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how woould you ...

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Rookie Scribe
GALS, how would you "pick up" a guy in public? How wold you kinda seduce and get his attention? What's your best tip for such a task?
Active Ink Slinger
A lot depends on your personailty. Are you very outgoing or very shy? I would just try to talk to him. Maybe smile to get his attention. Make eye contact. The eyes never lie! It would greatly depend on where I was on how I would proceed. If in a club, may ask him if he would like to dance. If say a supermarket, I might make a comment about a product or maybe ask him if he could reach something on the top shelf for me. Just something subtle to get his attention then see where it leads.

Just be confident. Try not to be nervous. Good Luck!
I can tell you how I like to be approached if that helps?
I know this flys in the face of all my womans lib sisters out there, but the way men are wired they can not resist the damsel in distress.

We may know more about the subject than the guy you have spotted does' but asking for help always gets attention. Combined with a warm smile you know they can't fail to see you.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Buc
I can tell you how I like to be approached if that helps?

What ever I am doing, make some kind of comment about it, if you know a lot about it, what ever it is, show it. I like smart women, sure sex is great and all but, a real relationship is based on conversations.

Ok, and don't get too close to fast, the defensive cave man thing kicks in, really gals we men are not that far removed from the cave.

On last thing, eye contact if the gal is looking past me or at her feet then I believe she lack confidence and besides I love a girls eyes, the whole mirror to the soul concept.

I have my opinions and ask me anything.
I know this is an "ask the gals" question ...but seeing that I am not the first, I thought I might also add my two cents worth - albeit from my personal perspective; subtle hints such as prolonged eye contact, a demure smile ...and then looking away - are initial hints to being attracted.
A light touch on an arm, chest or forearm, if standing talking, are also indications that you find the person attractive. To actually "pick up" a guy in public would take a far more brazen approach after the initial eye contact/smiling flirtation and I personally like the direct approach long as it isn't vulgar.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
I know this flys in the face of all my womans lib sisters out there, but the way men are wired they can not resist the damsel in distress.

We may know more about the subject than the guy you have spotted does' but asking for help always gets attention. Combined with a warm smile you know they can't fail to see you.

That will get my attention & I may give some help initially. But, women who are dependant & need extended assistance turn me off fast. Hot for me is a woman who can tell me how she worked around the defective door switch on the clothes washer, or wants to show me the shelves she installed. Years ago I had a employee who told me how she beat he crap out of a male roomie who became abusive with her. I made her a business partner.
Advanced Wordsmith
Massage my ego. Be interested in what I am saying. Touch my arm, the small of my back. Eye contact. Smile at my jokes.
Active Ink Slinger
I was in a bar once quietly reading the latest Louis Lamoure western & drinking a beer...this girl walked up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder and ask if I like that book better than girls...I said, "Not no but hell no." then she said, "I like big me."...I'm 6 ' 3" and at the time weighed about 225...her place was closer...strange thing was...when I went home 3 hours later I still didn't know her name...
Prolonged contact with smiling eyes usual says all you need to say, if the man is interested he will make the next move
Rainbow Warrior
I'm not exactly the coy-type. If I want you, you'll know! For girls without my outgoing personality, Kimasa's advice is right on track.
Active Ink Slinger
Reach in your purse and pull out the panties you just finished removing in the ladies' room. Stick them under his nose and ask him if he likes the scent.