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"I have a boyfriend!"

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Cryptic Vigilante

"I have a boyfriend!"

This is something that I've discussed about last Friday with some male friends...

As most men and women certainly know, the line "I have a boyfriend!" is probably the biggest deterrent for a guy to pursue his advances.

My questions:

In the case where you really have a boyfriend:

- Do you make a point to consciously mention that you have a boyfriend when interacting with other males? If so, how soon during the interaction?

- Do you only rely on such a strategy when you know that a guy could be interested in you (or you in him)?

- Do you sometimes enjoy hiding this information a little, just to flirt/tease casually and see if a certain guy could be interested in you?

In the case where you don't have a boyfriend:

- Have you used this line to dissuade annoying guys from flirting with you?

- Do you often rely on this strategy, or only use it as a last resort?

I've always found it cute/funny how some girls handle this information. At times, I had a pretty good vibe going on with a female acquaintance/coworker, and she made a point to mention her relationship in a not-so-subtle manner (eg. "Oh, my boyfriend is similar actually, he doesn't like overcomplicated meals!"). At other times, girls eventually told me that they have a boyfriend, but they still allowed themselves to be a little flirtatious with me beforehand. And then, I also received the "I have a boyfriend!" line while flirting with strangers and wondered if it really was true or just a strategy to get rid of me.

Thanks for sharing!
Her Royal Spriteness
I prefer: "I have a wife". Personally. for one, it kind of takes them by surprise. Also, hopefully it keeps them from hitting on me. Thirdly, I'm kind of proud of the fact.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by sprite
I prefer: "I have a wife". Personally. for one, it kind of takes them by surprise. Also, hopefully it keeps them from hitting on me. Thirdly, I'm kind of proud of the fact.

Whatever floats your boat, I even received a "I have a Sybian" once.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by SereneProdigy

Whatever floats your boat, I even received a "I have a Sybian" once.

wife trumps sybian, but sybian trumps boyfriend. Hell, cat trumps boyfriend as far as i'm concerned. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by sprite

wife trumps sybian, but sybian trumps boyfriend. Hell, cat trumps boyfriend as far as i'm concerned. smile

Maybe, however "I have a penis" beats them all in terms of being the most dissuasive one.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
I prefer: "I have a wife". Personally. for one, it kind of takes them by surprise. Also, hopefully it keeps them from hitting on me. Thirdly, I'm kind of proud of the fact.

Does it work?


"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
wife trumps sybian, but sybian trumps boyfriend. Hell, cat trumps boyfriend as far as i'm concerned. smile

Cat? You mean pussy?


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BiMale73

Cat? You mean pussy?

actually, the four-legged kind the meows and purrs, but yeah, pussy trumps boyfriend too. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BiMale73

Does it work?

Sometimes. occasionally it becomes a challenge to overcome, when the guy is either drunk, a dick, or both. true story. guy was hitting on me in a bar while i was with my wife - he'd had way too much to drink - it had been made VERY clear to him that we were together, neither of us were interested, and he should leave us alone - although he got the hint, finally, he decided to be an ass about it and make what i considered an unforgivable comment. the night ended abruptly with the bouncer pulling me off of him after I'd broken his nose and put some hurt on him. kind of ruined my night.

moral of the story: be polite - if someone gives you the signals that they aren't interested, take heed. if they're looking to hook up, or whatever, they'll never even mention a boyfriend, even if they have one.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
actually, the four-legged kind the meows and purrs, but yeah, pussy trumps boyfriend too. smile

Oh well, lesbians, what do they know...


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BiMale73

Oh well, lesbians, what do they know...

