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how can i cum while having sex??

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Rookie Scribe
i had sex over 6 times and every time i never cum! the guy always cums in like 5 minutes also which is a terrible thing for me how can i get more satisfaction from sex?
Rookie Scribe
If i may add..a lot of foreplay, lots of maybe touching, asking thir guy to lick you off and maybe touch you which gets you excited and then finally doing it when you think you are aroused enough to cum..and the guy would also cum together with you or maybe after you have..not sure if that was helpful..
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Get a better partner. And foreplay is key. If you get straight to the act and it yields no satisfaction, then it's a total waste.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Me not being female but I can give you some advice, Try slow it all down a little, Like Slippery said foreplay is important, and find your favourite way to have sex, eg.On top, bottom, Riding etc. You should find you can get better results.
Yes, what others said, however, you should get to know your body first on your own. You sound (and you said it as well) inexperienced and that is what you need to do. Masturbate, touch yourself, learn what and how feels right for you and than learn how to tell your partner that. Give him few chances to catch up and figure out the lesson he needs to learn (if he is young and inexperienced as you), if you still won't orgasm, find yourself new partner smile Really.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes I agree with She, you need to figure out first and foremost what your body needs and likes. Masturbating is the key, lots and lots of it. Foreplay is turning that key. And Sex should open the door to a new world. If this still doesn't work smile then I think its pretty obvious you'll need to find a new partner. But don't give up on him right away!!
Evil Brain Angel Heart - E.B.A.H
The more you dwell on orgasming the harder it will be for you too cum. Personally I've never had any problems in that dept. but I was with an inconsiderate .. thankfully now ex b/f who would never consider my needs and just ejaculate to suit himself. A considerate lover - foreplay if you need - bit of mutual masturbation and .. the key word - relax, enjoy, let your mind relish what's going on inside you and it will all happen for you.
Active Ink Slinger
All have given you sound advice. You need to know your own body so that you know what pleasures you, a partner who cares about your enjoyment not just his (nothing better than orgasming at the same time) and take your time and really enjoy each other. Sofie, She and slippery have got it exactly right.
Veni, vidi, vici" Julius Caesar 47 BC
Once you've realised what gets you going you also need to tell this to your partner. If you don't say anything or guide him in any way he's gonna just assume everything is ok and that you're happy in bed. You don't have to have a long talk, but more in the way of you "When you touch me like that it's good, but could you try touching me like that instead, because that always gets me going." After letting him know what you want and how you like it you'll quickly see if he's someone that wants to please you as well and if he's willing to try. One thing you also need to take into consideration is his level of experience. If he's just as newbie as you it can take some time before he gets into the rythm, so if you took his virginity then you shouldn't throw him away after just six times.
Quote by elitfromnorth
Once you've realised what gets you going you also need to tell this to your partner. If you don't say anything or guide him in any way he's gonna just assume everything is ok and that you're happy in bed. You don't have to have a long talk, but more in the way of you "When you touch me like that it's good, but could you try touching me like that instead, because that always gets me going." After letting him know what you want and how you like it you'll quickly see if he's someone that wants to please you as well and if he's willing to try. One thing you also need to take into consideration is his level of experience. If he's just as newbie as you it can take some time before he gets into the rythm, so if you took his virginity then you shouldn't throw him away after just six times.

There's an App for that actually....

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by She
Yes, what others said, however, you should get to know your body first on your own. You sound (and you said it as well) inexperienced and that is what you need to do. Masturbate, touch yourself, learn what and how feels right for you and than learn how to tell your partner that. Give him few chances to catch up and figure out the lesson he needs to learn (if he is young and inexperienced as you), if you still won't orgasm, find yourself new partner smile Really.

This comment was almost verbatim with what I was going to say. Self exploration is huge in finding out how your body can and will respond to different types of stimulation.

Good stuff She
Quote by Dudealicious

There's an App for that actually....

Of course there is
Quote by GiveItToMe21
i had sex over 6 times and every time i never cum! the guy always cums in like 5 minutes also which is a terrible thing for me how can i get more satisfaction from sex?

You have been given some great advice above! Key is getting to know your own body and then share this with your guy. This is something you can do together and will strengthen what you have. Explore and learn as a couple. Don't give up on him yet, you are just going to have to teach him what you like and need to be satisfied smile

Hugs and good luck
Story Verifier
A few other guys have added their opinion, here's mine. First of all, have you been orgasmic with other guys or if(?) this is your first, have you been orgasmic through masturbation? If the answer to either of those is yes, it proves that you can be orgasmic. If he's relatively inexperienced, I'd suggest telling him what you'd like him to do to help you reach orgasm - if he is interested in your satisfaction, he'll be happy to hear your suggestions. There is always the chance that he just isn't as interested in your satisfaction as he is in his own. If that's the case, find a guy with a little more maturity who realizes the better he makes you feel, the better you'll make him feel. I'm one of those rare guys who never addresses my own satisfaction until after my lady has realized hers and the ladies always seem willing to return the effort.