yes i agree it depends on the time and my mood but usually like to play for a little while so somtimes it take mins to atleast an hour
I never prolong orgasms, I don't dittle my skittle for hours lol. I like to cum and I like to cum FAST.
Takes a few seconds to a couple of minutes depending on how horny I am...
I always have to pee after I cum, so it's like starting from scratch for Round 2 ;)
3 to 5 minutes..longer if i really want to build up to the big O...
I can often cum quite quickly the first time. I will then go for multiple orgasms which I will vary in the amount of time I take to climax, sometimes going very slow and enjoying the build-up - other times hurrying up the process for a hard and fast orgasm. When I play around, I rarely stop before I have at least had three orgasms. Of course, if I am cybering or having phone sex, it will depend on what is happening with my partner.
i keep myself on the edge as long as i can, i beg for permission to orgasm many times