The Gspot is a controversial topic - some say it doesn't exist.
Have you personally discovered your Gspot?
Have you orgasmed from stimulating it - fingers, dildo, vibrator or cock?
Does the orgasm feel different to other orgasms?
Quote by Beffer
It's actually not that hard to find. It's just that it's more sensitive in some women than in others, so more responsive when it's rubbed. I've been with many girls who have very little g-spot response, and some who got so excited they could squirt when I rubbed their g-spot.
Is it something that is talked about on this site - I haven't seen any threads?
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Quote by Meggsy
I was shown where it is and how to use it by the girl who introduced me to masturbation. I have never lost it since.
I have shown many a guy where it is and how I like it massaged.
As an education to males here (me) care to give some detail, not for the purpose of sexual arousal but purely for education? No problem if you prefer not to.
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