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Ever blurt something funny during sex?

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Hi ladies... I am curious if any of you have ever blurted out something funny or just plain wacky while having sex?

Can you remember what you said? How did your lover react? Were you embarrassed or did you laugh?
Active Ink Slinger
Well I said something really silly and stupid once. We had been shopping and he knew I really wanted this Prada bag. Anyways it was pretty expensive and he didn't buy it. That night he gave me the most incredible fucking orgasm and as I came I said something like "OH don't need to buy me that bag. Just DO THAT again!!" He laughed so hard. I giggled and blushed when I realised how stupid I sounded. Anyways he was so sweet he bought me the bag the following week. I still have it and I have the memory too.
Quote by VirginalViet
Well I said something really silly and stupid once. We had been shopping and he knew I really wanted this Prada bag. Anyways it was pretty expensive and he didn't buy it. That night he gave me the most incredible fucking orgasm and as I came I said something like "OH don't need to buy me that bag. Just DO THAT again!!" He laughed so hard. I giggled and blushed when I realised how stupid I sounded. Anyways he was so sweet he bought me the bag the following week. I still have it and I have the memory too.

That is funny - thanks for sharing - it is a nice opposite of stories you hear about where the women asks the guy for something as he is almost going to cum - the thought being he'll agree to pretty much anything at that point lol.

I like your experience much more smile and it is really cool I still got the bag for you.
Not during sex, but recently i was messing around with this guy and he asked, "what's on your mind?" and i responded, "that damn song by Iggy is stuck in my head" …… yeah i know i'm AWESOME at keeping the mood going
Head Nurse
I was married and had been for sometime. We were in the bedroom fooling around on a saturday afternoon, taking advantage of a childless moment. Just as I started to approach my orgasm, I heard my brother's truck in the driveway returning with my kids. I blurted out, "Oh (insert brothers name here, instead of husband's name as I intended)." I never did live that down. Thankfully, he also never told anyone else
Active Ink Slinger
Well, I don't remember myself something blurting out, but what happened once, we were in bed making love, and suddenly my stomach made a rumbling sound, as I had not eaten since that afternoon due to some or the other reason. He felt it, and I was obviously embarrassed.
He later teased me for this while we had our dinner.
We say silly stuff all the time. We have actually had to stop sometimes to stop laughing. I remember one time, we were watching porn and fucking and this one scene came on and the woman in the porn let out this obnoxious, forced and fake screetch. Both of us chuckled when she did it because it was so rediculous. A moment later, out of nnowhere, my boyfriend decides it would be funny toimitate the annoying screetch. So, he did - with a completely straight face like the girl in the porn. I almost died laughing and so did he. It killed to mood but, it was worth it for the good laugh.

I saw a quote before that said "If youve never had a good laugh during sex, you're having sex with the wrong person." I completely agree.
A while back I was involved with a guy who kept calling me by his ex-wife's name when we were making love. At first it was funny, but its probably why the relationship floundered
There was one occasion where my ex and I were having sex. As he was thrusting it kept making those fart noises lol. He proceeded to tell me "Damn, and you give me shit for my bad gas" We both laughed for a good minute.
Active Ink Slinger
Once back when I was in the USAF, I was driving my now ex wild with my energetic, enthusiastic, porn-star-like thrusting. She looked at me and from the depths of her passion said, "Is an ensign the same as a lieutenant?"
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by misswitch13
We say silly stuff all the time. We have actually had to stop sometimes to stop laughing. I remember one time, we were watching porn and fucking and this one scene came on and the woman in the porn let out this obnoxious, forced and fake screetch. Both of us chuckled when she did it because it was so rediculous. A moment later, out of nnowhere, my boyfriend decides it would be funny toimitate the annoying screetch. So, he did - with a completely straight face like the girl in the porn. I almost died laughing and so did he. It killed to mood but, it was worth it for the good laugh.

I saw a quote before that said "If youve never had a good laugh during sex, you're having sex with the wrong person." I completely agree.

I like that story, amazing how people can make jokes at strange times haha!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BradCarpenter
Once back when I was in the USAF, I was driving my now ex wild with my energetic, enthusiastic, porn-star-like thrusting. She looked at me and from the depths of her passion said, "Is an ensign the same as a lieutenant?"

This isn't exactly blurting something out, except for the expletive it triggered.
Same general time frame, same ex, even greater passion. We didn't hear or see the dog jump up on the bed. The first we knew he was there was when he greeted me like he would another dog. Damn, his nose was cold.