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How many of you ladies get really horny in your cars, have you ever seen a hot guy jerking off driving and took advantage of it?

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Have seen a couple guys jerking off in their cars. Both was in the parking lot of an adult porn theater. While driving on I-10 I pulled up next to a Camaro. The male driver was not jerking off. Much better he was getting a blow job. They knew I could see them and it did not deter them one bit. I think it enhanced their actions.

I never saw a guy jerking off while driving, but I saw a girl's bare ass in the air in the passenger seat, and knew she was going down on the guy driving. I didn't stay and watch for fear he'd lose control and hit me!
The only guy I have seen jerking off in a car is the guy I am doing it to. So obviously I do take advantage of it then and later. We have both been guilty of masturbating each other in a car at the same time - but not while driving.
I'm almost certain I've never seen anyone masturbating while driving. Needless to say, I would not be impressed by such a flippant attitude to road safety.
My wife does. We've pulled off the road many a time to "fix" it! She once got a large duffle bag, loaded it with a change of clothes for each of us, lingerie, sex items(lube, butt plug, dildo, cock ring), personal grooming items, and cash. When she got wet, we would pull in to a hotel/motel, grab the bag, use the cash to rent a room, and get a bed! She called it our "emergency bag"!
I have never seen a guy doing that in his car, and it would only freak me out. There is no need to do that in public, for all to see, I would think. And especially not while driving, of course.
I haven't seen a woman touching herself in a car either, and my opinion on that would be the same as for men.
I don't think random guys jerking off is all that. Sorry.
Quote by WoodchuckChick
I don't think random guys jerking off is all that. Sorry.

Haha, ditto.
This is a thing? I've been driving for decades and have (thankfully) never seen anyone jerking off in a car before. Nor, I hasten to add, have I.
It is illegal to drive while distracted in Georgia, so you'll have to go to Florida. However, most Florida drivers are quite elderly and can only wank while driving if they've taken a viagra. In Tennessee, I am afraid that wanking while driving might be a family affair. North Carolina is famous for wanking drivers. South Carolinians NEVER wank. Alabama, well, they've just recently added doors to their cars.

Don't drive distracted. No dick yanking while steering!
Me thinks the Rookie Scribe should change his profile name to Richard Cranium.

Talk about a moving violation.

I've heard some really Dumb-Ass ideas, before today, but that really takes the cake.
Quote by Buz
It is illegal to drive while distracted in Georgia, so you'll have to go to Florida. However, most Florida drivers are quite elderly and can only wank while driving if they've taken a viagra. In Tennessee, I am afraid that wanking while driving might be a family affair. North Carolina is famous for wanking drivers. South Carolinians NEVER wank. Alabama, well, they've just recently added doors to their cars.

Don't drive distracted. No dick yanking while steering!

Uh hello. Us Floridians only look old. We don't need no stinking blue pill to help with that. All we have to do is picture Beffer or Sprite and we are off to the races.

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