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How to get your girlfriend to do anal

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Im with my girlfriend 5yars and only done anal 3 time ive try lude still too sore someone help
With anal, relaxation is key. Start with a massage and work from there. There are some desensitising lubes out there, which I've never tried but may be worth a bash. Also, I thoroughly recommend that any Guy that wants to try anal with his lady should let her do him with a strap on so he knows how it feels. Good luck in your quest.
5 years + 3 times = She's not interested

No amount of lube is going to help that. She is telling you that its sore so that you will put your own desire aside and leave her bum alone.
Quote by TopThis
5 years + 3 times = She's not interested

No amount of lube is going to help that. She is telling you that its sore so that you will put your own desire aside and leave her bum alone.

This. There's no way to 'get' her to do it if she doesnt want to. Its her body and would you really want a cock shoved up there? Probably not so try and see it from her point of view
Two points to make here first of all you don't just lube your cock up and go at it no matter how slow. You must start with smaller objects, fingers, small dildos etc. then after a few sessions if she likes that you can gradually try your cock. You have to tease an ass open and make it want to be penetrated. She may never like it and you have to accept that. Point two is buy her a strap on and let her fuck your ass and when she sees how much you like it maybe she'll be a little more receptive to the idea.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!

After taking a look at your profile, I am assuming you are a typical Irish guy.
Trying to be manly and somewhat aggressive and cocksure of yourself.

But if you really want her to take your cock in her bum, you need to make it pleasurable for the two of you!

Just fuck the crack of her bum after massaging her all over with warming oils

Tease her bumhole gently over many sexual interludes but not constantly, just on occassion.
Work a finger into her gradually, (with lots of lube!), and talk to her in whispers while doing it and tell her how sexy and hot she is for doing it.

Just be ultra patient and only very little steps at a time!

You may find that she will start to accept the act but let it be on her terms!
You might be only able to get just part of your cockhead in her and have to stop! Just follow her lead and accept it! If she relaxes and lets you go further, take it very slowly! Very! VERY!!! SLOWLY!!!!

If it never happens again, then either you have to accept it or move onto another girlfriend!
But in either case, anal sex is not a deal breaker if you really love a person!


Thank you guys for your help did some of ur tricks last night and she liked it till the new year happy xmas all
Hey Buddy! I'm a Girl!!!

Glad to hear it went well for you both!


Thank u steph happy xmas xx
Glad to hear your experience went well! Just to throw my to cents in here, I have had anal sex with almost every girl I ever dated. whats more, they asked me for it. My philosiphy is that you have to make love to her ass as muh as you do to her. Soft and gentle until she decides she wants it faster or rougher. She may never want it fast or rough. My tecchnique was usually to just massage her ass cheeks alot as I made love to her. After awhile (which may be after several different love making sessions) I would begin to softly massage her asshole with a finger as I took long slow strokes in and out of her with my cock. If she pulled away, I would call it good and not push the issue again until the next time. If after two or three times, she didn't loosen up and become comfortable with it, I was done. The last thing I want is to push my lover into something they do not want. But, if she did become comfortable with it, she would usually begin to push back against me with slight pressure, which would help her open up. As she did, I would return the pressure and work my finger tip slowly into her. If she stopped, I would stop relieve my pressure and ask her if I should stop, assuring her that I did not require her to do this. Then, she would either tell me to stop or allow me to continue. Several times as I first began to massage her asshole, the girl just flat out asked me if I'd like to Fuck her there! Each time I was surprised, but took advantage of her willingness, taking care to be as gentle as possible so that she would have a good experience and want it to happen again. My first wife even let me Fuck her ass the first time we went out. I hope I'm making sense here, you must respet her and her boundaries above all, and if she never wants it, so be it.
I love a finger or 4in of a thin vibrator of hers up there during BJs(having experienced trannies twice). So after three months of several physical encounters,i was licking her when she asked me to focus on her rosebud as i'd accidentally touched it. And while doing so i stuck my index just to see and she actually had and orgasm only from that. No need to say she wanted bigger things in thereafter. She can now fully take my 7and half in meatstick up there. So i think it all is a matter of chance.
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
I love a finger or 4in of a thin vibrator of hers up there during BJs(having experienced trannies twice). So after three months of several physical encounters,i was licking her when she asked me to focus on her rosebud as i'd accidentally touched it. And while doing so i stuck my index just to see and she actually had and orgasm only from that. No need to say she wanted bigger things in thereafter. She can now fully take my 7and half in meatstick up there. So i think it all is a matter of chance.
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
Let her tell you if she is interested or not (which it seems like not). Anal is not for everyone. Unlike in porn it should not be expected every time you have sex. I am glad it went well last time but the last thing I would advice is for you to now expect she will want to every time.