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going naked in home

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Active Ink Slinger
how does a man get his wife to go naked in their own home. I been trying to get my wife to go naked in our home for 13 years. I hate wearing clothes in our home and want my wife to do same . so please help
Active Ink Slinger
I know you're asking the girls but I suspect my answer will be similar to many girls. And that is, if your wife doesn't want to go naked, then you'll just have to accept her wishes. Sorry it's no help but I would say she needs to be able to feel comfortable in her own home so if she doesn't want to go naked then so be it.

Active Ink Slinger
but after 13 years she has a great body for 63 she has size 40D boobs i'm not saying all the time but maybe like 2-3 times a week
Well, you say you go naked around the house because you hate wearing clothes. Maybe she hates going around naked. Doesn't she have the same right to feel comfortable?
Active Ink Slinger
yes but after 13 years of marriage doesn't someone get tired of seeing their spouse in clothes all the time when you have no kids
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by monainohio
yes but after 13 years of marriage doesn't someone get tired of seeing their spouse in clothes all the time when you have no kids

It's still her decision. If she doesn't feel comfortable to do it, then don't pressure her and leave it be.

Active Ink Slinger
i suspect a different attitude is needed, and accept shes not in to iit, so compromise love her for the things she will do.

(I could be an agony aunt fuck no probs pal x) Jelly xxx
Rainbow Warrior
Is she demure regarding sex too? Maybe she's afraid you'll want sex all the time if she goes naked. Some are just not as comfortable in their skin as others. Don't push it. It sounds like she's given you her answer, and that's every woman's right. Respect her wishes.
Active Ink Slinger
Me and my girl go topless when at home but after a shower we are naked which watching TV
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We've been married almost 8 years. Earlier in our marriage it was kinda a sexual rush when he would see me topless and in tight jeans.

However, sometimes I'll just put on my hat and go out clothes shopping

Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
It' far too cold this far North, to even seriously consider such a thing, and in any case, it's hardly practical for a variety of reasons. Avoiding hypothermia is a prime consideration !
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know the answer but don't push it too hard.
Do you get around naked a lot or does she complain about that if you do?

I know of one married couple whose sex life was apparently satisfactory and she had no problems with nudity in the bedroom, and occasionally would dash from bed to bathroom naked - if the kids were in bed. Eventually the kids left home - that was more than 13 years.
Then she changed and they are now both members of our nudist community. Patience paid off there.
Depends on the mood and if my lover is home. I'd say mostly in a tee and panties lol
Advanced Wordsmith
Ultimately, it's her own decision. Maybe she does most of the chores around the house and feels uncomfortable naked while cooking, cleaning, etc or it's too cold in the house. Be more understanding about her situation and comfort level. Also, you can try compromising, try just underwear. I hate walking around completely nude, but I do wear my panties and bra around (i'm also 40D and going braless is a struggle, lol)

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Penalty of Love

Active Ink Slinger
I use to date a woman that had 48 DD and we would both be naked in her home and if her mom was there she would also her mom had 54 triple F's
Active Ink Slinger
Zoey --- if that is your picture in your profile you are absolutely stunning!

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