Have seen a couple guys jerking off in their cars. Both was in the parking lot of an adult porn theater. While driving on I-10 I pulled up next to a Camaro. The male driver was not jerking off. Much better he was getting a blow job. They knew I could see them and it did not deter them one bit. I think it enhanced their actions.
I never saw a guy jerking off while driving, but I saw a girl's bare ass in the air in the passenger seat, and knew she was going down on the guy driving. I didn't stay and watch for fear he'd lose control and hit me!
The only guy I have seen jerking off in a car is the guy I am doing it to. So obviously I do take advantage of it then and later. We have both been guilty of masturbating each other in a car at the same time - but not while driving.
I'm almost certain I've never seen anyone masturbating while driving. Needless to say, I would not be impressed by such a flippant attitude to road safety.
My wife does. We've pulled off the road many a time to "fix" it! She once got a large duffle bag, loaded it with a change of clothes for each of us, lingerie, sex items(lube, butt plug, dildo, cock ring), personal grooming items, and cash. When she got wet, we would pull in to a hotel/motel, grab the bag, use the cash to rent a room, and get a bed! She called it our "emergency bag"!
I have never seen a guy doing that in his car, and it would only freak me out. There is no need to do that in public, for all to see, I would think. And especially not while driving, of course.
I haven't seen a woman touching herself in a car either, and my opinion on that would be the same as for men.
I don't think random guys jerking off is all that. Sorry.
Oh my god. Is that before or after he kills someone because he’s not concentrating on his driving?
This is a thing? I've been driving for decades and have (thankfully) never seen anyone jerking off in a car before. Nor, I hasten to add, have I.
Me thinks the Rookie Scribe should change his profile name to Richard Cranium.
Talk about a moving violation.
I've heard some really Dumb-Ass ideas, before today, but that really takes the cake.