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If you suspected your Roommate or Friend of using your sex toys ?

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Active Ink Slinger
How personal do you view your sex toys, or how protective are you of your sex toys?
Do you feel sex toys can be shared like clothes or shoes, after all, they can be cleaned and sterilized if one wanted.
Or are they so personal, you'd never want another woman to be so intimate with them?
Hope the poll choices covered most responses, thanks in advance for your participation.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
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I think your question could use a little clarity.

If my Roomie takes my toys, they'd damn well better explain themselves. They're someone I'm sharing living space with and taking my stuff requires an explanation.
That can be a book from my shelf, my hair dryer or a sex toy.
Taking my stuff without permission just because you felt like it, will result in a slap and a serious row.
Mind you, borrowing my hair dryer because yours died and you needed to dry your hair AND you put it back again neatly isn't the end of the world.
Using my sex toys, and not saying so is a major no no.

A friend of mine using them had better come with an explanation too.
I mean if they take the toy, use it, clean it and return it I'm much less likely to freak out.

What we allow others to do really depends on the nature of the relationship.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Advanced Wordsmith

Unless you count the natural appendages of my lovers I don't actually own any sex toys.

But as an aside, I always washed mom's... Dried them and put them away EXACTY where I found them after use.

Active Ink Slinger

We can use it together and have fun 

Dutchess Of Dancing

Together is always better than alone!!😘

A secret isn't a secret if 2 know it🤐