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Eli Manning or Tom Brady?

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Just a little Super Bowl fun. If you could have either one which would you have and why?

Ugh! I can't STAND Tom Brady! That's just my opinion smile
TB is way hotter then EM. (my wife made me say that, btw, and yes, she does check!)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'll take Tom Brady too... If he's good enough for Gisele, he's good enough for me...
eli manning. i'm kind of a giants fan so that's a given lol
Even though Im a Giants fan, Id Fuck Tom Brady. I Love Eli but he is kinda dorky. But the Giants will win the Super Bowl 34- 21!!
The second one (Tom Brady?). He just looks more rugged
Quote by Nikki703
Even though Im a Giants fan, Id Fuck Tom Brady. I Love Eli but he is kinda dorky. But the Giants will win the Super Bowl 34- 21!!

The way I read this, was so funny. I can just imagine you saying the last line.
Tom Brady because he s FINE!!!!
Where is the "I have no idea who these people are" option?
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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I'm a Peyton Manning girl!!!

Not into football .. but the second one biggrin Whatever his name is .. lol
Why are most pretty boys like Tom Brady such selfish lovers? I hate having to share mirror time with a guy who thinks he is as pretty as me. I'll take a sweet Eli Manning any day, even though he's not good looking, he is a native New Orleans, and those guys usually know how to make love to a woman.
Quote by winky

I second this motion.
Tom Brady for me
doing my best to be good..
Neither really do it for me
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
Sorry, neither for me.. I'd do myself instead. Pass on both...