Read my above post... ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Bonnet Flaunter
The only time I have used that line was at a dance evening when a non-dancing guy (brought along by his mates to get him out of the house) who I was chatting too in the friendly way I do with everyone, suddenly asked me out on a drink. Obviously as a date. While I was desperately searching for polite excuses I suddenly remembered that I actually DID have a boyfriend (to be fair to me we'd not being going out for long) and gratefully seized on that and it worked without offending the guy. I did mention it to my boyfriend shortly afterwards and he was very laid back about the whole thing!
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite

Sometimes. occasionally it becomes a challenge to overcome, when the guy is either drunk, a dick, or both. true story. guy was hitting on me in a bar while i was with my wife - he'd had way too much to drink - it had been made VERY clear to him that we were together, neither of us were interested, and he should leave us alone - although he got the hint, finally, he decided to be an ass about it and make what i considered an unforgivable comment. the night ended abruptly with the bouncer pulling me off of him after I'd broken his nose and put some hurt on him. kind of ruined my night.

moral of the story: be polite - if someone gives you the signals that they aren't interested, take heed. if they're looking to hook up, or whatever, they'll never even mention a boyfriend, even if they have one.

Yeah, I kinda guessed that for some guys it would trigger the opposite response of what you're after. That's why I asked.
Bouncer could have stepped in a bit earlier.


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BiMale73

Yeah, I kinda guessed that for some guys it would trigger the opposite response of what you're after. That's why I asked.
Bouncer could have stepped in a bit earlier.

lol - he could have - truth was, he was about to bounce the guy and had no clue that a 90 lb girl could do so much damage in such a short amount of time - never underestimate the fury of a fairy.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
lol - he could have - truth was, he was about to bounce the guy and had no clue that a 90 lb girl could do so much damage in such a short amount of time - never underestimate the fury of a fairy.

I'm rather skeptic about fairies, but thanks anyway for the warning ;)


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

lol - he could have - truth was, he was about to bounce the guy and had no clue that a 90 lb girl could do so much damage in such a short amount of time - never underestimate the fury of a fairy.

RACHEL Stop this and WRITE
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer honesty. If I am not interested, I tell them that. Nicely at first!
As a student I ended up chatting to an incredibly charming man and after a while I realised I'd better tell him I had a boyfriend because he was really doing a good job... My boyfriend was a complete tosser as well, I regret the entire relationship... Know what this chap said?

He just started asking me nice questions like where he was tonight and how long we'd been together. He was just lovely. I was glad I'd been honest because he deserved it, although not glad I had to turn him down because for some reason I wanted to be in a relationship with an idiot.

He hugged me and then went on his way after a bit, and I told him as he was going that I definitely fucking would and kissed him on the shoulder.
I am a very flirtatious person so I prefer to engage in sweet innocent conversation with him. At the point where I feel like he needs to know, I will throw it out there. On that note I have noticed most guys dont care, they are just looking for fun and are probably married anyways so I say have fun and be safe unless he is a weirdo then give him the line when he engages conversation with you!
Rainbow Warrior
Over the years I have accumulated a thousand smart-ass, often non-sequitur answers for guys who hit on me. The boyfriend excuse would just be lying, since my boyfriend shares me so willingly. By the time they puzzle over my mysterious reply, I've wiggled my fingers 'bye' to them.
In my teen years I would answer this with, "Well, he isn't at this party...why not?" Some weak answer/excuse would be given and I would simply state he is a fool to let her be at a place like this, and what is it that is more important than her in his life? Half the time the girl would move on, with doubts about said boyfriend, and the other half I would have a new girlfriend by night's end. ;)
I don't really have much interest in other men, to be honest. My OH tends to come up in conversation, entirely non-deliberately, and by that time we're probably doing shots and I'm acting like "one of the guys" anyway.

There's never any interest in me, and that's fine by me because I'm not interested back.

Now with women, I flirt to my heart's content. They always know about the OH. He quite likes watching it, anyway.

No, I've never used the "I have a boyfriend" excuse.
Active Ink Slinger
My reply - if ever its needed is - "I have two guys so three is a crowd...... Bye !!!!."
Alpha Blonde
I've used the line before, both when I've had a legit boyfriend as well as when I've been single and need to deter an over-aggressive guy (usually in a bar atmosphere or the gym) and can't be bothered explaining why I'm not interested. Sometimes guys take 'getting the girl' as a challenge and this is an easy way to just shut things down without any lingering maybes. Although, it usually requires the "and I don't cheat" bit in bars or clubs because many guys don't care if a girl has a BF, especially if he's not around at the moment.

