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Girls, whats the most romantic thing a partner has ever done for you?

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For me it was a boyfriend proposing on New Years smile
Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out.
Take another shot.
I once mentioned, in the most offhand way, to a lover I worked with, that I adored a piece of music from a kid's show on TV called "The Flaxton Boys".

(I had NO IDEA who it was by and indeed hadn't heard it in more than 30 years...)

I arrived into work the next day and there was a CD taped to my machine.

It was the complete symphony, by Prokofiev, from which the TV theme was taken...

(And I'm a guy, but that's the most romantic thing ANYONE has ever done for me...)

xx SF

(And to this day I ADORE PROKOFIEV!)
My husband has always done very sweet things for me. After I delivered my children both on different occasions. He had the most beautiful jewelry made for me.

After I delivered my son....He gave me a beautiful blue topaz ring. It was stunning.

After my daughter was born he gave me a beautiful tennis bracelet made with both children's topaz and aquamarine stones.

Both pieces were custom made. It was the nicest thing he ever did.

It was so sweet of him to think of. He said after I carried both children for 9 months and both were high risk pregnancies I deserved something extra special.

I was very touched both times.
Oooooo hard one, obviously being proposed to twice by different men, now my exes lol was so sweet and romantic. Ummmm when i got my first boyfriend we would hang out in the summer in fields and just fool around which was always lush. Obviously being bought gifts as surprises. Oh, an ex of mine painted me this jewellery box and that was seriously cute of him, the same guy also got me a leather book which had blank pages in for drawing etc and he had our initials and stuff stamped into it, for some reason I HATED it at first because it's just not my kind of thing but it grew on me... Until we broke up and now it's chucked down somewhere lol. What else um um just random small little gifts are always cute. Also letting off a lantern with my ex and holding eachother whilst it drifted away was sooooo cute and romantic. Lots of things but I can't say there has ever been a massive romantic things that comes to my mind right away.
Everything happens for a reason. Live for the moment and have no regrets.
Once when I was in the hospital this nurse I never met sat by my side every day and wouldn't let anyone give up on me, when I got better we became best friends, and then roommates, then more, the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me is sit by my side and hold my hand even when everyone told them it was pointless.
Quote by tasha4girls
Once when I was in the hospital this nurse I never met sat by my side every day and wouldn't let anyone give up on me, when I got better we became best friends, and then roommates, then more, the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me is sit by my side and hold my hand even when everyone told them it was pointless.

Aww Tasha, I nearly shed a tear reading your words, bless you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that! on the plus side it's wonderful that you met someone so special who helped you through that tough time. X
Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out.
Take another shot.
Nothing romantic in my life has happened, hooked with fricking losers
Bummer Teresa.
Wish I was able to send you some roses.
And maybe just remind the FEW, if ill of us they speak, that WE are all that stand between, The Monsters and the Weak !
Michael Marks