Yes but only the human race
Of course, why wouldn't you?!! You'd be stupid not to - and for me if they have a cool accent then it's a huge turn on
I only date members of the human race
Have I? Yes..would I ? Yes!
When it comes to sex, I'm like a Skittle...I like to taste the rainbow...
I have not read every response in this thread, but the very question is based on racism. I am not saying that the person who asked this is a racist, but anyone who cares what the answer is should take a look at themselves. I did see the answer given by many as 'the human race.' That is an excellent answer. It is humorous, probably the only kind that makes sense. When will we reach a point where this is no longer an issue. Just the fact that we still ask questions like this shows we have a long way to go. Sorry to be ranting but this is an issue that has been personally hurtful.
My race is human. What a Neolithic question.
I date outside of my race. I don't have a prefernce for the color of an individual, physical attraction and chemistry has no racial profile.
I never have and wont now because I am married
I'm not sure who posted this question or who approved the posting but it's racism at it's highest. What next, would you date outside your religion or outside your political views. The list would be endless. Let's at least have a little more dignity than to ask such a question.
Human is good enough for me.
Well... I guess it's a YES. I 'DATE' within the Human Species...
I haven't because I haven't found any non-white guys really that attractive. I'd never say never though.
No, I only date humans. I tried dating my fish when I was 5, but the relationship was short lived because I forgot to feed him..
I once dated a marathon runner when I was a 400 metre hurdler. The relationship soon ran off course.
Seriously though, I married a Scot.... yeah I know!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
I am not sure who posted this but I think many people are only reading it the worst possible way. I believe like many questions on here you are simply being asked your preference in dating with the parameter being race. If we take the question as some here have at the extreme then it could also be considered discrimination based on race for women who only date outside their race because they exclude a race. This would apply to the person who brought up religion, some people do only date within their religion because they want their partner to share the same beliefs. It is a preference like where you choose to discriminate by not eating meat or not eating fish. It's like asking do I date Ohio State fans, no I don't. Just because the topic is race doesn't make it the negative idea of being racist. The sooner everyone and more so the race champions, those who think they have to make everyone date every race and ethnicity, come to looking at race as a simple feature of person like having brown or blue eyes or blonde or red hair the better off the world will be.
Yes.. I've been interracially involved with black men for 20 years now. My black boyfriend and I been living together for a number of years now and I'm very happy with the path I have chosen
I've dated two Hispanic girls here in the university.... I might date more girls outside my race but would never date girls outside my culture.