I asked this question because I get asked it by women all the time after some sex play. "Did you get off, baby?" Actuallly, it's pretty difficult unless the female sorta talks me through it.
In spite of my reputation, I really do only have two hands.
So, I thought it might make for a good forum topic.
I have... to both cyber and sexting. *not always though*
Then again - I write, so I'm into words and what they can do to turn someone on.
It's about the person on the other end though and what they can do to provoke my thoughts.
Cyber or sexting with some random stranger does nothing for me.
Note: I'm not looking to cyber on Lush, so guys reading this should not be rushing to friend me after reading this post. lol.
Hmm. Words on screen sometimes arouse me but never to the point where I need to do a reach down. Besides...I have a tough enough time typing, smoking, drinking a beer and dreaming up my next line to be dicking around . Scuse the pun.
DD...now you have all the yoyos scrambling for dictionaries searching for the meaning of random!
The few times I have cybered I did get off but I am really not into cybering. To be honest, I find cyber sex to be very awkward. I do however sometimes enjoy masturbating while chatting with someone about sex or fantasies, most times without the persons knowledge but sometimes I will tell them afterward.
I would cyber again with the right person, a few in particular I can think of, but so far they havent offered, LOL!!
I have done. Like others have said it depends on the person. Words and sexual thoughts and finding someone who shares the same dirty thoughts is arousing, no doubt about it. In fairness I usually visit sites like this because I am feeling a little that way inclined, so I too am often having a casual fiddle while on here anyway and sometimes it gets more
intense depending on what I read etc.
I should add that making someone else cum from
your own words or even thinking that you might have is also a turn on. Though to some extent it depends who, it doesn't always for me. Part of the thrill is knowing the other person is masturbating and getting sexually excited at the same time as I am. Of course they could benlying about who they are it what they are doing, but the thought is still sexually exciting for me, more so if I believe them of course!!
To be honest, very rarely
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
why bother cybering if you are not going to cum?
I get really turned on when guys talk naughty.
Its the logistics of this that I struggle with. Perhaps if I was an octupus.
So there I am tugging away only to stop every 10 seconds to send a message, every 15 seconds to have a slurp of Fosters and every 30 seconds to have a puff of my ciggy and yes wait thinking up what to say !!. This is somewhat a repeat of an earlier post by 'theplayer'. And when not tugging the damn thing will go floppy and fall asleep again .. lol I just cant see this working for me.
I have cybered and got off to it as well but not every time and usually when I am actually chatting to someone as opposed to typing, but have done with typing too.
Not all the time; I take great pleasure in getting people off. BUT when I do; It takes a special kind of someone to complete the task.
When I first joined Lush, I had a few 'quivers and trembles' whilst experimenting on the cyber sex front.
However, boredom at the 'quick fix' of getting off on the typed words of faceless lovers soon set in, and now I'm almost a little shy about my past antics here.
Since then, i've learned a lot and more meaningful friendships have since been bourne. The idea of cybering - whilst it might be sexy - is actually quite wierd.
I prefer the real thing!
PS:- I have to add though, I still smile at my first experience of cybering.
The guy was a pro, he dressed me in head to toe latex, put a pillow under my arse, and gave me such a realistic 'seeing to' purely with his words. I took all he had to offer, and was in awe at the pure eroticism of the occasion.
We never did it again, and indeed never even became friends, but the memory has never left me.U2nRgGe4c1QZp2sH
i get VERY aroused during great cyber. however, i don't get off. i may touch myself here n there, but i replay the scene in my head later and orgasm then. guess i like delayed gratification. ;-)
I play a lot while chatting but mostly enjoying hearing about others experiences.
I must admit I DO get off on it quite a lot. At first
I didnt really and faked orgasm a lot. Now I cyber the same guy a lot and he is a wonderful cyber lover. He paints the most incredible pictures with his words. I hope he doesn't lie when he says he is cumming and I dont lie to him. I suppose it depends on the man and how good he is with words. At times either one if us tells the other to stop typing and 'just' read which helps,
I certainly do get aroused and somewhat moist in the lower lip department!
I often 'get off' but it can be difficult when I'm at my office with my staff just next door!
have to confess
it is SUPER hard to type & rub or play with myself while typing
so zero times for me
however phone sex..is suberb as u can lay against the cell & use..both...hands
Depends on who it is, before me and Master were together I used to cyber with random people and it didn't do much for me at all.
It doesn't do anything for me but I'm sure that there is people out there that do get off on it.
I always do i never fake and It is important to me the person i wm with does also
Almost all the time. It depends on how good and descriptive the person I'm doing it with is. Case in point, I'm straight, but I decided to cyber with a girl I have been emailing back and forth for awhile. I in't think I would be into it because I'm not into girls. But she was so good that I came twice. Not sure I'm into girls, but I am very much into her.