Girls have you ever dyed your pubic hair to an unnatural color such as blue, purple, apple green or some other color ? If so what color?
I'm guilty of poor judgment in this regard!! It would be easier to list the colors I haven't tried... but I can't really think of any right now.
For 95% of the time I've had pubes, I've shaved them all off. Never dyed them.
My wife does this sometimes to her trimmie. Hey! Changing things up is lots of fun.
Waxing or shaving to different trimmie designs is way cool, too!
Spice it up!
Absolutely NOT. Never have dyed anything.
Never really had any pubes,if I did not sure if I would dye them. I have dyed my hair various colors for Halloween and other events!
Finally, one I can say "NOT GUILTY"
It has never even tempted me
I went blue once for a giggle. Felt all Sci-Fi.