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Have you ever been approached with an "indecent proposal" ? how did you react ??

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Nope. Men are usually quite gentlemanly around me. Except on Lush.
Ask them to re-arrange these two words...and the second one is OFF....usually works

Life is not a rehearsal!!
Quite often, actually. Ninety-five percent of the time, I politely decline. Once in a while, I accept! :-)
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Quite often, actually. Ninety-five percent of the time, I politely decline. Once in a while, I accept! :-)
She exaggerates you know lol.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Quote by Melissa999
She exaggerates you know lol.

I've told you a million times! I never exaggerate!
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I've told you a million times! I never exaggerate!

Aha lol, you misunderstand me, I meant you exaggerate on how many you turn down, I think you probably accept them ;)
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Yes, actually.

My wife and I were once offered $1000 by a bar owner if we would let him watch us have sex. We were dirt poor and thought about it for about ten minutes. But in the end we declined. We got a fair number of free drinks out of it, though.

Good times....
Yes, and when I find decency in them, I do accept few of them lol
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
I don't know if it was so much indecent, but had an older gentleman say to me once that he'd pay a 1000 bucks just to have me get naked in front of him. Just take my clothes off, not do anything. I took it more as a compliment, but I guess it would be considered indecent.
Yes, I've been ask. I've declined, and I've accepted...
Quote by Smoocher

NAILED IT with that comeback

I'm beginning to think there's a conspiracy against me!
We have gone to swing clubs weekly for well over a couple decades, so I have had many. Some I accept and some I don't. It depends a lot on how it is made and who they are. But quite often I am the "Indecent Proposal." Hubbie offers me to guys, gals and couples at the clubs.

once at work and I didn't care I took her to her office and removed her red gsting and stuffed it into her twat and then added my cock and cream. I removed both and took her panties home to dry and enjoy.
I saw on the elevator and rubbed her ass and got to my floor and left
a text followed with a pic
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I'm beginning to think there's a conspiracy against me!

It's the Illuminate at work lol
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Once on a dance floor..very basic..she was another guy's wife and told me she really wanted to fuck me...i was taken back but said 'Ok'... we had a great time
No, jokes aside, not really. Nothing like some of the posts above. Harassment, perhaps, but that does not qualify as 'proposal', right? smile
Quote by Burquette
Yes, actually.

My wife and I were once offered $1000 by a bar owner if we would let him watch us have sex. We were dirt poor and thought about it for about ten minutes. But in the end we declined. We got a fair number of free drinks out of it, though.

Good times....

i got $20... offer still good? biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

One time this guy proposed that I change his tire when I had on a cocktail dress. I thought that was VERY indecent of him. So I took the dress off and then changed it.
Yes I have had some Indecent proposals I've accepted them as a compliment with the guy is nice and has deep pockets. He he's that brave to come up to me and ask that question then he best have deep pockets too. I may be wild at time but I'm not cheap if they want a cheap date go find a street walker.
I suppose most women have had a fefw "indecent" proposals. I had more than a few in college and accepted a few