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If you caught your boyfriend telling you small lies would you dump him?

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I have a friend who told me a story about one of her exes. She was sitting at a cafeteria and saw her then boyfriend walking down the street. So she phoned him, and asked," where are you?"...he answered another address, and that was it, she dumped him inmediately, she said that small lies lead to bigger lies sooner or later.

I wonder if you think the same? Would you dump a guy if you caught him on a small lie?
Hmm not on one or two but i would be a bit cautious and keep my eye out. I mean he could have been on his way to that address so it was easier to say he as there, than that he was going.

If it kept on happening all the time then yea i would dump him
Quote by MMonroe
he could have been on his way to that address so it was easier to say he as there, than that he was going.

Well, perhaps. I dont remember the details, but she's a serial dater, she's the classic "party girl", every night going out, dating the hot guys, etc, so I guess she's seen her fair share of male attitudes and she didnt want to lose time.
Alpha Blonde
It seems like she must have had other red flags about him prior to this incident because it sounds like she was testing him. If I saw my boyfriend walking down the street, I would probably just call his cell and see if he wanted to grab a coffee or drink if he wasn't busy. I wouldn't call and ask "where are you right now?" unless I already had suspicions.

There's a fine line between not wanting to get played, and being full-blown paranoid.
Wild at Heart
He was obviously on his way to buy her a diamond and wanted to keep it a secret but of course she had to go and ruin it.
Advanced Wordsmith
I know that people lie for many reasons and not all of them demonic but I have an absolute hard limit on lies. I have ditched friends because of what might seem like insignificant lies. It may seem like an overreaction, but I have huge, huge trust issues. If I catch you lying, you're out of my life. Simple as.
Stock answer to most forum questions:
Some do, Some don't

Love blindsides us all.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MinaMiranda
I know that people lie for many reasons and not all of them demonic but I have an absolute hard limit on lies. I have ditched friends because of what might seem like insignificant lies. It may seem like an overreaction, but I have huge, huge trust issues. If I catch you lying, you're out of my life. Simple as.

If I lie about having a 10 inch cock, will I be out before or after I get in?

edit.. .and does this count as a small or big lie?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Advanced Wordsmith
You'd be out on the basis of my preference for cocks I can actually accommodate. Sorry, we don't even get to the verification stage!
Stock answer to most forum questions:
Some do, Some don't

Love blindsides us all.
Active Ink Slinger
The average person tells 3-5 lies a day. I would have to dump every boyfriend, friend, and family member for that matter if I went by that sort of rule.

It would have to be judged on the content of the lie, the magnitude, and the reason behind it.

Remember, saying "I'm ok" when you really feel less than, is technically a lie. Am I going to dump someone for that? No.

"I'm just leaving the pub now" is also probably a lie. But I am not going to dump someone over that either.

"I'm at Matthews" when really they are at Samantha's? That's going to cause me some issues.
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Quote by MinaMiranda
I know that people lie for many reasons and not all of them demonic but I have an absolute hard limit on lies. I have ditched friends because of what might seem like insignificant lies. It may seem like an overreaction, but I have huge, huge trust issues. If I catch you lying, you're out of my life. Simple as.

I agree. Let me tell you a little personal story. Perhaps it sounds silly at first glance, but it really made me rethink my attitude toward lies.

Around ten years ago there was this posh club in my city. I used to go and say I was a friend of some guy who worked there, so I could have a free pass. I didn´t know the guy, I just picked up his name by chance someday. I didn´t give it much thought, I thought I was the "smart ass" who fooled the Big Brother, or something.

So one day, I showed up, and said "hey I'm this guy's friend". The bouncer looked at me and said "wait a sec, I am gonna check it, I will ask him". Bummer. So meanwhile I was busy trying to make up a story, the supposedly friend showed up and said he didnt know me. I got blocked, trying to babble an excuse, and then the bouncer looked at me hard and said "why do you lie to me". I felt so embarrassed and low.

The next day, I looked myself in the mirror and thought "why should I lie over stupid things? Who cares about a bloody club? I should not put my dignity on the line (and risk getting caught) for such a vain and pointless thing".

Little by little I tried to be more honest with myself and others, and realized that life is much more clean and peaceful with no lies, I would only lie for important stuff, like an emergency, saving my/others life, etc. But each time you lie for a small thing part of your dignity vanishes.

I dont wanna sound like an spiritual guru or something, but that expirience really opened my eyes, life is too short to waste it on stupid games. It gives a lot of peace of mind to put the cards on the table, and if what you got is not enough for somebody, then that's their problem.

Well, this is all for today folks , I hope you guys enjoyed, please come back soon and don´t forget to tip your waitress!!
Active Ink Slinger
that seems excessive... but i do believe if he can lie about the little things, he can lie about the important stuff too
it would depend on the lie for me.. like if it could lead to bigger lies than yes i would dump him- the trust would be gone!
For me it would depend on how much I liked a guy as well as how much I trusted him (for whatever reason). I've been known to 'dump' a guy for something, but with another guy try to work through it... because I wanted it to work with him.

Active Ink Slinger
If i catch my bf lying me and start go on like that he would lose my belief for him. And i would kick hm out. How i can be with somebody i cnt trust?
Active Ink Slinger
i would cuz cant trust him then it mean noting
Active Ink Slinger

Little lies raise red flags. The reason for the lie is not nearly as important as the lie itself - if the truth is a problem, then there are a lot of problems.

Watch him, maybe warn him, but be ready to dump him (or get dumped first).