In general though, I hate it... especially when a guy isn't being overly obvious and is just chatting or doing some light flirting. Saying "I have a BF" is kind of assuming a lot of things and I'm not one of those "if you're talking to me or we're casually flirting, it must mean you want to fuck/date me" types. So... yeah, if I'm enjoying the vibe, I probably won't bring it up until things take an obvious turn that way.

And unless I'm being outright propositioned, I'll probably just work it into the conversation (in a casual way) if I sense a guy is getting really invested in the pitch/play. After a while, I don't want to be responsible for wasting a guys time if it seems like he's on the prowl to find a hook up.
The Linebacker
Quote by sprite

wife trumps sybian, but sybian trumps boyfriend. Hell, cat trumps boyfriend as far as i'm concerned. smile

That's three Trumps...

The Linebacker
I know a lot of guys are bad, but there are also a lot of women that can be extremely aggressive with their come ons and have a serious problem taking no for an answer. Its shocking how many women keep on and keep on. "I have a wife" or "I have a girlfriend" does not deter them at all. And quite often once you do get fed up and let them know, in no uncertain terms, you're not at all interested in them, they come back with a homophobic slur. That is disgustingly small minded.

Everyone should tale NO for an answer and quit pursuing when the woman or man says "I have a boyfriend" or "I have a wife" etc.
Active Ink Slinger
Well... I used to have a friend that never took no for an answer. He never let the conversation go that far without outright asking if the woman was "here" looking for sex, conversation or just drinks.

He was very good looking and charming and took more women home than any 20 men I ever knew. Some men are simply irrestible to most women and his innocent boyish looks and million dollar smile got him a LOT of pickups.

I honestly think it has very little to do with the conversation line if the woman is at the right time in her life for some good old raw sex with an attractive and sexy man and the right one comes along. I think it's more about chemistry rather looks or words.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that I have better than average looks, I've never possessed that kind of animal magnetism that some men have.

That made me give up on bars years ago. Plus alcohol is expensive and bad for one's health.

I live in a fairly small town where everyone knows everyone also so it's not advisable to pick up women in bars or you could have an angry husband or bf on your doorstep before you get her clothes off.... LOL

Treat a woman like a lady always except in bed and the right kind of women will beat a path to your door. Women talk and your reputation will get you more "hookups" than any cute pick up lines in medium to small towns. Also NEVER but EVER brag about your conquests. Word travels very fast.

In big cities I'd be lost and somewhat helpless in finding "dates" or "hookups".... I guess I'm just a dinosaur.... LOL

Also... Don't take what I say as good advice. I just know what's worked for me.

I almost never get the boyfriend line anyway. I look for a ring and if I don't see one I simply ask. Works for me Might not for you.....

Oh crap... This is an ask the gals section.... Sorry girls. If any of you suggest I delete this I gladly will....
Great minds think alike but dirty minds work together.... ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I only mention my relationship in conversation if:

1. Someone asks me directly.
(Are you single? Do you have a man? Are you married?)

2. It becomes obvious while chatting the man is looking for something more than friendship.
(Making sexually suggestive hints that aren't nearly as subtle as he thinks it is.)

If neither of these two things happen, I rarely bring it up. I don't see the point, and it can be death to a good conversation. However, I don't make a habit of flirting with other guys, even if they think I am. Sadly, even simple kindness, such as smiling and making eye contact, is often mistaken for flirting these days. To me, it's just being polite, but other people don't see it that way.
Advanced Wordsmith
For me personally, it depends on the guy in question. Someone that obviously wants a hook up or that has tried it on with millions of other girls in front of me I say it straight away. Other times I don't even realise someone is trying to chat me up, but I tend to slip it in there somewhere.

I have also used this when I'm single, guys are delicate. We need to protect their feelings, they can't know that we really don't find them funny or hot! (Sorry, just being honest)

But I'd say, most of all, be polite! If a girl is interested and looking for a guy she can't say no to someone who is polite, complimentary and sincere.