Ladies, I like to get the details right. Is it appropriate for a professional woman to wear a skirted business suit without stockings? Also, what do you call those satiny tank top like tops that women sometimes wear under business suits? Thanks for your help.
I think the under article you're talking about is a camisole. They don't have to be satiny though.
As for no stockings, it depends on how high in the company you are. I've was married to a high end exec in a Fortune 500 company and it was frowned upon that the women execs dressed that way. But, it seems that now with all the PC b.s. no one would dare to say anything to them. Old school owners and execs don't think it appropriate though.
Thanks. I'm not talking about an underwear top, though. I've seen women wearing sleeveless tops under business suits. They are like fancy tank tops that aren't lacy or gauzey like a camisole , but a satin-like material. They are often white, but may be of other colors, too. They are worn instead of a button-down shirt under the suit jacket.
Even though I'm a man, I particularly like the black top. I've also seen tops similar, but have a false ruffle dow the front to simulate a button up, which really nice. For the high ends, tell the sales people you are moving to an executive position and need to look the part, I'm sure you will.... ICE...
I work in law. Satin is a no-no for women - if you want to be taken seriously and advance. Dress like a man, with "suggestion" and you will go far.
Preferable is a skirt suit - meaning a pencil skirt and longer jacket with a white shirt. Hose is preferable unless it is hotter weather - meaning Hotter!!! All firms are air-conditioned.
Professionalism is necessary in my work-world ... though I see many who bend the rule.
Many don't take very seriously women in my field with a silk cammi on under there mismatched jacket .... or women who are not wearing stockings in the winter months ... mind you, I do live in Canada, which may lend itself to a different work environment. Business casual are for the men ... but women still uphold a sense of professionalism and class.
a Canuck 2-bit worth ... (a quarter) ....
I've got an image of what I was talking about, but can't seem to figure out how to upload it. Help?
I own and wear several silky and satin shifts and camisoles which I use for 'layering' with my business suits. Stockings/pantyhose are a must.
In the legal and financial business world, conservative dress with a bit of 'smart-sexy' is the way to go.
I wouldn't touch any shell or cami made of satin, ruffles, or anything shiny, overly lacey or provocative.
Buy a quality suit, and let the tank/shell look like the kind of daytime top you could easily wear without the jacket. It should not look like lingerie.
I don't know anyone under 40 who wears stockings or hose in the summer, but if you're wearing a skirt in the winter with boots, they look great.
And please... no pantyhose with open-toed shoes or sandals (personal pet peeve of mine).
Sisters if you are not taken seriously in the board room or work place, could it be you are not getting the job? I refuse to give up woman's style to look like a man. Your shell or tank top need not have the lingerie look. As long as you are wearing the jacket to the suit who will know. If you plan to remove your jacket more conservative top may be in order.
DD I am 44 and I have not worn pantyhose in 20 years, except when I visit a colder climate. I prefer to be bared legged, unless my gentleman of the evening request Thigh Highs.
I am tired of other woman putting us who have had business success down, unless we dress to look like a man. Perform like a man, meet the goals and then some and you will be taken seriously. I do no recommend provocative dress but woman's style never hurts.
At least as I see it from the West Coast.