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Guess Her Name Game

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This Contest is for Women only, but Guys can play along.

Rules of the Contest:

1. Only 5 entries per person. If you enter more than five times you will be taken over to the Men’s Only Post and given a very hard spanking.

2. All taxes (or fees for those who are Obama fans) are to be avoided.

3. Contest is void in the following areas: Alice’s Wonderland, Disney Fantasyland, Under Toad Stools, MSNBC, or anywhere else fairies may hang out.


The Winner gets to post on here “I WON, I WON, AND YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF LOSERS. In case of multiple winners please substitute the word WE for I.

Game: You are to guess the name of one of my elder relatives. It is HER first name.

Clues: The following Clues are given to help you in the Contest:

1. She is named after a President of the United States. This includes the entire list from first to now.

2. Name may be a last name or a first name of a President.

3. This is the most important clue. As a FEMALE what name would YOU hate most of all. A name that as a little girl or young woman you know you would be teased about as you are growing up. Now this does not mean for political purposes, but the actual name.

Good Luck Ladies. Contest will end on May 3 or until the women here burn me at the stake whichever comes first..
Active Ink Slinger
Hoover... that name would really suck!!! HAHA
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Active Ink Slinger
based on the last clue my guess would be Fillmore.
Scarlet Seductress
- Kennedy

- Leslie

- Madison

- Reagan

- Taylor
Quote by anonymouslylush
Hoover... that name would really suck!!! HAHA

Oh crap! I just spat my pizza!
Advanced Wordsmith
just curious but how did they pronounce Polk? It would not have been pronounced POKE by any chance?

OK, that is my guess.
Getting some pretty good names. Bush and Fillmore and Hoover would be a little hard for a girl to grow up with. And yes Fillmore Bush would be my choice to name a girl. But no one has picked it yet. Keep trying.
Active Ink Slinger
The name I would hate, as it is too easy to tease me with, would be Nixon. "Hey Jane, you got your nicks on?". Too easy.
Another would be Pierce.
Here are my 5:





Advanced Wordsmith
I'll give two more hints. It's the first name of a president. And it isn't any of the ones all ready guessed.
Active Ink Slinger
"anywhere else fairies may hang out."

San Francisco?
Virginia Bush
Would have to go with Harry. Perhaps they chose Hariet, but nicknamed her harry?

Useless !!!
Detention Seeker
Madison and looks like I'm the only one paying attention so far Sydney.
First Scott....I love it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is my President.

Active Ink Slinger

Not only presidential but biblical.
Today we hold the Awards Ceremony for the “Guess Her Name Contest”. First the Benediction:
“God created Man and sent Him to the Four Corners of the World. Then She made the World Round. Amen. “

Before the Ceremony we will have dinner. The menu follows:

Salad from Three Mile Island with assorted Fruit (of some kind) from the plains of Chernobyl, Russia.

Two choices of a main course: 1. Mad Cow Steak with DDT Gravy.
2. Fish (actually meat from a Whale species that just became extinct).

Desert will be Cow Pie straight from the farm.

After the hardy meal those needing a stomach pump will please notify their waiter. The pump is covered under Obama Care and you should be getting it, at a substantial cost plus fee and tax of course, in about six months to a year.

Entertainment will be provided by Michael Jackson brought to the stage by Dr. Frankenstein’s; “It’s Alive Tour”.

And now the moment you have all been waiting for, the name of my poor aunt. Her mother named her after one of her uncle’s who in turn was named after a president that her grandmother respected very much. The President of the United States that she was named after was Chester Arthur. Kids called her Chesty or Big Chest or little Chest depending on how mean the kid teasing her was. Sometimes Chest Her or Boobs for short. When she got enough to change her name, she changed it to Kitty. (OK, I hear that! )

(Note: M. C. please read one of the following)

The Winner of the Contest is who now has the right to post “I WIN, I WIN, YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF LOSERS.” Congrats to our lovely winner.

Since there was no winner I get to post ‘YOU ALL LOSE, NAH NAH NAH!!!”

The Envelope Please.

Sorry, there were no winners. So I get to post "YOU ALL LOSE, NAH NAH NAH!!!" I notice that the sweet ladies here are all carrying torches and pitch forks and coming my way, so I shall bid you fare well my sweet ladies.