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How to initiate 'rough' sex

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Hello ladies

I stumbled across lush years ago, but never had the need to create an account for what I was up to (no prizes for guessing). However, I’ve got a question I want to ask and so here I am.

My girlfriend died about 9 months ago. Don’t worry, I don’t want to talk about this and certainly don’t need any comments on it (I hate nothing more than false sympathy from strangers!)- I mention it only because I need to for the question I’m posing.

Now, we had quite the sex life. I’m not saying I’m a sex god, but with her I certainly felt like one! And the way she made me feel, physically, was unbelievable, so I think she would probably say the same about herself!

But over the years, we developed a deep sexual interest that neither of us had done before- and was surprising to us both. I’m not sure what the word is for it, but I (at times) became very dominant, and she quite submissive.

Not in a real BDSM type way- we never had the need for tools or props, and I certainly had no interest in tying her up (or being tied up!). But sometimes (and increasingly often), I would do things including grabbing her by the neck- and sometimes in a very aggressive manner.

Sometimes the sex we had was very rough- if someone stumbled across us having sex in this way, I’m more than certain that the police would be called! **Content removed by moderator. Violates Lush TOS.** A fantasy that we sometimes carried out- although I did it for her, and I never really felt comfortable getting that far.

After death, and until recently, I became somewhat asexual (if that’s actually a thing….). I’m still not ready to be with another girl, but I have started become more interested in having sex again. My fear is, though, that my new sexual interest is going to get me in trouble!

I’ve been googling it for the last week, and the people who like it (male or female) do so in for reasons that were very different to me

What I mean is, people pose the question and people respond with ‘If a guy ever did that to me, I would….call the police/get my brothers on him/kick him in the balls’ type way.

Or, on the other end of the scale, people really liked to do it for some fucked up reasons. Either men wanting to degrade/punish women because, it would seem, they hated women. Or women who did because they, seemingly, hated themselves; and needed someone to prove their own dis-worth to themselves.

When we did it, though, it really was about being closer to each other. I asked her what she got from it, and she said that giving herself to me like that was a real turn on. It was a sign of love. When I did it, I felt much much closer to her. That might sound fucked up, and I can’t really explain why, but I just felt like we ‘became one’.

The problem I have now it that when I look at girls, especially recently, one of the first things I’ll notice about them is their neck; and that’s not something that I really want to admit to a real life friend- hence my post here!

My questions to you all, therefore, is:

1. How common is this (ie am I panicking over nothing and I need to grow a pair)?
2. What is the likely response to grabbing a girl by the neck? And if you feel okay to indulging me, how would you respond (positively or negatively- so that I can get an idea of what to expect!)
3. For the girls who are into this; how would you recommend I introduce it to the bedroom (I kinda understand it’s not something I should be doing on a first date, I know!!! But when and how should I start it)?

Thank you in advance!
What an honest post.

I can only offer a PERSONAL take.

A recent partner of mine, after several dates, during one of those OH FUCK IT conversations, confessed to EXACTLY this fetish/desire... (She wanted me to grip her by the throat and FAUX-FORCE her...) Now, NOT REALLY, but in a Role Play kind of way...

(I'll try anything once...)

She LAUGHED ME OUT OF BED!!! (I was actually really embarrassed!!! And KIND OF FUCKING LIVID!!!) But, quite frankly, it wasn't going to happen!!!

So, I GUESS my observation is that SOME WOMEN are into that, AND SOME MEN can do it... (But not all women and DEFINITELY not THIS MAN!!!) And I can be MACHO!!! I CAN!!! HONESTLY!!!

xx SF

(To Be Clear, if you are holding somebody by the throat while saying, "Take That Cock Bitch..." and they are desperately trying not to laugh... Oh, Jesus! Why am I even sharing this???)

This by the way REALLY DID HAPPEN and NO we no longer date!!!
Quote by TheAngryishLover

1. How common is this (ie am I panicking over nothing and I need to grow a pair)?
2. What is the likely response to grabbing a girl by the neck? And if you feel okay to indulging me, how would you respond (positively or negatively- so that I can get an idea of what to expect!)
3. For the girls who are into this; how would you recommend I introduce it to the bedroom (I kinda understand it’s not something I should be doing on a first date, I know!!! But when and how should I start it)?

