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How would you react to a switch?

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Your man blindfolds and restrains you. He spends a long time pleasuring you orally and fucking you to orgasm after orgasm. He removes the blindfold and you see it has been him and another man taking turns on you.

How would you react?
who had the blindfold , she or he ? if she did, so it will be a fantastic surprise , if he , then she would know .
i really feel like i would know it was a different person...
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by littlemissbitch
i really feel like i would know it was a different person...

I agree. Everyman is different .... like each person kisses different, each man does his pleasuring slightly differently.
if it was good i wouldn't mind
I would love the switch ,and you no it instantly ,each women has a different technic,some tight lipped,gobbler,tongue swiller,but its the surprise that makes you smile,a sister,aunt ,twins(once) ,mom&&& the Husband.
I am very broad minded and I have tried many things, but I would want to know who I am having sex with.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. if I am blindfolded, I cannot see any beauty in what I am doing.
Quote by TraceyAmes
I am very broad minded and I have tried many things, but I would want to know who I am having sex with.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. if I am blindfolded, I cannot see any beauty in what I am doing.

The question still remains, how would you react?
If the other guy was hot, I would love it.
If it was something we talked about doing or have an open relationship where we have been with others together, than I think I would love it. But if it isnt something we talked about doing and he just brought in another guy, then I would be pissed(even if i did enjoy it).

And I am sure I would know it was a different guy.

For those who would enjoy it, what would you do if the new guy was much better than YOUR guy?
woman prefer to know whom inside her , if she knew it , then blindfolds would be her option
Quote by Dancing_Doll
If the other guy was hot, I would love it.

What if he was ugly but made you cum harder then ever before?!
Quote by Nikki703
If it was something we talked about doing or have an open relationship where we have been with others together, than I think I would love it. But if it isnt something we talked about doing and he just brought in another guy, then I would be pissed(even if i did enjoy it).

And I am sure I would know it was a different guy.

For those who would enjoy it, what would you do if the new guy was much better than YOUR guy?

I totally agree with Nikki. For me, I would see it as a huge betrayal and probably the end of our relationship. I'm not sure I can express how angry I would be. It's not something that's on my list, which he knows, and would not put me in that situation.

Edit: I honestly would almost see this as a form of , for me. It's not something I consented to or ever expressed an interest in. Actually, I've expressed the exact opposite.
Quote by Curlygirly

I totally agree with Nikki. For me, I would see it as a huge betrayal and probably the end of our relationship. I'm not sure I can express how angry I would be. It's not something that's on my list, which he knows, and would not put me in that situation.

Edit: I honestly would almost see this as a form of , for me. It's not something I consented to or ever expressed an interest in. Actually, I've expressed the exact opposite.

I was waiting for your response. And I knew you'd not like the switch one single bit.

And I totally agree. If it isn't something you discussed, it's hindering on some form of sexual assault. Change the genders up. If a dude is blindfolded and getting head from his wife. And then takes off the blindfold to see she's been replaced by a male friend who has sucked him off, would that switch be ok? Probably not. Some people said they would be ok with it. But as a guy, it's not something I would surprise any woman with. Unless it's been talked about and I KNEW she'd be ok with it, I'd never put myself in a situation where I took the choice away from a woman. Bad form.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by 1curiouscat

What if he was ugly but made you cum harder then ever before?!

Hmm... he'd never bring an ugly prop, but yeah I'd be pissed. I do have standards - even when blindfolded. Haha

I'm obviously answering this question as someone who has toyed with this as a fantasy. You have to know your partner's limitations and respect those, but there is nothing wrong with an exciting/kinky surprise now and then if you know your partner would be into it.

I've always been very open and verbal about what I'm into and not into, and what my fantasies are that I'd do in real life versus things that I might think are hot in theory but wouldn't want to try. Within that realm of knowing your partner's kinks and desires, there's lots of play room for spontaneous fun and unexpected surprises.
Quote by Nikki703

For those who would enjoy it, what would you do if the new guy was much better than YOUR guy?

It's just sex, so it wouldn't really faze me. A good fuck is fun, but not the same as a quality relationship.

Of course - if your relationship was on the rocks already, then I can see how playing games like this might be playing with fire, but that's similar to the risks that couples take when they try to "rejuvenate" a bad relationship with a threesome. You need to be in a good place in your relationship when contemplating an adventure that goes beyond standard 'vanilla'...
Quote by Dancing_Doll

You have to know your partner's limitations and respect those, but there is nothing wrong with an exciting/kinky surprise now and then if you know your partner would be into it.

This is the key point, knowing what your partner may be willing to do.

I think it would be more likely that the guy brought in another girl to lick her more than a guy. Afterall, isnt that every guys fantasy? Buteven this would have to be something you may have talked about doing.
Quote by lafayettemister

I was waiting for your response. And I knew you'd not like the switch one single bit.

And I totally agree. If it isn't something you discussed, it's hindering on some form of sexual assault. Change the genders up. If a dude is blindfolded and getting head from his wife. And then takes off the blindfold to see she's been replaced by a male friend who has sucked him off, would that switch be ok? Probably not. Some people said they would be ok with it. But as a guy, it's not something I would surprise any woman with. Unless it's been talked about and I KNEW she'd be ok with it, I'd never put myself in a situation where I took the choice away from a woman. Bad form.

