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Honest who has seen a 12 inch penis?

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Yes if course they do. Just cuz you don't have one don't mean they don't exist haha.

I got a regular that works for my momma and daddy, known me for years and that man is every bit of a foot of good cock! Until you feel that kind of man moving inside, you have not had real sex I swear. Hurts the first few times. Hell it still does in a way, but I don't want it any other way if I can help it.

Go find a foot-long and you won't regret it!
Quote by CassidyCumsFirst
Go find a foot-long and you won't regret it!
Oh God, agreed heart
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
really big image
Fisting is GODLIKE :3
The only foot-long I'm interested in, I get at Subway.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bassman199
The only foot-long I'm interested in, I get at Subway.

I agree 100%!!! lol

I am still a virgin and I can only get 3/4ths of my 6 inch vibe in me before it is too deep. I also have a tilted pelvis so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. However I can not imagin a 12 inch. It'd NEVER happen!!!
I've seen a 12-inch pianist once. Does that count?
I haven't and quite frankly I've already laughed my way out of bedroom's enough times I don't need a whatsis so big it has it's own gang sign to add to my list of things that have scarred me for life.
not 12 but ive seen my flatmates brother he is a measured mm i did the measuring mm 10 1/4 inches and that is a very big dick!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by Betty-Bea
I haven't and quite frankly I've already laughed my way out of bedroom's enough times I don't need a whatsis so big it has it's own gang sign to add to my list of things that have scarred me for life.

Rookie Scribe
i got 10 inch thick cock. .it looks monstorous to be honest size does matter to gals. . .m just wonderin hw a 12inch cock wud look. .
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
So a freind is dating this guy that is very large(guessing like 13) she dosent know what to do with it because it hurts her so bad and bigger than a coke can, In her words. Anyhow she dosent know what to do with it because she has a very small frame and it is hard for her to take it. Girls any words of advice i can pass to her? At this point it is hendering there relationship because sex is almost out of the question....
Artistic Tart
13 inches and thicker than a coke can?

LOL I'll leave that alone. Let's just go with "really long and thick"

A lot of girls can't take big penises easily, and some are just too plain big. You can get used to it, but beyond a certain size, I'd say some dicks are just too big for some bodies. I'm sure some women here with a lot more years of experience can speak to it, but my only advice would be lots and lots of foreplay and lubrication. Even then, he can't go nuts and try to sink it all in, or go too fast, or even go with odd angles if he wants to continue any further than just getting the head in.

I don't know if this helps. I do know it's a problem for guys who are built bigger and girls who are built smaller.
Quote by bassman199
The only foot-long I'm interested in, I get at Subway.

Active Ink Slinger
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one of my frends has a 12 inch cock. neaver had it in me just saw it. he liked to show it to everyone at partys
never seen one!
too big perhaps!
Active Ink Slinger
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10 is the biggest I think a guy has told me he was but I'd say nearer 9 or so. An ex was 8 and it was great most of the time though a bit hard work at first and anal was a no no. Sometimes crave a big guy but usually about 6-7 and knows what he's doing is idilic!
I have seen one but it did not go inside me. I prefer not to be broken into 2 pieces.
I have not and it would probably scare the hell out of me if I did.
Active Ink Slinger
12 inches... Never seen one. Been around enough to know that when it comes to penis size anything over 8 inches it like... yeah, get real. I'm sure they are out there, but if one comes near me, I'll be running.
Advanced Wordsmith
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My best friend has a 12 inch cock, and I mean exactly 12 inches. How do I know? Well, we used to jerk off to pornos back in the day (there was no internet porn back then, you had to rent it on tape, and his parents didn't care - mine did). I knew he was big, like damn near twice mine, but until one day a girlfriend of his (while he was in college) measured it and actually marked it off with the 12 inch marks, and showed it around the room to a bunch of laughing drunks, myself included, I never knew it was exactly 12 inches long. That guy has a ruler in his pants, LOL...

But, in the years before he got married we discovered something that might be of interest to you all... One afternoon when we were 18 we hooked up with these two sisters in a hotel room (we were staying on our own, they were there with their parents, and supposed to be swimming). We'd met down at the hot tub and each of us guys hit it off with one of the girls, and we talked them into coming to our room with us so we could pair off and play.