Thank you in advance!

1. It's actually quite common. Many people enjoy rough forms of sex, and it's not always for fucked up reasons. If anyone has anything negative to say about your preferences, it's either out of concern, misunderstanding, or both. Not everyone 'gets it'. People tend to reject what they don't understand. So your fantasies can be rather alarming, especially for those who have been in abusive relationships or situations. Rough sex can have healthy, mutual benefits. Not everyone understands this. But no, from what you've stated here, you don't seem abnormal. So don't sweat it so much.

2. It depends on the girl, so don't just go grabbing any girl by the neck. That's something that most people need to talk about, and usually after trust is established. Sure, there are those that will let you just go for it. But just to be safe, always talk it out beforehand. As for me personally, if a guy just randomly grabbed my neck during sex without discussing it with me first, I'd lose my shit, and it would be the last time we fucked. But that's just me. I'm one woman, and that's my opinion. So again, talk about it first.

3. See #2.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Dani

1. It's actually quite common. Many people enjoy rough forms of sex, and it's not always for fucked up reasons. If anyone has anything negative to say about your preferences, it's either out of concern, misunderstanding, or both. Not everyone 'gets it'. People tend to reject what they don't understand. So your fantasies can be rather alarming, especially for those who have been in abusive relationships or situations. Rough sex can have healthy, mutual benefits. Not everyone understands this. But no, from what you've stated here, you don't seem abnormal. So don't sweat it so much.

2. It depends on the girl, so don't just go grabbing any girl by the neck. That's something that most people need to talk about, and usually after trust is established. Sure, there are those that will let you just go for it. But just to be safe, always talk it out beforehand. As for me personally, if a guy just randomly grabbed my neck during sex without discussing it with me first, I'd lose my shit, and it would be the last time we fucked. But that's just me. I'm one woman, and that's my opinion. So again, talk about it first.

3. See #2.

As USUAL my friend DANI gets to THE CRUX of the issue...

(We VERY OFTEN are uncomfortable with TALKING ABOUT sex even with lovers... WHEN IT'S ABOUT something EVEN VAGUELY non-vanilla I think you SHOULD mention it first... Not like a fucking ultimatum, more like a 'what if' when both of you are in that kind of a relaxed moment... We ALL have kinks!!!)

As DANI says, find the RIGHT TIME to say, "But you know... I sort of like to..." and see where it goes. (This of course is true for both sexes.)

xx SF
Hello sexy lady. Would you like rough sex.

Quote by stephanie

What an honest post.

I can only offer a PERSONAL take.

A recent partner of mine, after several dates, during one of those OH FUCK IT conversations, confessed to EXACTLY this fetish/desire... (She wanted me to grip her by the throat and FAUX-FORCE her...) Now, NOT REALLY, but in a Role Play kind of way...

(I'll try anything once...)

She LAUGHED ME OUT OF BED!!! (I was actually really embarrassed!!! And KIND OF FUCKING LIVID!!!) But, quite frankly, it wasn't going to happen!!!

So, I GUESS my observation is that SOME WOMEN are into that, AND SOME MEN can do it... (But not all women and DEFINITELY not THIS MAN!!!) And I can be MACHO!!! I CAN!!! HONESTLY!!!

xx SF

(To Be Clear, if you are holding somebody by the throat while saying, "Take That Cock Bitch..." and they are desperately trying not to laugh... Oh, Jesus! Why am I even sharing this???)

This by the way REALLY DID HAPPEN and NO we no longer date!!!

See, I'm not that Macho! I'm not a small guy, I've got a bit of muscle (and fat, if I'm being honest...but not too much thank god!!), so some times people might think I'm macho, but I really am I find it ironic that I'm the LEAST aggressive person you are ever likely to meet. yet I have these desires. I wouldn't hurt a fly, and I hate arguing. Debating? I'm your man. The minute something turns into an argument, and I'm off

And she was the most dependant, clever, least submissive person you were ever likely to meet. She could speak four languages, three of them fluently. She was extremely intellectual and wouldn't let anyone dare walk over her. Apart from me, in bed!

