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How Much Time

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How much time passes, from meeting to sex?

Gals, how much time passes between meeting a guy and sleeping with him?
Thanks for not making me confront a 'less than one week' choice!!!

See, I made it safe for you and others, tip. So far, you've got a lot of company.
You're all slappers!!! (I've voted already...pot / kettle anyone? )
One week. It depends of course, but hey, we have to go with the quickest example, right?
Quote by tipzee23
Thanks for not making me confront a 'less than one week' choice!!!

Not that anyone here would even think of doing that....
I've only been with one guy and I'd known him for about 2 years before that.

Goodie two-shoes right here lol
Quote by ellastar
I've only been with one guy and I'd known him for about 2 years before that.

Goodie two-shoes right here lol

That's ok.
Need more choices. LOL! Can anyone say one night stand? Or being friends with someone for a month or a year and then having sex?
Then you would pick More than a month, Chef-Tastic.
whahahahahaa I see no one voted celibate
Grab some of those respondents to the masturbation threads, Lois.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
Need more choices. LOL! Can anyone say one night stand? Or being friends with someone for a month or a year and then having sex?

Exactly! I am with you Chef.W3xojPWFiJLjN5TP Where is the immediately choice?
Then you would pick More than a month, Chef-Tastic.

That doesn't cover the one night stand tho RocDog
Lush Legend
Heh Heh....
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Rookie Scribe
Generally, a week.
It depends on how comfortable I am with him.
Alpha Blonde
With formal dating, I live by the 3 date rule.... If I'm still wanting to see him by the third date, I will definitely be wanting to sleep with him.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
With formal dating, I live by the 3 date rule.... If I'm still wanting to see him by the third date, I will definitely be wanting to sleep with him.

Dancing what about that really hot guy/girl that you met at the club last night. Dancing I know you know the one, the chemistry is there, your wet after the first dance and your mind goes into a spin when he/she touches you. I have to believe your are headed for a bed some place or some place for mind damaging sex. Or does that not count because it was really not a date?
Alpha Blonde
Quote by WHR43
Quote by Dancing_Doll
With formal dating, I live by the 3 date rule.... If I'm still wanting to see him by the third date, I will definitely be wanting to sleep with him.

Dancing what about that really hot guy/girl that you met at the club last night. Dancing I know you know the one, the chemistry is there, your wet after the first dance and your mind goes into a spin when he/she touches you. I have to believe your are headed for a bed some place or some place for mind damaging sex. Or does that not count because it was really not a date?

Yeah, that scenario doesn't count because it's not a date... it's just a random hook up (and there certainly isn't anything wrong with those either!). I've gone on to date some people that started as one night stands. But generally speaking, if I think he has relationship potential I prefer to make him work for it a little...
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by WHR43
Quote by Dancing_Doll
With formal dating, I live by the 3 date rule.... If I'm still wanting to see him by the third date, I will definitely be wanting to sleep with him.

Dancing what about that really hot guy/girl that you met at the club last night. Dancing I know you know the one, the chemistry is there, your wet after the first dance and your mind goes into a spin when he/she touches you. I have to believe your are headed for a bed some place or some place for mind damaging sex. Or does that not count because it was really not a date?

Yeah, that scenario doesn't count because it's not a date... it's just a random hook up (and there certainly isn't anything wrong with those either!). I've gone on to date some people that started as one night stands. But generally speaking, if I think he has relationship potential I prefer to make him work for it a little...

So if you are attracted to a guy, I assume that means sexually too- but if you see something special about him you push those urges aside? I don't claim to really know what I'm talking about, I don't have a track record w/ boyfriends really. I've had just a few and none ended well, but it seems to me that the more you thought about yourself being with a guy, the more attracted to him you would be, which would land you in the sack with him sooner. How do you separate a guy who is relationship material from a guy who is just a one time thing, if you are attracted to both? I've met lots of guys who I thought, "now here is a guy who would treat me right, etc." but usually I'm just not as attracted to those guys.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by WHR43
Quote by Dancing_Doll
With formal dating, I live by the 3 date rule.... If I'm still wanting to see him by the third date, I will definitely be wanting to sleep with him.

Dancing what about that really hot guy/girl that you met at the club last night. Dancing I know you know the one, the chemistry is there, your wet after the first dance and your mind goes into a spin when he/she touches you. I have to believe your are headed for a bed some place or some place for mind damaging sex. Or does that not count because it was really not a date?

Yeah, that scenario doesn't count because it's not a date... it's just a random hook up (and there certainly isn't anything wrong with those either!). I've gone on to date some people that started as one night stands. But generally speaking, if I think he has relationship potential I prefer to make him work for it a little...

So if you are attracted to a guy, I assume that means sexually too- but if you see something special about him you push those urges aside? I don't claim to really know what I'm talking about, I don't have a track record w/ boyfriends really. I've had just a few and none ended well, but it seems to me that the more you thought about yourself being with a guy, the more attracted to him you would be, which would land you in the sack with him sooner. How do you separate a guy who is relationship material from a guy who is just a one time thing, if you are attracted to both? I've met lots of guys who I thought, "now here is a guy who would treat me right, etc." but usually I'm just not as attracted to those guys.

Yeah it's a fine line I guess... but the one niters are usually guys that I meet at a bar or club where neither of us are particularly sober but there is an instant lightning attraction (fuelled by alcohol and a desire to fuck). Its hard to say exactly how I know they would never be relationship material but its just a vibe I get. Maybe they're hot but the personality isn't there, or they're the wrong age or have the wrong kind of job or they're just dumb as a post. And if I'm feeling it, then I go for it, but I know it's for fun only, not for the long term and it's just a physical and circumstantial thing (ie drunk + horny). Sometimes he surprises me or we connect later or the sex is incredible and we'll see each other again... either as fuck buddies or as dating.

The 3-date rule usually works if I've met a guy outside of a club environment and I'm assessing him on a whole different set of criteria that goes beyond instant attraction and I like what I see. Maybe I'm more concerned about respecting what's happening between us and him respecting me to fuck him the first time I see him. In my experience the bad boys like to 'work for it' too... who doesn't like a challenge? And we all know guys like the chase. The second date we get to know each other. The third date is the over-nighter and then it rolls from there. The bit of restraint works to heighten the anticipation, the sex is usually hotter, and I like to be chased a little too. It also means we'll probably be having breakfast together the next morning rather than me waking up with a splitting headache, grabbing my last night's clothes, and making a quick excuse that I need to get to a spin class at the gym to get out of there as fast as I can.
Quote by roccotool
Gals, how much time passes between meeting a guy and sleeping with him?

well ... I don't sleep with every person I meet!

seriously ... it is all in the chemistry and/or if you are anticipating a relationship. some are just good for the once-a-fuck situation.

Constant Gardener
Quote by VanGogh
Quote by roccotool
Gals, how much time passes between meeting a guy and sleeping with him?

well ... I don't sleep with every person I meet!

seriously ... it is all in the chemistry and/or if you are anticipating a relationship. some are just good for the once-a-fuck situation.

Ah yes...the infamous FuckNChuck

I printed and sold a few of those T-shirts in my life.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.