has all been based on where I am in my life. I've been divorced for 2 years, not by my choice. It took 3 "dates" for me to sleep with the first guy that I liked and felt a connection with, but that was over a period of time and we talked everyday. But that kind of broke the seal for me. The next guy I dated we slept together the first date...knew him 2 days. My most recent fling it took 2 dates. If I feel a connection...I'm all over it, you only live once. I'm really enjoying being single!!
Active Ink Slinger
i don't really have a set rule about it...if it feels right, and feels good, then i'll probably do it.

I did it first time with some guys, and never with other ones...

there's no time requirement...just a "feeling"
Active Ink Slinger
No set rule, however, rarely first date, and that's because it's rarely going to be a second date. If the guy is willing to get straight to it, then he's missing getting to know me at all, and then why would I want to know him better? I might have sex because I'm horny as hell, that's no way to start a solid relationship. I think that's why my two longest relationships have been my marriage and my first sexual relationship. It took some time to get to know each other and get to that level.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
If we connect on the 1st date and evrything goes well off cums the clothes.
The Linebacker
When I was single I played hard to get. I was a 'pussy tease.'
That depends entirely on the date...but I have on the first before. Why not if there's a bit if chemistry?
Active Ink Slinger
I admit I have done it on a few first dates, but with those I talked to them for at least a couple of weeks and timing was just off for face to face, more common that I 'hold out' as current guy says for 4-5 dates or a couple weeks.