So I do wonder if part of the appeal of what we did was that it was so out of character? I did read somewhere that peoples sexual desires tend to be the opposite of their personalities. So people who liked being tied up were more likely to have jobs with high responsibility etc etc. So maybe that's what we had?....oh I don't know!
Quote by Dani

1. It's actually quite common. Many people enjoy rough forms of sex, and it's not always for fucked up reasons. If anyone has anything negative to say about your preferences, it's either out of concern, misunderstanding, or both. Not everyone 'gets it'. People tend to reject what they don't understand. So your fantasies can be rather alarming, especially for those who have been in abusive relationships or situations. Rough sex can have healthy, mutual benefits. Not everyone understands this. But no, from what you've stated here, you don't seem abnormal. So don't sweat it so much.

2. It depends on the girl, so don't just go grabbing any girl by the neck. That's something that most people need to talk about, and usually after trust is established. Sure, there are those that will let you just go for it. But just to be safe, always talk it out beforehand. As for me personally, if a guy just randomly grabbed my neck during sex without discussing it with me first, I'd lose my shit, and it would be the last time we fucked. But that's just me. I'm one woman, and that's my opinion. So again, talk about it first.

3. See #2.

Thanks Dani. You are just one woman, but it's the woman's perspective that I was looking for!!!
Quote by simplyjohn
Hello sexy lady. Would you like rough sex.


You make it sound so simple, I feel like an idiot now...
Quote by TheAngryishLover

You make it sound so simple, I feel like an idiot now...

Do NOT be silly...

(Among ALL sites of this type you, (and I NOTICE you are a New Poster...) have found a space where you can ASK HONESTLY and get HONEST RESPONSES...

SOME, (like mine perhaps, will be true but perhaps unhelpful?)

SOME, (Like Sister Dani's, come from a more considered place...)

Upon LUSH STORIES, nobody JUDGES and NOBODY thinks you an IDIOT for asking a REAL question...

xx SF

(Stay with us... We DON'T have all the answers but we have a lot of fun with The Questions...)

Happy New Year...
first, let me say that this is one of the most well thought out, and well written, first threads EVER! obviously this is something that is taxing your mind. being somewhat familiar, i thought i'd give my two cents:

1. RELAX! what you are fantasizing about is NOT all that uncommon. if you mingle here a bit more, you'll find plenty who share this desire. it's nothing that should make you feel 'deviant' -especially since this was practiced in a happy healthy relationship.

2. grabbing a woman by the neck unknowingly during sex could result in a swift kick to the balls -if you're lucky, that's all.

3. rough sex isn't something i'm 'into' but i honestly enjoy it from time to time. as far as bringing it up, i can help you there. i once had a VERY unpleasant experience preforming oral sex that ended up with my ending the relationship. it actually caused me to shy away from the activity for awhile. this wasn't good for me because i enjoy doing it. i had to develop a way to bring it up. since oral sex is often a precursor to sex, i have to do it quickly. when i'm having a relaxed discussion with a new boyfriend, i bring up sex casually. asking what was the funniest/most embarrassing thing that ever happened during sex, etc. then i move on to dealbreakers. that's when i share my experience. guys i've been with have appreciated my being open about it. i think it's best to be proactive and prevent a bad incident.

like you stated, you won't be doing this the first few times you have sex, so you have time to gauge how she might react. by ALL means, have the conversation! she could be harboring this fantasy, or you may learn she's not into it. it could also trigger her to open up about something else that you may want to explore together. this will be a learning experience and another chance to connect.

i wish you luck!

Say. Her. Name.

In my opinion wanting rough sex is not uncommon for both sexes but anything that might be considered too aggressive should be talked about before hand to see if both parties are into it. I think most women, even those who are into that kind of thing might freak if it is done without some discussion in advance.

