It happened a few minutes ago. My wife and I have been together for 12 years, and this has never happened...and we have a pretty active sex life. It wasn't a lot, but at first I thought she had just peed, but it was a lot thicker than that. On one hand, that was awesome, on the other hand, a little gross, but only a little.
How many of you ladies experience this? Is it a regular occurrence? Is your partner grossed out at all by it?
Isn't this like the 10th do-you-squirt, how-many-of-you-squirt-, how-do-you-squirt post in as many weeks or does it just feel like it?
Women squirt, it's not a myth, search the forums, that'll fill you in, failing that, the wider internet is your friend. But dude, that sounds pretty cool, whatever you did, uf se enjoyed it, you did something right. Do it again, I dare you! it's not something I'd be grossed out about, but I, like most men, love to see a woman squirting.