Please share the details. Or if it was another woman, that's good, too.
I'm a bit concerned about the 'lifeless' part in the original post......although what a way to go.
I like my men to have the power of speech, to be able to feel and to be alive..... I've yet to have sex with someone who not only was a mute, didn't have any senses but who was also dead.
That is what you meant, right?
Lifeless??? That sounds dead boring...
ba-boom tish!!
Well, I meant you left them completely in both a state of being spent and euphoric bliss. When I posted this, I thought to myself dd will be answering this.Thjjesna5yn2jW58
Is there any other way to do it? If my partner isn't absolutely exhausted and dizzy when I'm done with them, then I'm letting my "A" game slip.
I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...
But Dear, I thought for sure you would REMEMBER!!
If you ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.................Frank Lloyd Wright
I always practice obedience, when it's in my best interest.
Yes, I have. He actually could not get up from the bed he was so drained. he just laid there and smiled, LOL!!
I have had it done to me too, but only once by a guy. Just to be laying there in a total state of bliss is the most amazing feeling you could ever have.
And if lifeless, part of the fun is to bring it back to life, LOL!!
Well ........... put it this way, sleep comes easy to them afterwards !
Why did I read this and think of necrophillia?
No. there was a definite communication problem.
To turn the tables, I showed this woman how to find her G Spot. She then decided that that was so much fun, she wanted to then find her H-Z spots. I actually had to carry her to the bathroom for the shower, Her legs were trembling so much that they were useless for transporting her anywhere, Then there was the fact that she could only speak in tongues. She later told me that she was almost afraid to have a rematch. The weird thing about it was, the entire encounter was 100% foreplay. My dick was purely a spectator.