As for bringing it up I think you could try bringing it up in a conversation of what both of your sexual fantasies are, maybe have a drink, some honest conversation, then turn it towards sex and bring it up.
My questions to you all, therefore, is:

1. How common is this (ie am I panicking over nothing and I need to grow a pair)?
2. What is the likely response to grabbing a girl by the neck? And if you feel okay to indulging me, how would you respond (positively or negatively- so that I can get an idea of what to expect!)
3. For the girls who are into this; how would you recommend I introduce it to the bedroom (I kinda understand it’s not something I should be doing on a first date, I know!!! But when and how should I start it)?

Thank you in advance!

First I would say that you, obviously, desire this out of passion and not a way to demean so that's the winning factor right there.

1. I think it's very common from what know. Most women love when a man is a man and just takes you, in a loving way of course.

2. I can only speak for myself, but I love it. But I am submissive in that way.

3.I personally LOVE this but it something that needs to be done after some trust is built, not done right off the bat. I would say you could discuss it before, but some women are too embarrassed to say they like things like that or she might not know she does. You could also bring it up during sex, tell her you want to put your hand gently around her throat and see what she says. Or you could just do it but very very gentle and build from there.

Good question btwsmile and a very sincere ( not fake) sorry for your loss.
I think the key is communication. Talk about likes and dislikes with any partner. If you don't ask. You won't know. If you can't talk about sex with a woman you shouldn't have sex with said woman. I love having my neck grabbed btw. Not squeezed just grabbed. I asked my ex hubby to do it, but he never felt comfortable with it. I never got mad or disappointed with our sex life until about 8 years before we seperated cuz he stopped having sex with me all together and rejected my advances every time for years. Then he felt
I was a sex addict. When he was the one with sexual issues. I am very open because I know that I'll not get what I want if I don't ask.
Thanks all, you've put my mind to rest a fair bit (in that it obviously isn't all that uncommon).

I think my problem was that for both of us, it really was uncommon. It's something that developed over the years, as opposed to something that we both wanted straight away. Neither of us had done it before, and I guess I was thinking therefore that what we had developed was a weird sexual interest. But maybe, what we developed was quite a common sexual one!

Just to be clear, also, is that I wouldn't squeeze her neck to 'choke' her. At no point did I want to hurt her, and that's not what it was about. As you put it, Sultrysexysweet, is that it was a desire 'out of passion', and 'not a way to demean'.

I don't watch porn that often (won't say I never have/do, but it's not something that I particularly needed to do for a long time) and so I recently looked up some porn that showed throat grabbing. What I saw really did turn my stomach, and was NOT what I was doing with her. I think watching what I did, combined with not thinking it was that common, was the birth of my fear!
Okay I would have never have trusted my X husb with rough sex. However, there was a man who introduced things to me that I had no idea that I would like, esp since I hated sex with my ex so much, I thought I'd be happy to do without sex forever.

The first time this man & I were together & he slapped my arse I will tell you I was surprised. He talked to me about trying things, but said if I wanted he'd keep it vanilla. I said I wouldn't know if I liked it, unless we tried. So he asked, I agreed & we did have safe words although no was always enough.

From there it went to rough thrusting & I found I would orgasm & preferred it. I had never done that before. He was rough on my nipples & they were quite happy. Then there was the hand around the throat. Again, I would never have done these things without the trust I had for this man.
As everyone else has pointed out:

1) This is quite common

2) Its about communication

Personally I am weird about being grabbed about the neck and would freak out if it happened, especially unexpectedly. But I see that as my issue, and personal preference. I would not judge anyone who communicated that desire to me, just point out its something that I'm not comfortable with. No biggie.
Quote by TheAngryishLover
Hello ladies

1. How common is this (ie am I panicking over nothing and I need to grow a pair)?
2. What is the likely response to grabbing a girl by the neck? And if you feel okay to indulging me, how would you respond (positively or negatively- so that I can get an idea of what to expect!)
3. For the girls who are into this; how would you recommend I introduce it to the bedroom (I kinda understand it’s not something I should be doing on a first date, I know!!! But when and how should I start it)?

Thank you in advance!

It's possible that it's either A) your cup of tea and no matter who you're with it'll be good or great - OR B) it was because it was a mutual cup of tea and the nature of the relationship made it stronger or palatable.

But to initial rough sex with anybody you either A) need to know that they're into it. Or B) ease into it like you did before.

