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Embarrassing Sexual Experiences .....

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For me, it was my first time, lasted 5 maybe 10 seconds before you know! didn't no what to do with myself! so embarrassed!
Advanced Wordsmith
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The dreaded fanny fart....not so much in itself but am frequently unable to continue due to laughing hysterically.
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Some do, Some don't

Love blindsides us all.
I dont ive ever done anything that embarrassing but my (then) boyfriend lasted less than a second once, not even kidding! To be fair though, it had been 6 months since we had seen each other and he was drunk so i guess i can let him off
Active Ink Slinger
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In high school, camping with a few other couples. My bf and I were going at it fast and furious doggy style - and my pussy began letting out some enormous and loud queefs. I knew that the other couples were also in the middle of their fun in their tents, but these, on top of the normal sounds of sex, were very loud, and wet sounding. We heard chuckles and giggles from the tents nearby, and an "Oh my God, Erin!" from one. Embarrassing.

Smut-slinging slut

I was young, exploring my body, on the couch in the living room, very, very close to orgasm, while watching Star Trek TNG. I sort of had a thing for Captain Picard and Beverly Crusher. My mother walks in, stops, smiles, and says, "I'm more a Riker fan," and walks out.
I was mortified! On the plus side, the very next day I received my first vibrator and "a talk," which consisted of instructions on how to use it. I think that was even more embarrassing.

Am I a good witch, or a bad witch? History will decide
Advanced Wordsmith
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When I was a freshman in college, and still young and naive, I was lusting over a football player that was in a few of my classes.

I finally got close to him one night at a frat party and we went up to one of the bedrooms and started making out.

I remember I was wearing this little blue jean mini skirt and a tight cropped t-shirt.

His hands were all over me and at one point up under my skirt fingering me.

I was pretty excited and getting lost in the moment and I remember he stopped kissing me and asked, "Do you suck?"

I remember feeling so excited, but nervous, as I said, "Yes".

He stood up beside the bed and I was shaking as I watched him open his jeans and pushed them down to his thighs.

At the time, he was the biggest I'd ever seen, but in hindsight he was probably only 6 or 7 inches.

He stood there, proudly waving it at me as he said, "So… get down on your knees and show me".

I was so nervous, I had done it lots of times with boyfriends before, but it just seemed like it was happening so fast.

I got down in front of him, took him in my hand, wrapped my lips around him, and started sucking as I stroked him.

After about a minute, I pulled back and looked up at him as I heard him say, "Take your top off, and your bra, I want to look at your tits while you do it.

I was a little hesitant, but I slipped my t-shirt up over my head, followed by my bra, and laid them on the bed.

He reached down and groped me as I took him back in my mouth.

Then he moved his hands into my hair and started moving my head on him.

I put my hands on his thighs to try and steady myself as he used my mouth, and he made me gag a few times.

I could tell he was getting close to cumming, and I was fully prepared to swallow him, thinking it was going to happen any second.

But when he finally came, he jerked my head back with one hand by my hair, and stroked himself with his other hand in front of my face, cumming all over my face, lips, and cheek.

That's when he stepped back and through his fists up in the air like he just scored a touchdown.

What happened next was the most embarrassing sexual thing I've experienced.

I heard an eruption of cheers behind me!

Startled by the noise, I turned and saw about eight of the football players standing in the room cheering.

There was loud music pumping from downstairs and I hadn't heard them come in behind me as I was going down on this guy.

They were all laughing, pointing at me, and clapping as I was on my knees, topless, with this guys cum all over my face.

I remember this incredible rush of embarrassment flushing through my body and I felt like I was going to burst into tears as I turned and I wiped my face off with the blanket on the bed and grabbed my t-shirt, frantically trying to pull it over my head and cover myself.

Once I had my t-shirt on, I pushed myself up, gave the guy a dirty look, and then turned and ran out of the room, pushing my way through the guys standing at the door.

I remember hearing them say things like, "Come on, don't be mad… Don't go… it's okay… it was just a joke".

 The next day I found out it was some kind of hazing challenge that he had to do.

He tried to apologize to me later, and said it was just a joke, but I told him that it wasn't funny and I couldn't forgive him. 

Surprisingly, they all kept quiet about it. I assume because they knew they'd get in a lot of trouble if someone found out what they were doing. And none of the girls would say anything because they didn't want anyone to know what happened, so it was just left at that.

Thinking back on it now, I'm like, "Thank God that was before cell phones and social media."

I can only imagine what kind of stuff gets videoed nowadays in college.