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How Big is Too Big?

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Active Ink Slinger
Ladies, How big is TOO BIG? When it does it become more painful then pleasurable fo you? And on the other side, how small is too small? Do you ever say, I better throw it back and let it grow up? I know we all say its the man not the size, but do you have a limit, either big or small, where you say, no way?
Active Ink Slinger
I find anything between 6 and 7 inches works very well for me.
Active Ink Slinger
I once met a guy whom I referred to as Elephant Trunk. He was a great conversationalist, funny, intelligent and full of spunk (no pun intended). I rememeber all the fun we had together traveling between Florida, NYC and Boston. We'd call each other up and meet up in different cities. What I most vividly remember about him was the night things went further. When I saw his penis I was seriously scarred. The thing hung down his thigh, seriously. I couldn't even put my mouth around it and to stroke it fully I had to use two hands. Needless to say, I told him that thing would not be entering my orifices at any point. I woud guess he was at least a foot long and as slightly smaller than a can of soda. Many years later, I now regret trying to see what that would of been like...

On the other hand, some years after that I found myself lusting after the IT guy at my job for about a year. I was dating someone at the time so I appreciated the eye candy from afar until I was single. I would make things "break" and put in a service ticket to have him come out and look at it. One day we were alone and I asked him if he did side work, fixing computers. He gave me his number and we started meeting up for lunch the following week. We flirted heavily in the office while trying to remain discreet. We emailed each other all day long. I even set up an email rule so I would be alerted every time he emailed me. (Ha!) The sexual tension was incredibly high on both accounts. This continued for weeks until one weekend he invited me to one of his soccer games. Afterwards, we went to my house and we started fooling around. Eventually it got to a point were sex was next. When I saw his penis I definitely thought, "Is that it???!!". I was so disappointed and that's an understatement. I kid you not, his erect penis made a vienna sausage look like a keilbasa. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I proceeded with the activities we started but I was more than disappointed. I had to play it cool though since we worked together.
Artistic Tart
I've fucked the "elephant trunk" before- it was not a good experience. I'm a small person, and even though a good size cock is always preferred, there are some sizes that can do real damage that goes way, way beyond the good kind of pain, without any satisfaction payoff.

I don't carry a tape measure everywhere I go, so I never really know how many inches is best, etc. But, from what I hear a little under 6" is average, and I know what average feels like. If that's the case, then I think I get to wincing when it gets closer to 8" and over. Even then, though- if they know what they are doing, then I can totally break off with a big one that ordinarily would really hurt if he was too rough or clumsy with it. But when it comes to giant cock- there's just not a whole lot that can be done to avoid the pain for girls like me. Count yourself having missed nothing good, Belle.
Active Ink Slinger
Always preferred a normal 6-7" but had bigger and smaller pretty much all cocks are great! Only ever met one that was so small it was not a good experience and too darn bad that guys body was to die for poor fellow.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Some woman complain that he is not large enough unless he is really super sized. Well I have tried this too, but give me the more normal man over 5 and under 8 any day.

But then my friend Kathryn who is 5'11" and my friend Xuani who I think is about 5'0" surely would have differnet prospectives of what is "Too Large."
Active Ink Slinger
6-7 inches is good for me . why make it painful and not enjoy the ride
Active Ink Slinger
Well since I asked it, I guess I should answer it too. I like it best when about 7" or 8". I have been with an guy who claimed to be 10 1/2 and it was just too big, besides he thought he was God's gift to women. But I have also been with a guy who was like 5" and he was a very good lover. But anything under that, well probably to small.
Active Ink Slinger
i like them between 5 and 8 inches
Constant Gardener
You women have to be shitting me and all the rest of us in the 10 inch Painter club. Who are you kidding?

We know you like wrist thick 13 inch pythons. Cervix crunching, anatomy rearranging cockasauruses.

Come'on, fess up.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I wasn't aware I had my own club.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Alpha Blonde
A guy that's too big is such a sexual liability for a girl.

Who wants that teeth clenching, and squirming to ease penetration in those certain positions that are just too painful to attempt with an anaconda-sized guy. A cervix pounding sounds great in theory (or in an erotic story), but in reality, it hurts like hell.

I have one friend who has an "extra-large" sized boyfriend, and she will only have sex with him once a week, because she has to "work herself up to it" because it hurts too much. So that usually means being drunk or on recreational drugs on the weekend. If you need alcohol or drugs to comfortably fuck your boyfriend, then he's probably too big... ugh!

Anyway... I think most women will agree that average sized is best. It's so much more versatile for sex.
7" is perfect imo, anything below 5-6 doesnt get me to cum. i once had sex with a guy who was 12" magnificent to llok at but painful in bed.
Rookie Scribe
So far my biggest was about 10" and after bgetting used to it, it was amazing but I was pretty some the next day....but a good sore...LOL
It's too big if it hurts going in and hurts until he takes it out.
Active Ink Slinger
anything bigger then 6 or 7 inches is too big for me... it just wont fit without it being painful sad
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
6-7 inches is perfect!
Anything bigger than 8 would be too big for me.
Quote by Nikki703
Well since I asked it, I guess I should answer it too. I like it best when about 7" or 8". I have been with an guy who claimed to be 10 1/2 and it was just too big, besides he thought he was God's gift to women. But I have also been with a guy who was like 5" and he was a very good lover. But anything under that, well probably to small.

I used to see a man who was under 5", but made up with it by incredable stamina and zero recover time. Some woman say they can not climax with only intercourse, wish this man could be cloned"
I have not seen one yet I would say no way too... but length is not as important as width. No matter the length if it can't even hit the sides. And a bit of pain increases the orgasm in my opinion. I don't think I would even attempt a 5'', just to be honest.
Active Ink Slinger
i will go along with most of the people that have commented just because i am one of the big boys that have a big dick witch sucks because i have to stay away from girls that are virgins and one that have not fuck bear people because i just cant fit it in sad hay girls any tip for me plz it might help lol
I feel kinda stupid saying "I've got a big dick", but the point I want to make is that it's sometimes a liability for us guys too. It puts a bit of a damper on things to realise that your partner is uncomfortable, or that it hurts her. Obviously you want it to be pleasurable for her. But the upside is you have to be more careful in making sure she is ready for you ;)
I don't really feel uncomfortable with any size cock. I've had 12 inches of an 18 inch dildo in my pussy before it hit my cervical wall, and it still felt amazing...
the guy i'm in a relation with is 8 1/2 inches long............... perfect for me, the other guy we play with is 11 inches. really big, i can't take him all the way but he is gentle and great to suck on smile
Advanced Wordsmith
I say an average sized guy is best. If your doing more than one at a time or a few in the same day than average is good too so you don't get sore. I've had some very large guys too and if their gentle it's alright. I like anal sex and have tried all sizes there too but a word of warning gals, practice first before you try a very large guy or toy for that matter in your behind.
Do you all really measure? I guess I like average to slightly larger than average but am more interested in how he uses it. I like a pretty cock...smooth with that velvety soft skin even when its hard and a nicely shaped head. I admit to being fascinated by the really huge cocks. I'd like to at least touch one once.
I prefer average sized which is about 6-7 inches. Its not to big and still gets the job done
I prefer average sized which is about 6-7 inches. Its not to big and still gets the job done
Advanced Wordsmith
9's the best for me but ive rode a 12 incher & a 4 incher
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becuase im here to be somebodys best friend
Over 8 inches is to big for my little hole.

5 to 7 is best for me as I can't deep throat without gagging