Problem now is that you've been into it and you know what it is you want - and the other in a future relationship (physical or otherwise) might not be quite in the same place.

Which leads to trying to connect with people who are interested in the same things you are off the bat - there are online websites and dating services for doms to meet submissives, etc. Or connecting with someone in a relationship and simply taking your relationship as far as it might go in that direction.

Regardless of how you go about meeting someone else and bringing it up - you're facing some emotional slaloms. Perhaps read up on a few things like 'Dom Drop' and 'Dom Space' - etc - as a way of understanding a bit more about what you might be going through in such situations in the future so you can deal with it when it happens.

And meet other Doms to talk about these things with people who actively deal with it as opposed to joe blow (or jane blow - as is the case with people like me) on the net being advisors on a subject.
Its fun and many girls like it.

one instance my BF tried on public...

He put two vibrators in my pussy and two in my butt hole and tied with a rope to make sure its not coming out.
Told me to wear a thin light blue gown. And took me to the club.. when i got out of the car.. my gown was half wet with squirt cum.
Can't forget the pleasure of being stuffed with huge vibrators for more than 6 hrs
- Arjino Ferrera
I know Mr Jaune has looked up "rough sex" in those free sex video sites. Yes we have had rough sex but I generally like a smack on the arse.
Bf knows, slap my ass, push me onto the bed, and punish my asspussy. V.
Quote by veronnie2
Bf knows, slap my ass, push me onto the bed, and punish my asspussy. V.

I shudder to think how much 'punishment' it would take to create a joining of the 'ass' and 'pussy'...

'Oh yeah, about that. I used to have two separate holes, but then my boyfriend punished me and now I ' (removed for reasons of sarcasm)
Quote by TheAngryishLover

I shudder to think how much 'punishment' it would take to create a joining of the 'ass' and 'pussy'...

'Oh yeah, about that. I used to have two separate holes, but then my boyfriend punished me and now I shit out of my vagina'

Edit that, Darling? (Not Cool!)

xx SF
Sometimes, usually early in a "session" while I still have my bra and panties on, I pull away from a kiss and give my lover a hard slap across his face. Even after all these years it still shocks him because I don't do it often, but it tells him IT'S ON!
thanks everyone for your thoughts. I ended up writing down my first 'rough sex' experience, and it just got put up. For those who are interested, it's:


Edit: it didn't come up. But I'm guessing it's on my profile, if you are interested enough...
I didn't read the comments above, so sorry(ish) if this has been answered for you. But here's my feeling....if it's the first time having sex and you haven't had any "chats" about rough sex, I say dive right in. The look in her eyes and certainly her response will tell you if it's okay or not. I love rough sex. The choking thing is really difficult to discuss. I am going to ask a question. How do I go about asking someone to choke me? Will he think I am completely nuts and be freaked out?

"Hubs" once told me something years ago, at a bar (liquor aid) that he wanted to take me in the bathroom and fuck me hard, smack my ass, and pull my hair. And then he said he couldn't because he had too much respect for me. I laughed and said I'd lose respect for him if he did not do those things. I learned a great lesson that day. Before then, I never mentioned my kinks with him for fear he would lose respect for me. At my age I am quite vocal about what I want with a man. And women...well....I just go for it. We judge ourselves far more than anyone else does.

So yes, grow a pair
Quote by TheAngryishLover

I shudder to think how much 'punishment' it would take to create a joining of the 'ass' and 'pussy'...

'Oh yeah, about that. I used to have two separate holes, but then my boyfriend punished me and now I ' (removed for reasons of sarcasm)

I was reading quite seriously then I bumped into this reply..

sorry if this reply isn't going to be helpful..

just passing through..
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. ~ Charles Bukowski
Quote by Jane_Awsum
Sometimes, usually early in a "session" while I still have my bra and panties on, I pull away from a kiss and give my lover a hard slap across his face. Even after all these years it still shocks him because I don't do it often, but it tells him IT'S ON!

You would not be leaving the room without rosey red ass cheeks, a well-fucked dripping pussy, and a clear awareness you'd be sitting gently for the next day. But I suppose that would have been your intent from the outset. Fun & Games.