Quote by DCdom
I want to know how many guys you girls have had sex with!? The more the better right?
My Festive Flash competition story was I recently published-- https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/driving-home-for-christmas Hope you read and enjoy it! Don't forget to comment. ☺️
Recently published https://www.lushstories.com/stories/lesbian/women-desire It's part two of my Women series where Kate and Maura continue their journey of fem desire. The first part is https://www.lushstories.com/stories/lesbian/women-murder
Quote by Kee
What a question! "The more the better right?" Maybe if you're a hooker. Then there is the double standard: a guy who has had sex with many girls is a hero or stud, a girl that has had sex with many guys is a slut or a tramp. What does a guy think if girl "A" has only had sex with one or two guys vs girl "B" who has had sex with over 100 guys? The assumption is B is an easy slut while A is Miss Goody Two Shoes. Now assume that A has fucked the two guys hundreds of times, in many different places and ways while B has only been with each guy once and had very vanilla sex. Which girl do you want to take home to Mom?