Love the freedom of sleeping nude....always do except to a few days during the month.
Nope. Nothing. And I love it!
Naked most nights.
Sometimes I wear a thong and a tank top
"The Gods that smiled when you were born
are laughing now."
I usually wear a satinish chemise
Sitting at the edge of darkness
normally sleep naked. Sometimes circumstances force me to wear something. Depending on those circumstances it can be anything from a pair of panties or shorts and tank top, to a mens flannel night shirt (now that is a sexy image)
I always sleep naked. The few exceptions would be if I'm in the hospital or sleeping at a vanilla friends house. Then I would wear one of Hubbie's tee shirts and a pair of bikini panties.
Love sleeping naked. Occasionally PJ shorts and maybe a top.

Life is not a rehearsal!! Usually a tee least to start
I always sleep naked. I like feeling the sheets against my skin, or a man.
I always sleep naked. I like feeling the sheets against my skin, or a man.
I feel weird if I have any clothes on at night. I can't sleep at all if that's the case, especially with panties on
Just a t-shirt and panties
I love sleeping nude only way to sleep
I've basically always slept naked since I can remember, so it always feels strange wearing anything in bed..
It is very rare for me to wear anything to bed
No, I actually hate sleeping naked. A satin nightie is the best thing for me, or just a large tee. And panties. Always panties. I could sleep topless, but not pantiless.
Depending on the mood. Sometimes t-shirt/shorts. Sometimes nude loving the feel of the sheets and loving the feel of another body if someone is in my bed. Hmmmm
Depending on the mood. Sometimes t-shirt/shorts. Sometimes nude loving the feel of the sheets and loving the feel of another body if someone is in my bed. Hmmmm
Love Sleeping naked!! There's nothing better than feeling the soft blanket and the warmth from my man against my skin.
Our roomy actually sleepwalked naked the other night lol. Came through and mumbled something then left. She still doesnt believe us.
I love sleeping naked I've done it since I can remember
I usually just wear t-shirt and panties. Sometimes are sex I'll stay naked.