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Erotic Jobs

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Have you ever worked in the adult entertainment world? Dancer, escort, nude model, or just a web girl. Or, what is the most erotic job you have ever had?
I have never worked any type of adult entertainment job, but I did enter an amateur Nude dance contest once with a girlfriend once. We won 2nd prize and actually made a lot in tips too. It was a very hot experience. I would love to do it again someday.
i was i web cam girl a year agoand it was alot of fun
Quote by Nikki703
I have never worked any type of adult entertainment job, but I did enter an amateur Nude dance contest once with a girlfriend once. We won 2nd prize and actually made a lot in tips too. It was a very hot experience. I would love to do it again someday.

I think I gave Nikki a $20 that night!
I work at a prison for men... No matter what I wear or do it is a sexual thing for them. they fight to be near me, smell me and sneak a accidental bump and cop a feel of me... there are days I hate it and then there are days that I get in a twist from all the things they say or do for me...I love the attention!

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Quote by Buz
Quote by Nikki703
I have never worked any type of adult entertainment job, but I did enter an amateur Nude dance contest once with a girlfriend once. We won 2nd prize and actually made a lot in tips too. It was a very hot experience. I would love to do it again someday.

I think I gave Nikki a $20 that night!

A $20? Thanks!!! Did I Have To Do Anything Special For It? LOL!!!
Quote by wetpussylicker
i was i web cam girl a year agoand it was alot of fun

now THAT i believe! (if you really are a girl)
I was a Nude Dancer in my college days and the money was good and met some jerks, but some really nice guys too.

Many Dancers say they never worked as an escort too. That was not true in my case and most the girls I knew did go out with special generous clients.

Also posed for nudes, just nude, not porn!

So I guess I have done most of it.
Does, Writing Erotic Fiction Count? lol
I was a porn store clerk in college, and I also dabbled in some local amateur photography. The nudie pics gave me so much more confidence, that I would never take it back!
Quote by redhotmommacita
I work at a prison for men... No matter what I wear or do it is a sexual thing for them. they fight to be near me, smell me and sneak a accidental bump and cop a feel of me... there are days I hate it and then there are days that I get in a twist from all the things they say or do for me...I love the attention!

I too was a prison officer in male establishments for about 10 years but I never warmed to any of the advances.
Strictly off limits as far as I was concerned.
Quote by PussyGalour
Quote by redhotmommacita
I work at a prison for men... No matter what I wear or do it is a sexual thing for them. they fight to be near me, smell me and sneak a accidental bump and cop a feel of me... there are days I hate it and then there are days that I get in a twist from all the things they say or do for me...I love the attention!

I too was a prison officer in male establishments for about 10 years but I never warmed to any of the advances.
Strictly off limits as far as I was concerned.

I did work as a barmaid when I hit 18 and that certainly had it's advantages with regards to playing with/teasing men when they came in for a pint.
An awfully longtime ago in my youth. I used to read a few stories to several people who had extreamly poor or partial sight
to see and smell the effect i had on them at different times was so amazing.
I had a gig through university as a club/bar promotions-girl where you're at club events promoting things like certain brands of alcohol or cigarettes, dressed in skimpy/slutty themed outfits and flirting with the customers and taking pics with them.

It wasn't particularly erotic to me - but I guess it sort of qualifies.
That's a secret. ;)
Quote by LeahLidocaine
I was a porn store clerk in college, and I also dabbled in some local amateur photography. The nudie pics gave me so much more confidence, that I would never take it back!

I worked at a video store with a porn section. Does that count? I've posed nude for artists. At least they said they were artists. They didn't know much about art, but they knew what they liked.
I was a driver for a video and magazine porno factory. So much fun.
I done naked modeling in university for an art class a few times, made me so wet which was really embarrassing but gave me a lot more confidence.
We have done promotions and coordinated special events for the Adult Video News show in Las Vegas several years.


I was a part of a wet t-shirt contest at a new years party once at a club so pretty public.
I teach pole dancing but it's for fitness stuff. I have had photoshoots for lingerie before, but i was the photographer
There is a girl that is good friends with my wife and I that worked as a stripper and escort to pay for her way through college. She was like our most extreme wild friend. During the summers she'd go to Miami and work, coming back with enough cash to pay her college and living expenses for several months. She is now an attorney and married to an attorney. (Attorney = barrister for you Brits.)
Quote by Dudealicious

What would that be in Canada then? A lawyer?

I think an attorney or barrister would be a moose jockey in Canada.
I work at various renaissance festivals around the country. Since I dress in low cut shirts wearing corsets that make my tits very prominent, I get many many comments/pictures. I laugh & say my boobs are on other peoples FB pages more than my own! Its not really erotic to me, but to many, many men & some very drunk girls it is.
idk if either of these would count as erotic, but i was a Hooter's waitress very briefly after high school & more recently i worked at a video game store... yeah i know that last one doesn't sound even remotely erotic, but if you would've seen the reaction i'd get from my co-workers & customers you'd understand why i mentioned it haha

♥ J
I wish I had the nerve to striptease in front of a roomful of guys! Horny or just sad?