Haha! I'm that predictable, huh?

I read him the question over the phone and asked him what he thought my response would be. His reply was something along the lines of "You'd be fucking pissed as hell." See, we're on the same page.

We've discussed it and we know what each other's desires, wants and more importantly boundaries are.
By being them to continue. That would ba a dream come true.
This seems like a question that answers itself based on your relationship, right? I mean, if you're adventurous to some degree, and occasionally dabble with other playthings, it's hard to imagine this scenario causing a major upheaval (unless, as Doll and 1CC mention, the guy's seriously fugly, unclean, or an asshole). If it's really phenomenal, hot sex, then the worst that might happen is some time later having a "holy shit, I can't believe you pulled that stunt!" discussion. I, too, have had this fantasy.

But if you're relatively vanilla, or as a woman, simply have no desire to experiment with men outside your relationship, then hell yes, this would be a neutron bomb to drop on your relationship.
Quote by Curlygirly

I totally agree with Nikki. For me, I would see it as a huge betrayal and probably the end of our relationship. I'm not sure I can express how angry I would be. It's not something that's on my list, which he knows, and would not put me in that situation.

Edit: I honestly would almost see this as a form of , for me. It's not something I consented to or ever expressed an interest in. Actually, I've expressed the exact opposite.

My first thought was that it sounds like ...

I mean, even if it was something we had discussed, there's a big difference between having a fantasy and having a guy pleasure you sexually without your consent...

I agree with CG, I think i would see it as a betrayal and it would most likely be the end...

Now, if it was something we had previously planned and discussed but I just didn't know when it was going to happen...

Then I guess I'd be very happy...
Quote by Curlygirly

I totally agree with Nikki. For me, I would see it as a huge betrayal and probably the end of our relationship. I'm not sure I can express how angry I would be. It's not something that's on my list, which he knows, and would not put me in that situation.

Edit: I honestly would almost see this as a form of , for me. It's not something I consented to or ever expressed an interest in. Actually, I've expressed the exact opposite.

my sentiments exactly!!!
sex is like a's only good if you get it

There's a big difference here between knowing and not knowing. If this scenario was not discussed before hand, I would be hell pissed and feel violated! You are putting your trust in your partner and for them to bring in someone else without your consent is a breach of trust and not to mention creepy. I feel like I know there is another person and would put a stop to it immediately.
If I knew there was going to be two guys pleasuring me, while I was blindfolded, half the fun would be trying to figure who it is.

I still find the scenario posed creepy!
The more I think about this, it really is a stupid question! There is no way I would not know that 2 different guys were fucking me, unless maybe they were twins. And if I was repulsed by the idea, I would have been yelling at my guy to stop soon as I realized it. If I let it go long enough where I came again and again, then obviously I didnt have a problem with it and was enjoying it very much.
Quote by Nikki703
The more I think about this, it really is a stupid question! There is no way I would not know that 2 different guys were fucking me, unless maybe they were twins. And if I was repulsed by the idea, I would have been yelling at my guy to stop soon as I realized it. If I let it go long enough where I came again and again, then obviously I didnt have a problem with it and was enjoying it very much.

Nicole I have done twins and even they are different.
For me it comes down to how open the relationship is and how willing we have been in the past to do things across the line.

But I would be telling my daughters there are STD'd out there which you must think about. Not sure Mom follows her own advice.

Will it be turn next week?
Quote by ricinatl

The question still remains, how would you react?

I would totally reject the idea Ric. It is an invasion of both trust and privacy. All things should be done on a mutual basis. It would be the beginning of the end of my marriage.
Came across a few videos of this. In a couple scenerios the wife was a willing participant. In one she knew it was coming but didn't know who. In another she didn't know it was coming or who it was but was obviously willing, after the blindfold was removed the party kept going.
So for this question let's assume it was once upon a time discussed but the actual act was a surprise, maybe you never thought he would really go through with it or maybe it was a fantasy you had shared during some hot sex, but all the sudden it's happening .
Quote by ricinatl
Came across a few videos of this. In a couple scenerios the wife was a willing participant. In one she knew it was coming but didn't know who. In another she didn't know it was coming or who it was but was obviously willing, after the blindfold was removed the party kept going.
So for this question let's assume it was once upon a time discussed but the actual act was a surprise, maybe you never thought he would really go through with it or maybe it was a fantasy you had shared during some hot sex, but all the sudden it's happening .

That's a different scenario. You have to *know* your partner wants to do this in real life. I wrote about the blurred line between fantasy and reality in one of my stories. What you talk about in fantasy and during role-play or dirty talk can be verrrry different from what you'd want to happen in real life. I like to be very open about what I would or would not do, and ask the same. I don't assume anything unless I know for sure (and asked during a non-aroused/non-sexual moment so you get the straight truth).

The only way this situation works is if you have a highly communicative, sexually adventurous and "in-tune" with each other couple where it was discussed as something you would like to have happen one day in real life... and that probably includes discussion on the kind of guy you'd want involved and what you'd be ok with happening. Then you can set up the surprise (because the concept of surprise is part of the excitement, otherwise you might as well just have your standard MFM threesome with no blindfold).
I have to say I have fantasized about this but it may best best left alone as just a fantasy and nothing else.