If you're being flirty with a guy and you two start talking about your hair that's still wet from the shower this morning, you ask the guy to feel your hair, and when he does, he runs his hands through it for a brief few seconds and then grabs a handful and tugs so your head lightly pulls back. He does it in a way to almost test the waters but you feel his desire for you. All of this in public in front of everyone else, but in a conversation just involving you two.
Do you get excited by this? Or is it borderline nothing?
If he is sexy...hell yeah!
It does not sound like a turn on that way. If this is someone I do not know well yet, and if I was flirting in the beginning of things, this would not be cool to just yank my hair (even if I said they could "touch.") It would not be a turn on. I would not "ask" someone I am just starting out flirting with to "feel" my wet hair (not normaly, maybe if there was some particular reason and I was flirting). My hair might be wet and they could comment, maybe they could touch, but even if we were dating, if someone came up out of the blue and tugged at my hair like that, I would wonder, and I would feel that was not okay if I had not expressed that I had some interest in that kind of thing. I do not think that is a good way to find out if someone likes that when it comes to that.
There are some other things that get me excoted, it still depends on the person, but I would not want someone to just do that or like that. That is not erotic to me.
In the heat of passion, for my boyfriend to dig his hands into my hair and pull me toward him, or pull my head back with my hair ~ it is different depending how it is done.
At first I'd be like shocked but honestly thinking about it gets me excited.
Well if I knew the guy well hell yea thats sexy.
But like a random guy at starbucks yanking on my hair well thats a definite hell no lol
So the short answer so far is.. if he's attractive yes, if not no. But then again, this is the consensus when it comes to any kind of flirting lol. Be honest girls.
My husband can do whatever he wants - I'm taffy, buttah! Baby, I'm buttah in his fingers.