We hung up a blanket dividing the room at the girl's insistence, and each paired off on one of the double beds. My girl and I were still making out but my buddy and my girl's sister were gunning their engines and moving things along much more quickly. So, by the time my girl had my cock in her mouth, my buddy was trying to push his monster into his gal.

Needless to say, it wasn't working. She was crying out and going "ow" and "stop" and "hold on" until we heard her order him to pull it out. A minute later, she was on our side of the curtain with tears in her eyes. Of course, the sisters conferred and my more normal or average sized cock standing proudly out shimmering in the one sister's spit didn't escape the other sister's notice, either. And so the girl that had been with my buddy came and took my penis in hand and asked if I would mind opening her up so she could take my friend.

By then my buddy had looked around the curtain and he was nodding to go for it, so we swapped girls, and my "date" for the afternoon went to go play with and suck on my friend's massive manhood to keep him going (which I'm sure she enjoyed, so long as it was just touching and oral) and I proceeded to throw a good fuck into her sister.

The upshot of all this is that when she went back to the other side of the curtain, she was able to take most of my buddy easily, and without complaint. She sure seemed to enjoy it. My girl came back to me and we had a go at it, and when both couples were done we all agreed it was only fair that, now that she too was loosened up by me, she and my buddy should have a go at it since I'd already fucked both sisters. She, too, easily took most of my friend's 12 inches, and enjoyed the ride.

This became a regular thing with us, and we did a lot of double dating (and date sharing) until he met his future wife. She was only a little over 4 feet tall but could easily take a foot in her with room to spare, apparently, and that's good news since it was love at first sight for the both of them - and neither of them even considered bringing anyone else into things. I couldn't be happier for them, by the way... she's like a new extra best friend and we all get along famously.

My point here, for you fellas that have giant cocks your ladies can't handle, is maybe you should team up with a wing-man. Or, maybe ladies playing with a dildo beforehand might help you...

Best of luck to all finding partners who enjoy whatever you're endowed with, and ladies, if you like 'em sized 7 inches or so, slide on over and say hello.... ;)
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!
Advanced Wordsmith
Reading my comments over I realized I forgot to mention that the sisters we had our afternoon tryst with in the hotel a good 20 years ago were age 18 and 19, and like us the 18 year old was there to scout out the local college - at which the older sister was already a student.

Probably an important detail...
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!
Active Ink Slinger
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If a man has a very long and thick cock , he needs to indulge in a lengthy period of foreplay , oral and finger fucking before penetration . The girl must be fully relaxed and very well lubricated . I have only once seen a very large cock , when I was doing military service . I would have guessed that my friends dick was nearly 12 inches flacid and thick as my arm . Though only about 20 , he was already married . It is true that some girls vaginas are very large and can more easily take a big man . Two married ladyfriends of mine told me that their husbands penises were very large and hurt so much , they would no longer have sex with them . I was told of a man in my village in Italy , that his penis was so large that he had difficulty getting enough blood into it to make it erect . Many men think that their large penis is gods gift to women and all they have to do is shove it in .
Her Ladyship Verifier
Nope.... and no thanks smile

~ "She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott. "
Rookie Scribe
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I have seen, sucked (well, the top half anyway), & fucked a 12". Luckily he was very gentle with it. He started to get a little too rough & it hurt really bad, so he backed off. It actually wasn't as good as you'd think it would be. Kinda too much for my pussy to handle comfortably.
Active Ink Slinger
When I fold it in half!!!!

Squirt is in the eye of the beholder
Active Ink Slinger
Ive seen a lot of cock but not 12" but i dont often stop 2 measure them lol, I'd say just over 10" was the biggest ive seen, anyway its wot a guy does with it that matters, but if hes good and has a 12" cock even better lol
shit.... did this guy wrote all that... the one with the brain or is just me... i dont know if i want to read it all... i have a 12 inch cock man! didnt upload pics of it when i m on arection but i will
Her Royal Spriteness
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what about 2 six inch long penises? more is better in all sorts of ways!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.